Chapter 3: Death and Observing

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"Sir? You called.", Liam asks entering his Superiors office quietly. He turns away from his window already giving Liam the nastiest glare he could muster.
"Collins! God damnit, where have you been?", he exclaims, throwing his arms in the air,"I've been calling you all day!"
Liam was standing in the middle of the room by now, clearing his throat awkwardly. He didnt exactly want him to know that he had been drinking all night.
"I was...", he starts, looking for a believable excuse," ...busy. It wont happen again, Sir."
His Superior just sighs, not even bothering to ask any further questions. Instead, he gives him a grey file, 'Top Secret' was titled on top of it.
"I have a new job for you. Its important that the informations you're going to gather do under no circumstances leave this room.", he says, firmly while Liam takes a closer look, going through the womans profile and the additional informations quickly.
This one would be hard to remove, he thought to himself while closing the file and giving it back to his superior.
"Is there anything else?", Liam asks firmly while fixing his shirt.
"Just try to be quick, Collins.", he answers, his nose buried in a set of papers,"and be careful. This ones really tough to get to."
Liam sighs and turns towards the door.
"Sure thing, Sir.", he says before exiting and heading towards the targets address.
This ones easy to find, but Liam knew that it would take everything out of him to get to her.


"Miss? You've been sitting here all day.", one of the maids states with a worried undertone making Cecilia laugh quietly while feeling the soft texture of one of the rose petals in her hand.
"Stop worrying so much, Martha.", Cecilia says and turns around walking across the soft grass until she reaches the garden table again. She leans on it and wraps the blanket from yesterday around her shoulders again. Today was a chilly day, very unusal for this type of month.
"Im just concerned about your well-being, Miss.", Martha retorts while wiping the tables surface clean of the leaves and the dirt which had been gathering for quiet a while now.
"Dont worry. Im not going to die by being outside. Im blind, not sick.", Cecilia sighs and crosses her arms infront of her chest, she loved Martha to the moon, aswell as the other maids working here, but sometimes they were a tad too protective about her.
She hears Martha sigh. "Do you want to eat lunch here, or are you coming with me and eat inside?", she then asks.
Cecilia smiles before answering.
"Outside please.", she says while clapping her hands excitedly making the maid laugh at her childishness and get back inside the manor quickly.
Meanwhile, Cecilia got back to the big rose bush she was standing at before.
She lets her hand brush across the branches, occasionally the soft rose petals would brush against her skin.
Right now, she felt so at ease, which was quiet unbelievable since she couldn't stop thinking about the intruder who had almost killed her just two weeks ago.
She could still feel his rough, cold hands on her neck, from when he tried to choke her.
She shakes her head, trying to shake off the sudden lump in her throat and trying to calm her now racing heartbeat. Her hands were sticky and her breath was going in short desperate huffs. She slowly walks further down the garden letting the warm summer breeze blow her hair off her face. She hated this. She hated how nobody seemed to notice how afraid she had been since that fretful day. How she's been getting panic attacks ever since.

"Miss? The food is set!", she suddenly hears Angelique call out from behind her, making her wonder how on earth she didnt hear them setting up the table.
A warm hand grips her by her wrist, pulling her towards the table and pushing her into the chair.
"Thank you, Angie.", Cecilia smiles hoping that her panic attack from before couldn't be seen anymore, while feeling for the fork.

