Chapter 12: Ducks, Dogs and other Distractions

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"So you're really doing this?", Pablo asks, as he spins around in his chair, finally facing Liam, who was shrugging on his leather jacket.
"Yes, im really doing this, Oldtimer. Do we have a problem with that?", he asks while putting on his Sunglasses.
"Yes!", Pablo exclaims,making Liam groan and fall back onto the chair he had previously sat on. Why was he so against him finally having a friend besides of himself?
"We talked about this already Pablo!", Liam says through gritted teeth,"i wont repeat myself."
Pablo just scoffs and raises from his chair, turning his back on him and rummaging through his old and dusty bookshelf.
"There is no need to. I unterstood you perfectly well. Im just trying to keep you from unnecessary friendships, with people who will fuck you over in the end.", he urges, completely oblivious to Liam's eye rolling,"i mean, why do you suddenly have the urge to be friends with someone? You never were like this before."
"Exactly. I never was like this before.", Liam sighs as Pablo finally turns around with the files he needed,"i need something new. I need someone else to talk to. Yours and Rushmore's short conversations aren't enough."
Pablo sighs. Maybe he was to harsh on Liam. He should just let him do what he wants. Liam knew what he was doing. Pablo grinds his teeth together, suddenly feeling a certain nervousness.
Life had tought him different many times. He just wanted the best for this kid, for Pablo experienced bad things with his so called Friends in terms of trust and many other things back in his days.
But Liam had been alone almost his entire life. He had no one but him and his job. And now that Liam finally decided to let someone in, to enjoy himself, why was Pablo feeling uncomfortable with it? He didnt know.
"Fine. You know what? Go, have fun.", Pablo says in a serious tone as if scolding a child,while a huge grin spreads on Liams face,"But if something happens, dont say i didn't tell you."
Liam jumps out of the chair again, grinning widely. Pablo hadnt seen him this excited since Christmas '98.
He rushes out of Pablos office without another word, leaving him to his paperwork.
"Befriending a blind girl.", he chuckles lightly,shaking his head while signing some papers,"thats definitely a first."


Liam couldn't contain his excitement while driving over to Cecilia's. It felt weird, but he liked it either way. He takes out his phone again, dialing his private phone number and waiting for her to pick up.
"Hello, Liams Phone?", her voice sounds through, after the 4th ring.
Liam chuckles. "You know, you dont have to keep saying that everytime i call that phone. There are not many people who call that phone anyways.", he says.
"Except you, that is.", Cecilia laughs.
"Touché.", he retorts laughing.
"Well, i just called to let you know that I'll be there in '5.", Liam says, hearing a sigh of relief.
"Thank god.", she says, as his eyebrows knit together in confusion.
Was he supposed to come earlier?
"Why? Whats hapening? Should i have come earlier?", he asks.
Cecilia just laughs. "No, no, chill out. You'll be just on time. I'll tell you whats happening when you get here.", she says and Liam relaxes his tensed muscles.
"Okay, I'll see you in a bit.", he says.
"Okay. Cant say the same about me.", she sings before ending the call.
Liam facepalms. He just told a Sight pun. To a blind person. Really nice of you Liam, really nice.
After a few more minutes of driving, Liam finally pulls up in front of the mansion. He already sees that one maid storming outside. Angelique was her name he thought. He tries to catch a glimpse of what was happening inside through the windows, but he was cut off by the maid approaching his car.
He lets down the window as she stops right infront of it.
"Cecilia will be out shortly, she is being attacked by kids at the moment.", the maid clarifies, which makes Liam even more confused.
"Attacked?", he asks,"by kids?"
Angie nods eagerly, biting down her lip, trying to contain her laughter.
"Her aunt came yesterday, and she has three, 5 year old kids.", she explaimd again as the front door swings open and a stressed out Cecilia stumbles out with all three kids trying to pull her back by her hand, giggling.

"Cecil! Cecil! When are ypu gping to come back?"
"Are we going to play some games when you come back?"

