Entry 12: Summer Night's Dream

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"And that's the Orion's belt." my mum pointed out. We're at the backyard, laying on the big blanket we brought with us.

"Mum! Teacher said in class that when someone died, they turn into a star and watch those who they left behind. Is that true?" Young me asked. She giggled at what I said and hugged me.

"Mum wants to believe it like that. That means, they never left you, just turned it those beautiful light in the sky, smiling at us." she answered and I felt sad about it.

"Then that means, they're not there with us during the day? I want Charlie to see us always!" Charlie's my beagle. They gave it to me as my sixth birthday present. But he died because he got sick.
"Nah, lovey. Charlie's still there. The sun's just to bright that you can't see Charlie." She said as she blows raspberries to my stomach. I giggled as I felt ticklish and smiled at Mum.

"I'll be the sun then! Since mum and dad's always here when night time, I'll be sun so I could be with you during day time!" I exclaimed. She giggled and we were attacked by Dad and Thristan, all of us lying down on the blanket, laughing.

"Sure, sweetie. You'll be my jolly and bright sun." she said to me as Dad captured us into a super big hug.

"What's with this talk about the sun?" Dad asked.

"I'll be the moon then!" Thristan said.

"Nothin', hon. Just thinking that you are my Earth, and these two cuties are my Sun and Moon. With out the three of you there, I don't know how would I live." she said.

"Ughh. Mum's being so sappy..." Thristan groaned. Dad laughed and enveloped us in a big hug.

"Let your Mum be, Thristan. You can have your own sappy moment later."

"No! As if I would say something like that!!" We all laugh at that and stayed outside for awhile.

It is one of my treasured memory. The one where we are having fun and warming up each other under the cold winter's sky.

Mum and Dad got busier as days go by. They hired some nannies to look after us since they're getting home later than expected. I'm usually left alone in the house, I'd be luck if the nanny's in the good mood and play with me. Then one day, my last nanny stopped coming after the fight I had with Thristan about the game console.

Its hard to be a sun. You have to be always bright to chase away the dark, warm to keep them cozy, and strong but, I love being one! I have to be, since no one could.

Though as I stay brighter and stronger, the more they feel far away from me. The family night we always had stopped, then sometimes, I could hear Mum and Dad fight, mostly on who should just stay at home and take care of us. If they ask my opinion, I would like all of them to stay. Of course, I can't say it. It'll be selfish of me. After all, if they all just stayed, we'll die and starve. I don't want that! Of only I could be super rich, then they doesn't have to leave anymore.

Well, at least I have my friends... Right?

Well, I'm often left alone. Thristan's often to his friend's house to play. They do left me something to eat, and I know how to cook, so it's not a problem. I would always just sleep it off and wait for their return.

It's unfair, isn't it?

That's the first time I've heard her voice. Similar to mine, but playful and sly.

They didn't even appreciate everything you did to impress then all.

She chuckled bitterly, and then I remebered, she almost sound alike the laughing girl in my dreams.

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