30. Cutting Ties

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Marshall's P.O.V.

"So, you good? You ready to leave here then?" I ask Aisha, who softly nods after the botb of us have gotten dressed.

"I'm ready, just please take me home, Marshall," she whispers.

I pull her towards me as she softly bites her lip. I grasp at her chin and use my fingers to pull her lower lip from between her teeth before I kiss her.

"I love you so much. Aight, let's go."

Grabbing her hand, we walk out of the hotel room and take the elevator downstairs, getting into the back of my car where Sienna is sitting playing some typa game on my bodyguard's phone.

She glances up once she sees Aisha and I get in the car.

"Are we about to go back home now, daddy?" My daughter asks me.

I look at Aisha who softly nods.

"We sure are, baby girl," I smirk.

"Oh, thank God!!" My little girl then groans, causing both myself and Aisha to chuckle, until that pretty ass smile suddenly dies on my wife's face.

"Daddy," she mouths quietly, her gaze fixed on something behind me, so I look back.

Noticing that motherfucker Suge Knight sat in a car parked across from us like a stalker.

For fuck's sake, yo.

"I'm so sorry, Marshall. But I did call him and asked him to come get me and Sienna before," Aisha says regretfully.

"But then he had made mommy so upset, dad," Sienna says, rolling her eyes, looking just like her mom a.

"It's all good, baby," I grumble, slowly pulling my wife to me and kissing her lips, hearing our daughter to complain loudly about my actions.

"Ew," Sienna let's out.

"I'll be right back, aight?" I then announce, stepping out of the Escalade, I make my way over to Suge's car, opening the passenger side door and getting inside.

Instantly getting greeted by a strong gust of cigar smoke.

"Suge, you can go back home to LA now," I shrug. "Cause me and my wife, we good, you know what I'm saying?"

"Your wife, Shady? You mean, my daughter whom you keep constantly mistreating, cracker?" Suge Knight then askes me sternly, and I shrug, feeling my jaw clench involuntarily.

"I would never mistreat Aisha, yo. You should know that by now," I state.

"No? Is that why she had called me the other night crying?" He asks me them triumphantly, and I ain't even gon front, I wish that Aisha hadn't done that, hurt my pride like a motherfucker, but it is what it is.

"Fuck she say to you exactly, Suge? Fuck she say I did?" I ask him curiously, staring him down.

Suge Knight scoffs, letting out some more cigar smoke to seep out from his mouth.

"That's exactly the thing, Shady. She won't tell me anything. She won't betray you and say exactly what it was that you did to have scared her so. But I'm allowed to speculate. So imma just ask you right now, cracker. Have you hit her?" He leans closer to me, looming over me in a way that is supposed to be menacing.

I have to smirk at that one.

"Nah, Suge, you know better than that," I shake my head. "Cause I would NEVER lay a hand on that girl in that way. Love her too much for that."

"What did you do then, Shady, huh?"

"Frankly, it ain't even ya business, Suge. Cause frankly, whatever me and my wife ever go through together, it's strictly between me and her. And imma need you to stop intervening, you know what I'm saying?"

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