The three kids shout. Liam sees her sigh as she turns around facing the kids, while rubbing her temples, tiredly.
"Listen here boys. I'll be back soon, okay? When i come back, we'll play games, alright? Until then, please let go of my arm.", she says. The kids awe and pout, but unfortunetly for them, Cecilia couldn't see the puppy faces they were pulling.
"Bye, boys! See you later!", Cecilia calls while gripping the railing tightly and making her way down the stairs and towards Angie who was approaching her.
The maid grips her hand tightly and helps her find Liams car.
Cecilia hears the door of the car open and shut and after a few seconds, she feels a presence infront of her. Liam.
She lets go of Angies hand and pulls Liam into a hug. Never in her life was she so relieved to be around someone else, that didnt belong to her crazy family.
"Thank god you're here!", she exclaims while Liam helps her into the car,"i seriously thought these kids would suffocate me to death."
She hears Liam chuckle beside her as he turns on the engine and pulls out of the yard.
"Why? They looked pretty cute.", Liam retorts, acting innocent, although he knew exactly what she meant.
She scoffs.
"Pfft, cute my ass.", she exclaims,"those are killing machines, i swear!"
By now, Liams was struggling not to get off track with his car because he was laughing uncontrollably.
"If all kids are like this, i swear I'll never have any!", Cecilia rants but couldn't help but smile a little.
"Huh, that's a little harsh, dont you think?",Liam asks when he finally calmed down a bit.
"Nope...i was stressed the first 5 minutes they got there. I cant imagine how my aunt must feel like, every single day!", Cecilia retorts while pouting and crossing her arms infront of her chest.
Its silent for a while before Liam speaks up again.
"Will you lighten up if we go get some ice cream?", he asks.
Cecilias face lightens up immediately.
"Yeeeessss!!", she screams like a mad man making Liam laugh again.
"To the ice cream station then!", Liam exclaims his car immediately picking up the pace.


"You know who has an awesome life?", Cecilia asks while Liam tosses his napkin away.
"Who?", he asks turning towards her while they walk through the Central Park passing sunbathing people, people riding their bikes passing them at the speed of light and children laughing.
"Ducks.", she answers with a serious face but soon he bursts out laughing making her smile too.
"Ducks?", he asks, "are you serious?"
She nods. "Yes, i mean look at them. They are born cute, they always have plenty to eat, they sleep when they want and and do whatever they want while they live at the lake. I mean how awesome is that?", she asks throwing her arms in the air before her hand snakes back around his arm for support.
"Well, you have a point.", he finally says.
"I know. I always do.", she laughs as they pass some people having a pick nick.
Suddenly Liam stops, Cecilia stopping with him abruptly.
"Whats wrong?", she asks, her brows furrowed.
He just shrugs waiting for the Duckfamily to pass, then continues to walk.
"I let a Duck family pass through.", Liam clarifies and Cecilia laughs loudly.
"See what i mean? Just doing what they want and also getting away with it!", she exclaims laughing.


After a good three hours of just walking around, Cecilia and Liam lie down onto the soft grass, Liam watching the clouds above them while Cecilia closes her eyes a content grin on her face.
"So your favorite color is black?", Cecilia asks skeptically continuing their game. They had started playing 20 questions half an hour ago which turned into 150 questions very quickly. "Yep.", Liam retorts, popping the 'p'.
"But..but black isnt even a color! Even i know that!", she retorts confused, making Liam chuckle. This day wasnt anything like he had pressumed.
It was much better.
"Well, but it is still my favorite.", he sings mockingly, just to confuse her even more.
She laughs, shaking her head before another silence overcomes them.
"Hey, Cecilia?", Liam asks after a while.
"Mhmmmm?", she hums, seeming to be in deep thought.
"What are you thinking about?", he asks looking at her.
She doesnt open her eyes when she starts to speak again.
"I was trying to guess the amount off Donuts i could stuff in my mouth at once.", she explains nonchalantly making him laugh for the uptenth time.
"And how did it go so far?", he asks.
"Well, after a long and hard analysis i came to the conclusion of having no idea how many donuts would fit in my mouth.", she retorts laughing.
"We'll figure it out eventually.", Liam says.
Its silent between the two for the third time, a comfortable silence, when suddenly their peace is disturbed by a semi-loud shriek, coming from Cecilia. Liam, who had closed his eyes, suddenly shoots up, ready to defend her but couldnt help but fall back onto the ground laughing at the sight before him.
A dog had made his way towards them and was now lying on top of Cecilia, licking her face repeatedly.
"Ewwwww!! What the hell is that?!", she asks, squirming under the dog.
"Its a dog! Relax!", Liam exclaims still laughing.
Finally Cecilia seems to relax because as it dawns on her that it was actually a dog licking her face, she throws her arms around it.
"Dog!!", she squeals and starts to laugh uncontrollably as the dog starts to bark content at the attention he was given.

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