Entry 8: Eye of the Storm

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I came at the party with Mr. Sander. He's nicely dressed in a black nicely fit slacks with maroon button up shirt, the first two buttons were open, topped with his gray coat. His curly hair slicked with some of his fringe on his face, and wearing a combination of maroon, silver, and black venetian mask.

"Oh, Margarete! You look beautiful! With mask and all of course. Glad that you made it!" Mr. Sander said ad he lead me to our sit with his and the celebrant's parents. They're a nice couple. Sweet, welcoming, and easy to talk to like Mr. Sander himself.

Looking around, I think, this debut's theme is the galaxy. The stars and its constellations projected on the ceiling, blue, violet, and black drapes all over with some stargazer lilies, masks, and glow in the dark stars as ornaments. The place looks awesome and extravagant.

"Oh! There's Angie! Wait let me greet her." Mr. Sander stood and greeted Ms. Angie, who's wearing a black metal like mask decorated with white diamond like beads, partnered to her nicely fitted black slacks, burgundy button up shirt folded up to her elbows, and high heeled burgundy stilletos. Her hair braided in a messy yet sexy way. I caught the meaningful smiles of Mr. Sander's parents when he ran over Ms. Angie.

Ms. Angie caught most of the ladies' attention, murmuring to each other. Ms. Angie and Mr. Sander reached the table and gentlemanly helped Ms. Angie took her seat.

"Awww. You lost our bet, hon." Mr. Sander's mom said. His dad only chuckled at this, pecking his wife on her cheecks.

"And her I thought, you'd wear a dress this time." he said.

"Well, she still looks good though. Still stunning." at that, Ms. Angie blushed hard and said nothing. When she have turned her face away on my direction, her eyes met mine, then she smiled.

"You look good." I smiled at that and said thanks as I look around. They're still looking at Ms. Angie. I overheard one of the conversations.

"She didn't followed the dress code." one of the overly dressed lady said.

"Just because she's close with Sander and his family, she do what she wants." her friend replied.

"I heard from a friend under the same department of hers, that she's a social awkward, and really weird."

"Yeah, I've heard that too. I wonder how the two of them became friends. They're a total polar opposite!" I took a peek at Ms. Angie, and even though she seems unaware about the murmurs, she's listening to them. Mr. Sander tap her shoulder, his pointer finger stretched out, poking Ms. Angie's cheek when she turned around, making Mr. Sander giggle.

"Don't mind them. The event's starting." He cheered Ms. Angie up, and I smiled at that.

The debutant's a beauty. She do looked a lot like her brother and father.

After a lot of speeches, before they serve the food, I'm called at the backstage with Ms. Angie and some of her friends. After some explaining, we readied the instruments and checked some things before we start.

"As a gift from a close friend of our debutant, here's a song from her favorite artist in the net." The Emcee said. "Please give a round of applause for Kuroujo!" And clap they did.

"So... Hi Ms. Avy, and happy 18th birthday." I greeted her and she smiled, a happiest-in-the-world type of smile. "Thanks for following me up to now, so here's a song for you." She shouted a 'thanks' and Ms. Angie started playing after that.

(A/n: Play the video attached to this. It is entitled Fireflies, a really god d@mn good song.)

The debutant and some of the audience who knew the song, sang along with us. Some even swaying their body unconciously.

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