---------------*Dinner time*-------------------

Liam jumps out of his car pulling his black leather jacket tighter around his body. The warm summer breeze from before had turned into a chilly autumnal wind.
He had been waiting in his car all day, waiting for his target to come back home from wherever she was working at. Of course she was guarded 24/7, which made it harder for Liam to get to her and actually get his goddamn job done.
He waits in the shadows of the house nearby and waits for the guards to pass him, so he could slip across the small yard undetected.
Soon, one of the guards passes him on his way around the targets house and Liam rushes across the grass and vanishes into the tree, right by the targets house.
Nobody had seen him yet, so he took a second to calculate his next move.
He looked at the front door. It was guarded by two bulky figures, armed to the teeth and not moving an inch.
His gaze wandered to the guards patrolling around the house, there was a back door, of that Liam was sure, but he would probably run into a bunch of guards if he would take that path.
Finally, he looks up, following the longest branch of the tree he was currently hiding in. It lead straight to a window two stories above the ground.
Slowly Liam makes his way towards that window, climbing from branch to branch swiftly.
When he reaches the window, he takes a look inside the room, to make sure that nobody was there, before taking out a crowbar and quietly trying to open the window.
A few moments after the window slides open and Liam climbs inside.
Okay, so far so good.
"Rogers! Could you please get me a towel from the bathroom?", he hears his target say before he realizes that he was currently standing in her bathroom, which meant that whoever Rodgers was could be entering any minute now.
Growling some not so nice words, Liam looks around franticly searching for a temporary hiding spot.
"Towel, coming right up!", Rodgers says, sounding a lot nearer that Liam had assumed. He quickly exits the bathroom, rushing into, what he assumed was the closet, right when Rodgers turns up in the exact same hallway. He soon disappears in the bathroom and Liam takes this as his cue to leave the dark closet and rush down the stairs.
Liam hides behind a corner as soon as he spots his target happily cooking in the kitchen.
He searches for any windows in sight that could mean that someone would see. But there were none so he creeps up on her the moment she turns her back on him, grabs a kitchen towel from the counter, wraps it around her neck quickly cutting off her air supply while covering her mouth with his other hand keeping her from making a sound.
She struggles but his grip on her is harder than stone, which meant there was no escape. She tries to rip off the towel one last time before falling to the ground, all life drained from her.
Liam looks at her lifeless body, breathing heavily until he hears, Rodgers' footsteps coming down the stairs again.
He drops the towel back on the counter and vanishes through the livingroom undetected.
He gets in his car, waiting a few moments, while he sees guards rushing into the house.
His phone vibrates. It was his Superior, probably checking up on his progress.
Liam starts the engine and picks up the phone.
"Its done.", he simply says while driving down the streets.
"Good, good. Did she struggle?", he asks making Liam roll his eyes.
"Well of course she did. Its not like she was willing to die.", he retorts, sarcasm dripping from his voice.
He hears his Superiors laugh on the other side before ending the call.
He notices that he was on an unusual road. Normally, after a job was done he would either drive to the next pub, and drown his guilt or go home and sleep it off.
But this time he was driving down a street he had just used once before.
It lead to the very same mansion he killed Dubkins in. The very same mansion he had saved that girls life.
But instead of turning his car around, and getting the hell away from this road, like his mind told him too, he kept driving until that mansion was only a few meters away.
He immediately stopped the car and rushed out of it, slamming the door shut.
He breathes out heavily walking a few steps towards the mansion and then taking a few steps back. He needed to see her again.
So after a few moments he makes his way towards the house until he reaches the enourmous garden. He spots two figures standing on opposite sides. The one appeared to be a maid while the other one looked like that girl.
To not be spotted, Liam hides in the shadow of the night, but keeps his eyes glued on her.
"Miss! It is dark outside, you must be freezing.", the maid says while walking towards that girl. But she just smiles while brushing across a few roses, keeping her gaze fixed ahead of her.
"Is it night time already? God,time goes by so fast.", she laughs, her angelic voice ringing through the nightsky,"you are right, it is quiet freezing outside."
He watches as the girl turns around and walks past the maid back to the mansion. In that moment, he notices a few bruises covering her neck. He frowns before remembering that Dubkins must have caused them.
He shakes his head angrily and follows them, keeping a cautious gap inbetween.
He watches as that girl makes her way up the stairs and wonders how she was able to do so without any help, and if she was indeed blind or if he had misunderstood something.
Suddenly he is brought out of his thoughts when the entrance door closes loudly and he realizes that they have entered the mansion.
He lets out a shaky breath he didnt know he had been holding.

What was this girl doing to him?

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