Chapter 20: Car chases and Annoying Brothers

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They say when you are looking danger in the eye, you will feel the most alive. The adrenaline pumping through your veins will be like a wave of energy with every beat of your heart.

Cecilia always kept those words in mind everytime Martha would read to her, about the countless heros in her favorite books, saving their damsel in distress, they all were created by the authors after the icon of this one sentence.
But now, that she was lying in probably the backseats of a car, tied up and wounded, she found these words not to be true at all.
Because she felt as if the energy and courage to make a run for it, to jump out of a moving vehicle if necessary, left her body and mind with every beat of her fragile heart.
"Come on, cupcake! I know you're awake might aswell get to know eachother right?", the kidnapper says tapping his fingers on the steering wheel making her even more nervous.
She stays silent, not managing to bring out one single word, but raises from her laying position, making her head spin immediately.
She hears the man sigh after a few more minutes of her not answering.
"Look, i ain't holding a grudge against all. You're pretty cute actually, but i have to do what im told or my boss wont be happy.", he says.
She raises up her hands and feels around her head to find a damp spot at the back of her head, which was supposedly soaked in her own blood.
She lets out a slight whimper as soon as she touches the wound on her back.
"Ohh, sorry about that by the way.", he says as nonchalantly as if he was talking about a small scratch.
"Why am i here?", Cecilia finally croaks out,"where are you taking me?"
"Ahh, she talks!", he exclaims,"well you see, my boss had set his eyes on you weeks ago, he couldnt stop talking about you and he had ordered me to get you. Which was ,by the way, pretty difficult given the fact that you've been around a professional killer this whole time.", he pauses frowning and looking at the fragil girl on the backseats,"i seriously dont get why he has to lead every single girl on like that.."
"What do you mean?", Cecilia now asks, desperation laced in her voice,"why does your boss want me?!"
Its silent for a while, just the soft rumbling of the car engine can be heared.
"He wants to trade you. Use you for his benefits and to make more money.", he now admits, she deserved to know what was coming her way at least,"he was a famous doctor once. He will help you see again know..."
If Cecilia's heart was beating fast before, it was threatening to burst out of her chest now.

Trade her?
Use her for making money?

The kidnappers words just didnt make any sense to her.
Even her greatest wish, to finally be able to see, was with in reach ...but she just couldn't believe this man. This man who had forcefully put her in this car and was now driving her to her safely prepared misery.


"Im on the highway, following some black van. I think thats the one.", Liam says into the earpiece while pulling up to the black van slowly.
"Are the men i sent with you enough?", Rushmores voice sounds in his ear.
"Dont worry, 6 guys are more than enough. I'll handle it.", Liam retorts, reaching for his gun.
Liam wasnt a stranger to car chases. But this time was different. This time someone he cared about was kidnapped in a car which was attempting to get away from him.
"You.", he looks over to the man in the passenger seat,"take over control of this car, imma climb out and try to get into that van."
The man nods and they switch positions, making the car slide for a few seconds.
Liam loads his gun and puts it into the back of his pants. He needed his hands free for what he was about to do.
He takes a deep breath before opening the window and waiting for his accomplice to get nearer to the van. As soon as his vehicle was almost touching the black van, he pulls himself onto the roof of his own car, crouching down to get a hold and waiting agaim for the right moment to jump. He feels for his gun, never taking his eyes off of the van, to make sure it was secure behind his back before he jumps up runs a few steps and leaps forward, rolling onto the roof of the van, landing with a 'thump'. By now Liam was breathing heavily and watching as the three cars they had come with surround the van he was now standing on.
Before he crouches down again, to enter, he closes his eyes.

Please be here, please be here, please be here!

He repeated those three words like a mantra. Liam lets out a quiet huff before swinging himself onto the side of the car breaking the window with his feet in the process.
The small glass particles fly all around him and rain down onto the car floor like little diamonds. The van starts getting out of control and Arkando had difficulty to get it under control again while reaching for his own gun.
He knew this would happen! He cusses under his breath while looking in the rear view mirror and catching the surprised gaze of Liam.
Could this be real?
But Liam had no time to ponder on about this question, as he bend down next to Cecilia who was laying on the back seats, looking paler as ever. Spotting a small trail of blood down her forehead, he frowns following it to its source, until he feels a rather big wound on the back of her head. As soon as he touches it, her eyes open and she takes in a sharp breath.
"Its okay. Its me. You're safe now.", Liam mutters so only she could hear.
As soon as those words leave his mouth she lets out a sigh of relief, relaxing into the seats again.
"You sure took your time, buddy.", she croaks out, smiling slightly, making him chuckle and brush a strand of hair out of her face.
"How cute.", Arkando mocks making Liams head snap into his direction, at the same time pulling out his gun and pointing it onto Arkando's head. He immediately grows rigid and stares at Liam with an uneasy expression.
"Turn...the car...around, now!", Liam growls, making both Cecilia and Arkando flinch.
"And what if i dont?", Arkando manages to say, making Liams expression twist into one of pure fury.
He turns the safety of his gun off.
"Then im gonna blow off your head, before you can even think about reacting.", Liam threatens, his tone deadly.
Arkandos eyes widen, he couldnt believe what Liam just said. But non the less he lets out a sigh and turns the car around....driving back to where he had come from.


As soon as they come to a halt at their destination the men who had come with Liam, jump out of their cars, pulling Arkando out and dragging him into the basement of the cabinet.
Liam gets out of the car carrying Cecilia in his arms. He kicks the wooden door open entering the living room immediately. Cecilia whimpers in his arms, making him alarmed.
"My head freaking hurts.", she groans, as he carries her up the stairs and into one of the bedrooms.
"Just sleep it off and it'll be better tomorrow, im sure.", he soothes while pulling the covers over her.
He waits until she was fast asleep until he leaves her bedroom and pulls out his phone.

We'll probably need a doc tomorrow. Make sure you take one with you, would you?


He sends the text and doesnt even wait for Pablos response before running down the stairs into the basement.
When he arrives he takes a deep breath before entering the dim lit basement which contained just a table and a few chairs.
Arkando looks up at Liam meeting his expressionless gaze.
"Hello brother. ", Liam spits, taking the chair opposite of him, motioning for Rushmore's men to leave,"it's been a long time...lets have a little chat , shall we?"

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