Chapter 1: Wrong time,Right place.

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"Ahhh, Collins there you are!", his Superior says happily extending his arms and turning away from his client who was sitting behind him.
"Sir.", Liam greets giving a firm, respectful nod to both men and stepping further into the room.
He knew immediately that there was a new job on the way by the look of the unfamiliar man behind his superior.
"Its good that you're here, because i have a new job for you.", he says handing Liam a rather thin file which he happily accepts.
"Mr.Rushmore and i just came to the conclusion that you are the best man for this job, dince you are one of my best here.", his superior continues making Mr. Rushmore nod eagerly clasping his hands together.
Liam opens the file rather slow, always dreading to learn about a new target, piting them since he knew that they had no chance to escape once he was on their case.
"His name is Robert Dubkins. He works for me aswell as many other thousands of employees. But what is so special about this one that i have turned to you? Well-", the man starts but is soon cut off by Liam whose attention seemed to be captured by the file in his hands.
"He's threatening another one of your employees, im assuming?", Liam says closing the file. He saw everything he had to know.
"Yes.", the man stutters for a second, seeming surprised at Liams sudden knowledge,he clears his throat before continuing to speak,"he is infact threatening my right hand man. Johnathan Dubois. He's..well lets just say, hes the one who keeps the money flowing into my company. However Mr. Dubkins thinks he deserves Mr. Dubois' place and intends to use rather drastic meassures to get what he wants."
Liam nods crossing his arms behind his back.
"So, you want me to kill him?", he asks cautiously, already knowing the answer.
The man raises one finger as if scolding a child.
"No, Mr. Collins. I prefer the term, 'Subtly taking care',before any damage is done.", he corrects, making Liam roll his eyes internally. This guy was getting on his nerves.
"You'll get 15 grands when the job is done. Try to be fast.", his superior instructs.
Liam nods turning towards the door. Another job. Another two sleepless nights tops.
"Consider it already done.", he says, exiting swiftly, taking out his phone.
It takes two rings until Pablo picks up the phone.
"Phantom?", his voice croaks through the phone.
"I'll need you to look for a certain Robert Dubkins. Average height, bald, glasses, grey beard. When you spot someone like that, gimme a call through.", Liam instructs, not even waiting for an answer and ending the call.
Pablo was the only one whom Liam trusted enough for help.
Pablo was an older man, in his fifties, took care of Liam when he lost his parents and ended up alone on the street. He had connections everywhere, there wasnt a person he couldnt find in a matter of a few hours.
Liam rushes across the street towards his black jeep. He needed some new gear. His gun had seen better days and some new knives could be of use too.
He sighs and starts the engine.
This was going to be a long day.


"How about we change the key here? It would make the song much more softer and sentimental. I think your fans would like something like that.", Cecilia says, her fingers flying across the piano as if she'd never done anything else.
She was currently composing a new melody for Marina's new song. Shes been a regular customer as well as many other popular singers, who just had no idea what their new song should be about. Then they would come to Cecilia. She would compose a tune for them. This was her job. This was all she was able to do.
She always wanted to be a singer herself, she loved music. But she knew that this wasn't possible. She would never be able to see the notes. Or the people screaming her name infront of the stage she would perform on. She could never be one of them because she was blind. Since she was a child she was bound within his fathers mansion. The only building in which she could truly walk around freely. She knew that her bedroom was 20 steps away from her, 20 steps of which 10 steps were on the stairs. She knew that the kitchen was down the hallway, 35 steps away. She also knew that the entrance door, which she rarely used was just 5 steps away. Right next to her piano. She knew that it lead into the garden where the gardeners worked on the roses she requested to be in the garden. Which was funny because she would never be able to see them anyways.
"You're a genius C. Seriously, i wouldn't be half as popular as i am now without your help.", Marina says, raising from her chair and streching. Cecilia chuckles lowly,brushing across the piano until she finds the papers scattered across its surface. "Come on, Mari. Give yourself some credit. You are an awesome singer!", she says while turning around to face her following the sound of her voice.
"Here. I hope you've written down everything.", Cecilia laughs handing Marina the papers.
"Dont worry, i wouldnt dare forget.", she replys, heading towards the front door.
Cecilia follows suit brushing across the wall so she had any idea where she was heading. She hears the singer open the door and step out of it.
"Thanks again, C.", she says giving Cecilia a firm hug.
"Oh dont worry about it. Its my job.", she chuckles.
Soon after Marina leaves and Cecilia closes the door, making her way towards the kitchen slowly.
"Ms. Dubois, do you want me to make you some tea?", Angelique, one of the maids, eagerly asks when she reaches the kitchen.
"No, its fine. I can do it myself.", Cecilia replys brushing her fingers across the kitchen counter in search for a mug and the tea pot.
"Your father, asked me to tell you that he's going to return a little later today.", the maid says, her voice sounding a bit more far away. She was probably on her way out of the kitchen.
Cecilia nods. "As always.", she murmurs, disappointment laced in her voice.
He was always out, never at home. Always working for god knows who, while Cecilia spent her childhood trying to figure out how to deal with her blindness. Soon she learned to take care of herself around the house but she still missed her dad. Especially after her mothers death a year ago she longed to have him here more then ever. She somehow assumed that her father used his work as a distraction. He would never admit it, but he missed mom as much as Cecilia did.
She sighs, leaning on the counter, waiting for the tea to start boiling.
"Is it already dark outside?", she asks loudly but hears no answer.
She shrugs it off thinking that they maybe didnt hear her. She feels for the now hot tea pot and with her other hand she grips the tea mug tightly putting one finger inside of it and starts pouring the hot liquid inside until it reachs the tip of her finger. The cue for her that the mug was full. Putting the teapot down, carefully she brings the now warm mug to her lips, taking a few sips of the tea and sighing in content when she feels the pit of her stomach warm up.

