Chapter 21: Nightmares and Overthinking

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"I have to do what im told, brother, or my boss wont be happy."

Cecilia tosses and turns in her bed, small dripplets of sweat forming on her forehead.

The voice of his brother echoes through his brain, haunting his nightmare stained dream.

"He ordered me to get her."

The door to her bedroom opens silently, and Liam enters watching her struggle with a frown on his face.

"He wants to trade me"

Liams eyebrows shoot up when he hears those words leave her mouth.
The doctor who had followed him upstairs, waits for Liam to move, but when he doesnt for a while, the doc pushes past him towards the woman sleeping on the bed.
He bends down next to her inspecting her head while Liam just stands there watching him, not able to move.
"She has a light concussion, nothing major. It should be healed in a couple of days.", the doctor says pushing his glasses from his nose onto his forehead and looking back at Liam.
As soon as Liams gaze falls onto the doctors eyes, he takes in a sharp breath. The doctors eyes were suddenly black as night and his entire body seemed to have changed in the blink of an eye. His hair was shorter and a darker shade of brown, he wore a black coat which reached to the floor and he was smiling at Liam devilishly, revealing a set of sharp teeth which made Liam cringe back.
He looks back at Cecilia, checking if she was fine, and ready to protect her from this atrocity. But when his gaze falls on her, he only sees a body covered entirely in blood.
Ignoring the demon infront of him, it takes him three long strides to stand right next to, what was once Cecilia's body.
He watched in horror as the blood kept pouring out of the wound in her chest, which was still half closed by the knife that was stuck in it.
Her eyes were open and lifelessly starring up to the ceiling, her lips pursed in an expression of fear.
Anger and remorse started boiling inside of him. This couldnt be happening! This couldn't be real! He never would have let someone hurt her.
He turns around to look at the man from before, glaring daggers at him.
"What did you do?!", Liam growls dangerously, his clenched fists trembling.

What kind of monster would do something like this?

The man chuckles darkly looking at him as if he was doubting Liam meant his question seriously.
"No...what did you do?", he retorts smirking at him.
That question took Liam back. That's when he takes a second to take in that mans appereance once again making him sharply intake his breath.
That man. That monster, was infact him.
He was the one who hurt her.

Astonished, Liam takes a few steps back until he hits the edge of the bed again, making him turn around and look at Cecilia once again. She was still lying on the bed, seeming to get bloodier by the second. Her eyes were now glued onto him.
"You killed me!" , Cecilia says, "you killed them all!"
Liams breath was growing heavy as he turns around yet again, looking at the crowd of bloody people surrounding him now. They were all pointing their fingers at him, chanting one word over and over again.


With each time, they were getting closer to him, making him feel like he was suffocating.


"Get away!", he shouts, feeling like a trapped animal.
This couldnt he real!



Liam shoots out of bed, gasping for air. He looks around his room, frantically searching for any traces of those bloody people. As soon as he realizes that this was yet just another nightmare, he lets out the breath, he didnt knew he was holding, and gets out of his bed. His hands were clamy and he had sweat dripping from his forehead. His heart was beating erratically. He needed to make sure she was okay, so he stormed out of his room, taking long strides until he arrived at her bed room two doors down. The door was closed, but he didnt bother to knock. Instead he pushed down the doorknob gently and opeded the door quietly. He peeked into the room, seeing the messed up covers but not her, so he opened the door wider and entered, making sure he was quiet.
Soon, he spotted her on the veranda, sitting in one of the wooden chairs.
The summer breeze was blowing, making her hair dance around her shoulders and just this sight was enough to calm his thoughts.
She was okay.
"Nightmares?", she suddenly asks, with her back to him, startling Liam.
He lets out a sigh and approaches her.
He takes on of the other chairs and sits beside her looking out onto the sea calmly playing with the sand and stones on the beach.
"Maybe...", he replies vaguely making her laugh lightly.
"Dont worry... me too.", she admits and its silent hetween them.
"You know...", she starts, shifting in her seat so that her head was now resting on her brought up knee,"its been two days now, since you brought me here and ive been wondering..."
Liam sighs.
"Overthinking brings sleepless nights Cecil. I thought I'd told you that.", he says, making her roll her eyes.

"You've been around a professional killer this whole time."

"I' know...", she says but soon she closes her mouth and its slient again.
"Okay, somethings clearly bothering you...i get it...tell me whats on your mind then.", Liam says turning towards her, studying her reactions.
She was fiddling with her hands, sometimes furrowing her brows and pursing her lips, as if she was debating something serious.
"No, its're probably right and im just overthinking things...", she murmurs, but Liam just shakes his head.
"Tell me.", he demands a little more stern, making her sigh.
"You know...I've just been thinking about that guy a know...the one who wanted to take me to his boss...", she says, brushing her hand through her hair, wincing when her fingers touch the bruise on the back of her head.
"Yes, and...", Liam urges.
"Well, he said some things....", Cecilia says trailing off at the end.
"What things, Cecilia?", Liam asks inching forward. He had suddenly become wary. What had his stupid brother told her?
"That...that I've been around a killer this whole time.", Cecilia almost whispers, as if she was afraid that someone could hear.
Liam grows rigid and he balls his hands into fists.
"Do you believe him?", Liam asks through gritted teeth, after a short amount of silence.
Cecilia shakes her head violently.
"I really dont want to. The only person I've been around this whole time was i ask you a question?", she answers.
He nods, forgetting that she couldn't see him. "Yeah, anything."
Cecilia lets out a breath.
"Ok... i dont believe a single word that bastard was saying...but that doesnt mean they arent true...", she starts making Liam dread her following words,"so....are they? Is it true that you're a cold blooded killer and that you've been lying to me this whole time?"

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