32. I'm Not Going Nowhere

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Aisha's P.O.V.

"So, are you ready, boy?" I ask my husband, looking directly into his eyes dramatically.

Marshall shrugs.

"Yo, I was born ready, baby girl. So just go at it. You the one that wants to make this thing happen after all. But I'm here for you," he reminds me then with a small wink.

So I sigh deeply, looking down at the sheets containing the actual script for that Romeo Must Die movie, the studio had sent for me.

Then, I start reading my lines, then Marshall reads the lines that this other character in the movie that's supposed to be my love interest throws right back at me.

Trish: (Han has just sneaked into her room) Are you out of your mind? What are you doing here?

I read the lines all dramatic like from the script.

Marshall then smirks and reads the lines of my love interest in this movie, Han, right back to me.

Han Sing: :I missed you."

And he says it so simple and so sincere too. Something about the nonchalant tone of his voice truly bringing something in me, like some long lost memory.

Trish: "You missed me? I'm gonna miss YOU when my father finds out you're here."

Marshall just shrugs then, putting the script away.

"I don't know, baby. It seems to me like that Han dude is a real G for real," he says to me, referring to the character on the movie that Jet Li is slated to play.

I laugh nervously.

"Marshall, that guy is literally like... reckless!! He KNOWS that Trish's daddy don't like him, not at all. Especially in regards to him spending time with his precious daughter!"

Marshall starts straight up laughing at that.

"Oh shit! Fuck. You ain't lie to me, Aisha, cause this shit here, it for true is some meta type of shit, you know what I'm saying?" He says to me.

"Um... something like that, I guess," I then roll my eyes.

"Well, holy shit! Aight then," Marshall then continues to read the script to me, helping me practice for my audition.

Trish: "So Akbar, tell me, is it true what they say about Hong Kong?"

Han: "What's that?"

Trish: "You know, all you guys do Kung Fu?"

Han: "Of course. State Law."

Marshall reads all of that to me, and then I read my response lines to me from this movie I was sent to do a script for, calling Romeo Must Die.

Then we go over the whole script.

And we sort of laugh the whole time. Everything about this story, this like, Romeo & Juliet type of a script, and how the main girl's father would originally be against it, it was quite literally like... well... us.

So both me and my husband, we had felt a certain way about this.

And at the end of it all, we had both prevailed too.

We are together still, no matter what.

And I love him, and he loves me.

Nothing else matters.

And I love how supportive he is of me. Even if a little jealous too.

This man literally went through this whole script, talking about there better not be a sex scene in there, which there wasn't.

Actually, the script didn't call for that Han character and myself to as much as even kiss. The closest we would ever get to each other was like this dance floor scene where I playfully teach him how to dance hip-hop, all in order to have my "father's" people in the movie to notice us.

Stuff was crazy, and honestly?? In a lot of ways, it had triggered so many memories for me.

And at the end of it all, I had accepted the job. Just as the movie studio had called me and told me that I was being casted as Trish O'Day as well.

So now, I have like the rest of my vacation with my husband and daughter to finish up here in Brazil, bit once I come back to Detroit and real life, I would have to be flying out straight to LA and start filming my scenes. Which I've got absolutely no trouble with.

"Mommy, daddy, I had a bad dream!!" Our miracle baby, Sienna, announces as she runs into Marshall's and mine bedroom crying.

"Oh man, what's happened, baby girl, what'd you dream about?"

"Just some scary stuff, dad!!" Sienna exclaims, then she looks briefly at me, and I immediately take her into my arms, planting kisses on her cheeks and hairline. "I was... I saw mommy dying!! I saw you die, mommy!! In this like... plane crash or something," our miracle baby whispers, then she starts crying.

Marshall and I both look at each other.

I feel completely lost.

While in my husband's blue eyes, a brief panicked expression flushes, then he pulls it together and he looks calm again.

"Baby girl... Sienna, that's all it was though, just some dream," he says to our daughter, gently taking her out of my arms and kissing the top of her head. "And it would never become a reality neither. Never. Cause dad won't let it happen, aight? So rest assured, Sienna. Mommy is safe."

As he says the words though, it's ME that he's looking directly at, and I just nod at him.

Marshall then extends his hand to me, and as I take it, he pulls me into him, our bodies being separated by the presence of our daughter only, and he kisses my lips gently while cupping my jaw in his hand, the movements of his fingers just a tad bit rough.

His eyes slightly panicked, simply because I know by now how this man is. He doesn't like to show it, but he's slightly superstitious.

And what our girl has said to him just now, it must've made him feel a type of way, because like... he'll, even me, I did feel slightly scared for a moment or two. It had sounded almost like a premonition or something, but then I had remembered that Sienna is only a child, and kids can sometimes dream about both some amazing things and some truly horrible things.

"It's going to be alright, Si," I assure my daughter, while my husband holds her in his arms. "I'm not going anywhere ever again," I then look at Marshall who nods.


Another very short filler chapter that wasn't even in the original version of this book...

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