Chapter 26: Sacrifice

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Few hours earlier

"Hey Cecil! Is it okay if i leave you for a few hours, something came up at work!", Cecilia hears Liam call from downstairs. "Yeah, I'll be fine, dont rush!", she replies while leaning on the balcony and just letting the wind blow her hair out of her face.
Liam finally decided to return her back home, since it was safe enough in his eyes. She loved her home, the mansion her father had bought for his family in the 1990s. By now, she knew every single inch of it and she could walk around freely just as if she was able to see, like a normal person.
But now, when they were driving back from that cabin, she felt herself grow more and more anxious.
Its been two weeks since her encounter with her kidnapper. He had given her exactly two more weeks to decide. Either she gives herself over, or her father would die. She couldnt lose her father too. She already lost her mom, she would never forgive herself if her father would come to harm because she was to selfish. Cecilia was never selfish, and she certainly wouldnt start now.
So after 5 days of thinking, she had come to a decision she wasnt proud of. All she had to do was keep quiet about it, but how could she when every night she laid in bed, the fear and guilt were threatening to eat her alive, staining her sleep, with sounds of terror and dispair - her own.
She knew that Liam suspected something, but eventhough she wanted too she couldn't even tell him what was going on in that chaos of a mind of hers. He would never let her go and her father would pay the concequences.
She lets out a forced laugh. She felt like thats all she did now. Force herself to be happy. To not think of the huge weight that has been put on her shoulders, that one dreadful night.
She didnt want to be a martyr, but thats what she probably will become. Sacrificed herself to protect the ones she loves. But she couldnt help it. She could never help it. Thats how her parents raised her to be.
"Put your own happines before the others."
But what happens when Cecilias own happiness lays in the happiness of others? What then?
She would eventually do things she wouldnt be proud of. Things, that fragile blind girl didnt deserve to have to do.
Cecilia closes her eyes and takes a few deep breaths trying to calm her racing heart. Today was the day. Two weeks later and she was more afraid than ever before.


"Gosh, just fucking go and grab something to eat!", Cecilia groans playfully while they both sit in her room, she on the pillows while his head rested on her thighs.
"Why are you so determined to get me to leave?", Liam asks, laughing slightly.
Cecilia rolls her eyes. "Because I've been hearing your stomach growl for the past two hours. You need to eat something!", she exclaims, thinking of good excuses to get him to leave.
She needed him out of the mansion so that that man could come get her.
Liam almost managed to make her change her mind, with what he said earlier on the balcony. Her heart swelled up with happiness for the first time in weeks, but nevertheless she had to stay true to what she decided.
Liam finally raises from her legs, and started to leave her room.
"I'll be back in a bit.", he announces before disappearing with one last look at her.
Not minutes after, Martha makes her way into Cecilias room.
"Do you need anything, child?", she asks, while putting her freshly ironed clothes into the girls closet.
Cecilia blinks away the sudden tears in her eyes and forces a smile onto her saddened features.
"Umm...could you make me some tea, maybe?", she asks, her voice hoarse for some reason.
"Peppermint?", the maid asks smiling to herself, oblivious to the struggle Cecilia was in.
Cecilia chuckles lowly. "Of course, Martha!", she exclaims.
Martha grins and exits the blind girls room with a "It'll be finished shortly."
Cecilia grips the small tape recorder from her nightstand and takes a deep breath.
"Lets do this.", she mutters to herself.


15 minutes later

"Knock, knock cupcake!", Cecilia suddenly hears that familiar voice say, which caused her to flinch,
"So i assume you made a decision?"
Cecilia sighs and gets up from her bed, leaving the tape recorder on her bed.
"I did.", she says, no emotion evident in her voice,"I'll go with you. But my father will come to no harm."
Arkando grins at the girl infront of him and leans closer to her, his breath fanning her face which made goosebumps appear on her skin.
"He wont. You have my word.", he mutters,"i hope you wont pull any tricks again, cupcake ."
She shakes her head.
"No tricks. I promise.", she whispers as he leads her down to his car, parked in the shadows, and away from her home, her safe haven.

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