Chapter 17: The little prince and Jelly shots

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"I am looking for friends. What does that mean -- tame?", Martha reads making Cecilia smile and Liam, who was lying on the couch beside her, roll his eyes and sigh. Martha had been reading since he arrived, which was about 4 hours ago. And she didnt seem to get tired of it.

"It is an act too often neglected," said the fox. "It means to establish ties." , Cecilia now says making Martha chuckle since Cecilia had just taken the words out of Marthas mouth. Liam looks over Marthas shoulder reading the exact same sentence, then he looks back at Cecilia and raises an eyebrow at her.

"To establish ties?" , Martha continues, while Liam lies back down, placing his head onto Cecilias lap. She starts poking his cheeks, and he swats her finger away everytime she did.

"Just that," said the fox. "To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your part, have no need of me. To you I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes.", Martha reads further and pauses giving them a scolding look,"Stop annoying him Cecilia, im not reading in vein!"
Liam laughs out loud while Cecilias cheeks turn a slight shade of pink in embarrassment. 'Sorry', she mouths and Marthas gaze drops down onto the book infront of her once again.

" But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world" , Martha reads and shuts the book soon after.
Liam looks up to see Cecilia smiling and letting out a content sigh.
"I'll go now, theres a kitchen that needs to be cleaned.", Martha sings and gets to her feet, rushing out of the living room afterwards.
Its silent for a while and both of them take in this moment to relax.
After a while, Liam pinches her hand which was resting on his chest.
"You okay there? Did your brain explode from all that reading?", he asks chuckling.
She hums in response.
"No. Its just-", she pauses and opens her eyes,"The little prince gets me everytime."
"How often did poor Martha had to read it to you?", Liam asks sarcasticlly.
"Hey!", Cecilia exclaims laughing and punching his chest playfully,"not that many times, chill out! I just love it and the words got stuck in my head."
"Whatever..", Liam laughs and lifts his head from her lap.
"Lets do something fun now..", he whines and pulls her with him.
"Im all about equal rights, dude. So I'll follow your lead.", Cecilia states, shrugging.
"Well, if thats so, Miss President.", Liam says, making Cecilia scoff," Lets go for a ride."
They are already passing the garden when she finally agrees, although she couldn't help but feel a little unsettling as they both approached his car.


"Okay...i dont mean to be rude or anything but...", Cecilia starts after a good hour of just driving around town, skeptically raising an eyebrow,"what exactly is so fun about driving? Like, we are literally just driving around with no purpose at all."
"Well, thats because the fun part is", Liam exclaims, stepping on the gas pedal making the car rush forward with a jolt.
Cecilia feels the sudden change of pace and starts screaming, feeling both a rush of excitement and fear for their safety.
"LIAM!!!", she screams frantically searching for something to hold onto, as he laughs loudly,"SLOW THE FUCKING CAR DOWN!!"
Liam doesnt bother, instead he rushes into a curve making Cecilia fall to the side still screaming her head off.
What she didnt know was that Liam was, in fact, trying to get away from a car which was on their tail for the last 15 minutes or so.
He quickly pulls over into a left turn looking into the rearview mirror and continues to drive with full speed.


"You're a lunatic. You know that?", Cecilia asks as she sits back down onto the couch in her living room. Her heart was still pumping rapidly against her ribs but she decided to let it slide this one time, because she was in a good mood. She grabs a package of jelly shots and starts opening them, while Liam shrugs his jacket off and plops sown onto the couch beside her.
"I know. But you love it.", he taunts, smirking as he watches her struggle with the package in her hands.
"I certainly do not do that.", she huffs, blowing away a strand of hair that was in her face.
"Yeah, yeah..",Liam hums before his gaze drops onto the jelly shots once again, which she finally managed to open.
"What are those for exactly?", he asks while examining them.
"Well, since you decided to crash here, which means that you wont drive home, i decided that we should go ahead and play some drinking games since we have nothing better to do.",she explains while taking a handful of the shots.
"And how exactly are we playing?", he asks copying Cecilias actions.
"Its pretty easy. How many shots do i have in my hands?", she asks and he immediately starts counting them.
"10..", he retorts.
She nods. "Well, each of us will have 10 shots in their hands. We will say a statement like 'Never have i ever made out with a teddy bear' and if you done it, you take a shot out of my hands and down it and vice versa. Got it?", she asks.
"Well, seems pretty easy. Let me guess...whoever finishes his shots first looses?", Liam asks.
Cecilia grins at him in response which he took as a yes.
"Okay, ladies first.", Cecilia taunts nudging him at which he rolls his eyes.
"Okay... Never have i a book.", he finally says.
"Fuck you...", Cecilia mutters between fake coughs while taking a shot out of his hands and downing the in alcohol soaked jelly in a matter of seconds, pursing her lips afterwards due to the burning of the alcohol in her throat.
"Okay...never have i ever....driven my car like a maniac.", she says smiling evilly at him. He chuckles doing the same Cecilia had done before.


After a good half an hour both of them were a little tipsy due to the fact that they had just started their third round of playing.
"Okay, okay it's getting real personal now... Ready?", Liam laughs while Cecilia nods eagerly.
"Okay...Never have i ever....peed my pants", he says making Cecilia sigh in defeat and take another shot.
"I had to laugh really hard once. It was in third grade so shut up and stop judging.", she mutters making him throw his head back and laugh loudly.
This waa by far the funniest way he had ever spend his evenings.
She soon excused herself to go and 'not pee in her pants' as she so poetically put it..
"Hey! Liam! Look!", Cecilia shouts after a while laughing hysterically as his head snaps into the direction she had gone to, just to see her standing not a foot away from him with a big chocolate cake in her hand. How she had found that in such a short time, though, was beyond him.
"Revenge is sweet!", she suddenly exclaims and before he could react the cake collided with his face, leaving a trail of chocolate behind.
She starts giggling as Liam growls in astonishment.
Soon he jumps up and leaps towards Cecilia.
"Oh girl, its on.", he growls before chasing after her.

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