Chapter 5: A new boss and new opportunities

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"Cecilia?", her father calls, with his mouth full of omlete.
"Yeah?", she asks while pouring herself a cup of coffee and making her way to one of the chairs in the kitchen.
"I talked with Mr. Rushmore yesterday...", her father begins, washing his bite of omlete down with some orange juice.
"Aand...?", Cecilia urges, while Martha places her breakfast plate down infront of her.
"Well, since you said not there as often as you would want me too, i asked Mr. Rushmore if you could accompany me to work for a day.", her father says, placing his fork down and watching his daughter eat her eggs with an excited smile on his face.
"Well...", she swallows before speaking again,"what did he say?"
He chuckles. "He agreed...but under one condition..", he says, getting up from his chair and placing his finished plate in the sink.
"Which is...?", Cecila urges, impatience laced in her voice. She never was a patient one.
"Well, since i often talked about you, and your...", he clears his throat," situation. He insisted on meeting you."
Cecilia frowns. "Why would he want to meet me, just because of my blindness? I dont get it.", she says and pushes her plate away from her, suddenly not hungry anymore.
Dubois steps closer to her, bending down next to her so he was on eyelevel.
"He knows a specialist who probably could make you see again..", her father mutters not managing to hold back his excitement.
Cecilia's eyes widen in shock before she jumps out of the chair, squealing and clapping her hands.
Her father laughs at her reaction and kisses his daughters temple before turning towards the door.
"I'll take you in 5 days, so i can solve some difficult cases at work. I want to spend as much time with my little angel as possible, alright?", he says and walks towards the entrance door,"love you, little bunny!"
Although his words sound distant, Cecilia still manages to hear every word.
She smiles brightly. "Bye daddy!", she calles before the door falls shut.
She jumps a few times before she takes a deep breath, calming herself. She knew that she shouldnt get her hopes up, she was at every doctor or so called specialist there was, and not a single one could help her. But something in her fathers voice made her believe that this time would be different. That there was actually a chance that Cecilia would be able to see again.
"Miss? Sam Smith is waiting in the living room for you.", she hears Angelique say as the maid passes the girl.
Cecilia frowns. "Why is he here?", she asks a little confused.
"Well, dont you remember? You hadnt finished the song yesterday, so you agreed to continue today.", the maid informs her.
Cecilia slaps her forehead at her stupidity.
"Of course! Shit, im so stupid!", she exlaims before making her way into the living room.


Liam groans and rolls over, looking for the source of the incessant vibrating that was causing his hangover to get even worse than it already was.
Soon, he makes out his phone on the night table, vibrating his way towards the very edge. He growls some inappropriate words before picking up the call and sinking back into the soft pillows.
"What?!", he hisses, making his head pound even more. How much did he drink yesterday?
"Aww, thats no way to treat your new boss.", a taunting, obnoxious voice comes from the other side.
"Who is this?", Liam growls, he was definitely not down for any kind of games this morning.
"It's Mr. Rushmore. Remember?", he answers, making Liam sit up straight in his bed.
"Im sorry, but im currently not able to kill anyone. Interpole is on my Superiors tail, which means that I'll have to lay low for some time.", Liam then answers with a bored tone and is about to end the call.
"Yeah, i heard. What a shame really. To be honest, it even pains me to know that your Superior is going to jail for a long time, just because i couldn't keep my mouth shut.", Rushmore says with faked pity in his voice, "oh well, whats done is done."
Liams jaw clenches and his arms tremble in anger.
"What do you want from me?", he asks with a dangerous undertone.
"Oh well, that is very easy. I want you to work for me.", Rushmore answers sounding amused.
Liam scoffs. "Why on earth would i work for you? Them man who sold out my company." ,he growls.
He hears Rushmore chuckle on the other side. "Because, dear Mr. Collins, i can offer you way more than your previous... Superior.", he says," you see...your current company was labile. Vurnable to the police, as you can see now, and also to every single threat there is. Who knows maybe you killed a politicans wife. Or even worse, a member of the mafia....", he pauses," my point is, that you are vurnarble. You are walking on thin ice, and you dont know if there is an enemy already waiting for you in the next corner."
Liam chuckles. He knew, but he would never admit that that fact made him nervous.
"And you can offer me protection, or what?", Liam asks, skeptically,"you? A regular businessman?"
Its silent for a second before he hears Rushmore burst out in laughter.
"You...", he says between laughing," seriously think im a businessman?"
Liam frowns. "Well, what else could you be?"
"Mr. Collins, let me tell you one cruical thing about leading a million dollar company.", Rushmore says," You dont survive as a simple business man. You need connections, alliances to raise and to keep the money flowing, because we all know, money is power. And i have all the money in need.", he pauses and Liam waits for him to continue, this all sounded so surreal," but as you probably know, Mr. Collins, with power come people who want to take it away from you. And that is why i want you on my team."
Now it was Liams turn to laugh. "So you took down an entire company of contract killers, just to hire me?", he laughs.
"You are the best of the best. I tend to take drastic measures to get what i want.", Rushmore answers matter of factly.
"Well...what is in it for me...other than protection?", Liam asks.
"Money.", he answers making Liam raise his eyebrows,"more than you've ever imagined having. And you would get it every month, the same amount. You wouldnt depend on any costumers for money. Youbwould be soon living as a rich man."
Liam pinches the bidge of his nose, trying to clear his thoughts. He always did this, it was helping him think.
Its silent for a very long time.
"Okay...fine. I'll do it.", Liam finally says.
"Perfect. That is great-", Rushmore starts but is cut off by Liam again.
"I cant cross the borders without getting caught, though."
"Oh dont worry about that. Just book the next flight back to New York and let me worry about the rest. I'll expect you in my office in five days time.", Rushmore says.
"Sure thing.", Liam says with a sigh.
"I look forward to working with you, Mr. Collins.", Rushmore says before the line is dead.
Liam groans, feeling a tad uncomfortable because he just sold out his old Superior.
He falls back onto the pillows feeling sudden exhaustion creep up on him.
"Umm..Liam.. I borrowed one of your shirts, i hope you're okay with that?", an obnoxious voice calls from the other side of the room. He looks back at the source of the voice, a blonde woman in her mid twenties standing half naked in one of his black shirts, twirling a strand of her hair in her fingers. "Tiffany...", Liam says trying to recall last nights events.
"Stephanie..", she corrects, but in all honesty, he couldn't care less. She was just a good fuck, nothing else. He would forget about her in a few days anyways.
"Stephanie..why dont you take your stuff and go..", Liam mutters, burying his face in the pillow, trying to get at least a little bit of sleep.
He hears her scoff and mutter something like 'Asshole' before the hotel room door falls shut loudly.
"Love you too, babe.", he mutters sarcastically before drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

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