Chapter 15: Concerts and Pizza

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"....and then they all died.", Liam reads, smirking before closing the book and placing it on the bed next to him,"The end."
Cecilia groans, raising her head from the floor and slaps his shoulder.
"Thats not the end you idiot!", she scolds, pouting slightly, which just made him laugh and ruffle her hair.
"Trust me the end is so kinky, you dont even want to know how this book ends.", Liam reassures raising from the floor and pulling his friend with him.
"Fine..", Cecilia sighs brushing her hand through her hair,"whatever."
They both make their way downstairs, into the kitchen.
Liam had come here this morning, he found himself seeking Cecilias company more than usual. Somehow finishing a job, killing an enemy or bringing someone in wasnt as pleasent for Liam as before. Every kill he made started to bother him. The screams and cries of that days victims would come haunting him at night, and even the victims from the past made him uncomfortable, more over feel guilty. He felt as if the blood on his hands, that he had washed of so many times before, was still on his hands. No matter how many times he would scrub it away.
But when he would come to Cecilia, see her smile, his worries would just fly away. It was weird, what kind of effect she had on him.

They were now sitting in the kitchen, sipping on some hot chocolate, which Martha had prepared, and talking about some various things.
Cecilia noticed something changing inside Liam. She started to wonder what was wrong when he would call her in the middle of the night, claiming to just wanted to hear how her day had been. Something was bothering him, but she never pressed that matter since he seemed to not want to talk about it. He would eventually tell her, she would think.
Suddenly Liam jumps up, making Cecilia do the same and knock a chair down in the process.
"Whats wrong?", she asks a little worried now.
He just grabs her wrist and starts pulling her out of the kitchen.
"Nothing. I just wanna take you somewhere.", he says, matter of factly.
Cecilias face lights up immediately when she hears that.
"Where to?", she asks curiously as they make their way outside and towards Liams car.
"You'll see...", Liam says smirking and Cecilia groans once again.
"You're mean!", she whines as they get into the car.
"We'll see if i am when you realize were im taking you..", Liam sings ,driving off with one last look at the mansion.


"Goddamn it!", Arkando hisses shifting in his hiding spot and jumping down. He had been hiding in this tree all morning, observing this little bitch just as he was told. But all she did today was listening to some guy reading a fucking book to her. That was all she did today, and he had waisted his precious time watching her doing something so stupid and getting no information out of it. On top of that, that guy had probably spotted him hidding in the trees and made a run for it with that girl.
Arkando huffs grumbling some not so nice words before getting in his car and driving after them. His boss would be pissed if he lost them out of sight, and a pissed boss wasn't a good boss. Arkando had learned that the hard way.

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