37. Renegade (The Last Chapter)

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So, if you are a first time reader of this book (which most likely you are, because who in their right mind would read this crap twice lmaoooo) then you would be somewhat shocked to find out that this chapter of it is actually the last one. I had forgotten to warn y'all about that in the previous chapter, but yeah, the book is ending after this one...


Aisha's P.O.V.

One year later

Standing in the crowd in the front row, I almost blend in as I watch my husband performing on stage with Jay-Z.

Marshall has come a long way since almost dying overdosing on drugs (something I've just recently remembered) and his music career being seemingly in shambles, to this.

I haven't done too bad for myself, bouncing back from my memory loss.

I've started recording music again, and I did that Romeo Must Die movie with Jet Li.

And after the song ends, I am supposed to get snuck up on stage and Marshall and I are going to do the song Stan together, then he'll leave and I'll sing some of my own songs.

Which is something that I still to this day freak out about.

Singing in front of people that is.

Marshall always encourages me though.

Yesterday, I had remembered yet something else from our past. Something he used to say to me. It might not seem like a very important piece of information to some, but it had made my heart melt in the weirdest way.

"Wait, Marshall, are you saying to me that if I like, freeze on stage then you'll take down your pants and show everybody your bare ass? Is that what you were going to say, boy?"

"Why yes, Aisha. That's exactly what I was gonna do too. And I'll do that any time for you, baby. You already know it."

"Always so romantic," I rolled my eyes at him.

Now, it has taken a whole year for me to remember weird stuff like this.

A whole year of us reuniting and licking our wounds.

A lot has happened during this time.

My daddy had gone from one extreme to another. Apparently, he's finally accepted Marshall and I being together, so now, instead of trying to kill my husband, he kept trying to change him instead. Mold Marshall to more of a standard that what HE believed my man should be like. Make Marshall more... refined like, or whichever word he used for it, my father wanted to try and get all of the ghetto out of my man.

Obviously, that wasn't going to work, like at all. Simply because Marshall would never allow anybody to change him. That boy is too proud and too set in his own ways for all that. And thank God for that, because I happen to love him just how he is. Annoying and uncouth and all.

The war with the Cuban Mafia guys had gone on for a few months.

Until Marshall and my father had managed to eliminate every single one of them, which is still something I'm not happy about, but there wasn't anything I could do. These two, they won't listen to me, and this was like literally the only thing they've ever united with each other for. And apparently they were both equally obsessed with eliminating whatever they had perceived as a threat to me.

And I hate this!! I hate so much for people to die on my behalf, but neither Marshall nor my daddy would budge on it, so at the end of the day, it was done.

And I had tried, and I had tried to be angry and distance myself from them both, but at the end of the day, I simply couldn't stay away from Marshall for too long, I was never strong enough to do that. Because I love him.

And then my father...

At the end of it all, I forgave him too.

Because I love him also, and he's still my daddy, no matter what, even after that confession he's made to me about not actually being related to me, at the end of the day, I'm still Suge Knight's daughter.

And Sienna actually likes her grandaddy too. Which honestly drives Marshall and even myself crazy in a way and makes us uneasy. Because like... my father, I still don't trust him, even if I do love him, and I don't think I ever would have full faith in him, especially with the certain things I remember about him from time to time. My father clearly has issues, and honestly, I don't think he would ever change. Not fully anyway.

And I do still love him, he's still the only dad figure that I've ever known. But I do think it's best I keep my distance from him. That's just the way that it has to be, because I just can't help the thought that he is always out there plotting something...

And at the end of the day, no matter what, I would always choose Marshall, and my daddy knows it too, deep down inside.

I look at my husband from under the stage as he sort of smirks at me. Can't be smiling too much in public, not being Eminem and all.

Because Eminem doesn't smile.

Everybody knows that.

Eminem doesn't smile, doesn't laugh, he always looks unbothered and like he couldn't give a fuck less.

Not in public anyways.

Always with that stone cold look upon his handsome face.

And now he extends his hand to me, pulling me up on the stage with him, and I smile. Unlike him, my public image does not require me to walk around with an emotionless look on my face, so if I feel like being all giddy like a damn idiot, then I will be all giddy like a damn idiot. I always smile at my fans when signing autographs for them, I laugh and joke with them too. Because that's just me, I'm the America's Sweetheart.

Then my man and I do our song together, after that, Marshall leaves and watches me from backstage.

And that is honestly the best feeling ever to me.

Knowing that he is always in my corner, always has my back, just like I always have his.

And we have always been like this.

Even back when we were supposed to be enemies.

We were always there for each other.

Even when I have almost forgotten all that for a bit, at the back of my mind, the memory still remained.

"Do you remember me, baby?"

"Of course, I do."

"I love you."

"And I love you more."


Ugh, this last chapter seriously sucked, and I'm so sorry for that, guys. I'm not even going to lie, I had rushed to finish it. I do not like to do that with my books, but the thing is, I have been struggling with this sequel for the longest, and I've been hitting so many writers blocks with it, but I just didn't want to leave it hanging and unfinished as I conclude all of my books, so I did half ass it towards the end, just to finish it. This book shouldn't have happened at all, like I keep saying. Tragic Endings was already good and did not need no sequel, but I had wanted to write one anyway, even if I didn't have any plot thought out for it, and y'all kind of paid the price for it, and I am so sorry 😫

But thank you all for reading anyway, whoever had made it all the way here. If you were a first time reader, then I promise you, my other books that are NOT sequels are somewhat better lol

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