27. Angst

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Marshall's P.O.V.

Pacing across mine and my girl's bedroom, after she done walked out on me, I can barely contain myself. My sadness quickly turns into misguided rage and I grab the first thing I could get my hands on, the lamp from Aisha's bedside table and throw it at the wall.

After that, it all goes downhill. I fuck up the whole place, pinching at walls with my fists.

I ain't flipped out like this in years, but right now I don't even care how crazy that makes me look or feel. Crazy is better than hurt.

I can't believe Aisha left me again man, and she took our daughter with her too, like what the actual fuck?! And I had LET her walk out too. How is it that I let her walk out on me just like that, yo?!

But then, don't even get me started on WHY she had walked out on me too. Let me get this straight, the shit that she actually should be mad at me for, leaving her alone that night to be attacked by those dudes, THAT ain't what she's angry with me for. But the fact that I have done something to avenge her, that upset her?!

Females. Their logic is all completely ass backwards, I swear. Or maybe it's just Aisha.

That's how I'm trying to think, anyway. I want to be angry with her for this.

But in the end, I just feel scared like a little bitch that now I've actually done it. She hates me.

Or at the very least, she's fucking scared of me.

And I honestly don't know which one is worse, yo.

I sit on the floor of the completely wrecked room and stare at my bloodied and bruised knuckles. And I know I fucked up. I feel like crying then, just like a bitch or some shit. And I also miss Proof. Doody was my voice of reason, he would know how I could possibly fix this shit exactly, only he ain't here, and i don't got the slighest idea on how exactly to fic this mess, I truly

I try to think what would Proof tell me to do in this situation. He would probably say give her space, leave her alone for now.

So I guess that's what imma do.

I don't regret it though. What I did to those guys, how I had hired somebody to deal with them, put a hit out on them. I have no apologies for that, and I would gladly do it over again.

But I do regret hurting Aisha in the process. The way she looked at me man, I swear the fact that I did that shit hurt her a lot more than the fact that I've left her all alone in New York that night to go babysit Kim. As little sense as that makes.

Fuck, I'm such a jackass!!

I bury my face in my hands and fall asleep just like that.

The next morning, I keep searching for both Aisha and my kid everywhere, but am not able to locate neither one of them.

Aisha is a smart girl for sure, even if she sometimes moves like she's naive as fuck. She knew how to cover up her tracks and become ghost. Legit no traces of her nowhere, not even in the media, she's managed to avoid them vultures somehow..

Another day passes quick but torturous slow at the same time.

I don't know what else to do with myself, so I just bury myself in work, creating more music, the same way a damn ostridge would bury it's damn head in the sand.

I wanna call Aisha, just to make sure she's alright, but I force myself not to. I wanna give her space, even as this other side of me legit wants to smothes the fuck out of her.

But force myself to channel all my frustrations into writing this new songs for the album, rhymes jumping at me so quick I can hardly find the time to write them down.

I wanna feel sorry for myself, but I know I ain't got no right to. I can only imagine how she must be feeling at this point.

Even if a huge part of me is so angry with her for getting pissed at me for all the wrong reason, cause since when a man looking after his family is considered to be something to be scared of for real?!

Nah, fuck dat!!

A few hours later, my phone rings and I instantly recognize my wife's number, Aisha finally calling me after over a whole week.

"Yo," I reply as nonchalantly as I can.

Only to hear my baby girl, Sienna's small voice at the other end of the line.

"Daddy, where are youuuuu??" My daughter cries softly at the other end of the line.

"Sienna, what..." I start to say.

"Dad, you need to come and get us. Like for real," my kid states now, sounding so goddamn serious. "Cause mommy, she hasn't been the same since that day she made me and her leave you. She cries every day, and she like... had this huge fight with this man that calls myself my grandpa the other day."

My baby daughter's voice coming out hushed and she's rushing to get the words out.

I get what she's currently stating to me perfectly correct however, and my blood boil instantly.

"A man that calls him to be your grandfather, baby doll, what do you mean by that?" I calmly all Sienna, even of I already know.

Aisha has had Suge around my seed, how could she do that?!

Especially after all that's cocksucker dine did to both of us before?!

"Um... yes, dad. Mommy introduced me to him, then the man has did that he was my grandpa. He had like this huge cigarette thing he kept puffing on, if made me and mommy cough."

"And then what's happened, honey?" I calmly question Sienna even if my voice is legit emotionless at this point.

"Um... I don't really know, daddy. But mommy was crying a lot. And this other man, he was angry about it. Then, eventually, mommy had kicked him out, after they've had like had this huge fight. I don't really know what's about. And mommy's been crying ever since, and i like stole her phone!! I know thay that'sso wrong of me, and I've been horrible, snooping through mom's things and all, but daddy, I miss you so much, and mommy does to . So like... can't you come over here. Can't you make it all right again?" My daughter then asks me with such innocence at the other end of the line.

If only she knew...

"Where are you all currently at, sweetheart?" I ask Sienna, who then proceeds to stumble over her words as she reads the address of hers and her mommas current address to me from somewhere.

"Aight, cool. Don't you cry, honey, cause imma be there in no time, trust. But don't tell mommy I'm coming over to I ugh, yeah? Cause I want it to be a surprise."

"Okay, dad."


If you had read the original version of this chapter, then y'all obviously pipped on now different this ending is from the original one's. Te-readung this whole sequel back, it just didn't make sense to me how things had progressed, so I'm going to be changing quite a few things from this point on

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