"So you are that bastards daughter? Wow, you are a beauty indeed.", she hears someone say. She freezes. She didnt recognize that voice. This man was a stranger.
"Who are you, if i may ask?", she asks keeping her voice from shaking in fear.
Suddenly the tip of something cold touches the back of her head. The safety of a gun is being turned of, making her realize that this man, whoever he may be, had her at gunpoint and could easily shoot her right here, right now. She flinches at the sound the gun made and drops her tea mug, which breaks as soon as it reaches the floor.
"Where is your father, darling?", the man asks sweetly yet a dangerous undertone in his voice.
Her heart threatens to jump out of her chest and her hands are sticky. What was going on? Who was this guy? Why was he after her father?
"I- i dont know.", she stutters and feels the gun touch her back soon after. She shivers trying to back away but is stopped by the kitchen counter. There was no way out for her.
"You're lying. He should be here by now. Tell me.", the man spits.
Cecilia was shaking by now but still managed to feel her way across the counter in search for something that might buy her some time to get away.
Soon she feels cold metal unter her fingertips. A kitchen knife! She grips onto the handle pulling it closer to her, and hoping the man didnt notice.
"I dont know. I swear!", she almost shouts.
The man chuckles darkly.
"A well...i didnt really plan for two dead people but, i guess you can count as corrateral damage.", he says and Cecilia knew that if she didnt do something now she would be dead. So she took action. She spins around burring the knife deep into the mans body. She didnt know where she'd stuck it but by the groaning he was letting out she'd probably hit something painful.
She didnt wait a second longer before taking off, running into the hallway.
She heard the man yell out and soon she could hear heavy footsteps following her.
The wall next to her comes to an end and she knew that she reached the living room. She starts running again but bumps into someones body soon after. She screams out, fear rushing through her body as that person grips her by her arms, keeping her from running.
"Please dont hurt me!", she whimpers and the firm grips on her arms loosen.
"Who are you? Dubois' wife is dead. I thought he lived alone.", a deep male voice states confused. "Sh- she is. I-im his daughter.", Cecilia stutters shaking all over.
"Daughter?", he asks but is cut off by the man storming into the living room. Soon she is yanked away from the man's somewhat safe arms and into the man from before who had his hand around her neck, squeezing painfully.
She winces, but doesnt manage to say anything further. "You bitch! You're going to regret stabbing me! How could you do this? You're fucking blind!", the man roars behind her, making her ears hurt.
"If i were you, i would let that girl go right now.", the man who held her before says dangerously and another gun safety is turned off.
Okay, there are way too many guns in this godforsaken house Cecilia thinks.
"And what if i dont? You-", the man squeezing her neck is suddenly cut off from saying anything further by a loud bang. A gunshot.
Cecilia flinches and the hand around her neck loosens and soon she hears a body fall limp to the ground.
"Oh my god...", she chokes out, massaging her neck and falling onto her knees.
"Umm...You okay there?", the man asks her a moment after, awkwardly patting her back.
He didnt really know what to do. This never happened before.
Cecilia chuckles, which takes him by surprise.
"You're not one for comforting, are you?", she asks or more states making him smile.
"Well?", he asks again.
"Yeah, im good. Thank you...", she mutters and he pulls her up. When he was sure that she wouldn't collaps again, he moved to the corpse of Dubkins, hauling his limp body over his shoulder and moving towards the front door.
A clean shot to the head. No blood splattering, no mess. One second later and that girl would have been done for.
"Wait...", he hears her soft voice calling out, still wavering from fear.
He stops, his hand on the door handle.
"Whats your name?", she asks.
"Umm..", he debates if he should tell her, she was a stranger after all.
'Trust no one' , the words echo in his head like a mantra.
"Thats not important.", he answers and exits before she could say anything further.

"Miss! Miss! Are you alright?!", one of the maids shouts suddenly all over her looking for any wounds.
"Its okay. Its okay. Im okay, dont worry. Thanks to that man. He saved me.", Cecilia mutters more to herself then to the maid asking her.
"What man? There was no man, Miss.", the maid retorts.
"Wh-what? But, but he saved me. Didnt you see the man?", Cecilia asks frantically.
"Miss, there was no man. Just you and the intruder. You must have chased him off with the knife you stabbed him with. Well done!", the maid says, patting her shoulder.
"Bu-but...", Cecilia manages to bring out standing in the middle of the living room, dumbstruck.
Was this man really there? Or were her senses playing tricks on her and she really chased him off?

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