3. Overprotected

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Aisha's P.O.V.

Some time later, the plane lands in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and I honestly can't believe it because I've always wanted to come visit there!

It never ceizes to amaze me how even when I don't think Marshall pays attention to what I'm saying when I talk, he always does anyway, and now he's taking me to like my dream vacation.

Of course, because of how high profile we both are, him especially, it's not like we can just roam the streets of this city freely, but Marshall has apparently bought out this whole huge resort for us, with the most beautiful view of the beach and everything, and he also says that at some point we going to go into the city as well, he says we will find a way.

And I honestly feel so happy because he really did surprise me with this.

And the next few days, all we do is just have fun and I feel like we both really needed it. It feels so good to just get away from any and everybody for once.

I do at some point check my voice-mail though, right before we both are about to go to bed, and I see that my manager had left me a voice mail saying that apparently this movie company has reached out to him and they want me to audition for a movie role, which surprises the hell out of me, because I'm a singer, not an actress, but I'm still super excited for this!!

"Hey babe, guess what," I say softly, climbing into bed with Marshall in our huge hotel suit after taking my shower.

"What is it, baby?" He asks sleepily. He looks like of exasusted from all of the activities we had partook in earlier today and I think it's the cutest thing ever. My poor baby is tired...

"Tony called and he told me some movie company wants me to audition for them next time I'm in LA. For whatever reason they think I'd be perfect for this movie role!"

"Oh shit yo, for real baby? What movie?" Marshall asks lazily, wrapping one of his arms around my waist as he pulls me closer to him.

"I don't know, some horror movie," I shrug. "They want me to play a vampire or something. Sounds kind of interesting."

"Well shit Aisha, it sounds fitting then too. Cause you for sure suck all of the life out of me sometimes," he jokes with this deadpan expression on his face and I punch him hard in his ribs with my elbow.

"Aw!! That hurt yo, see what I'm saying!!" He exclaims jokingly then pulls me back to him again, kissing my forehead. "I'm only kidding, Aisha, ya know that. Anyway, I'm happy for you baby. You sure you wanna do that though?"

"I mean, I guess so... kind of. I've never thought about acting before so it really surprised me to be approached about it all of a sudden, but I'm still like super excited. Hey, you've acted before. How was it like?"

"Yo, to be real with you baby, I ain't fucking enjoyed it too much, and you already know that's where my fucking addiction problems really started. I had felt like I was trapped on that movie set the whole time," Marshall sighs but then squeezes my hand reassuringly. "But then, you are like a completely opposite person from me, Aisha. You might enjoy it and imma be in your corner regardless."

"I hear you," I bite my lip softly looking up at him from under my lashes. "Do you think I should go for it then, or not?"

"I can't tell you that shit, Aisha. Cause like I said, it might be a totally different experience for you than it was for me."

"Okay," I smile, still kind of contemplating. "I guess I'll figure it all out once we do get back then."

"In the meantime," my husband now smirks at me and he starts untying the strings of my bathrobe, climbing on top of me and pulling me underneath him.

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