Entry 15: Lay Me Down

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---Thristan's POV---

I heard a knock and I turned my head, that's laying comfortably on my pillow, and saw Margaret standing on my open door. She's wearing her favorite maroon and black jacket over a white sleeveless shirt. Completed with her red skinny jeans and converse. On her arms were her bear stuff toy that I have her last last Christmas, she's hugging it tightly with her thinning arms.

"May I lay beside you?" She asked with an sheepish smile. I looked at her slung backpack and the almost fully grown white as snow large wings.

"Sure..." I moved farther the wall and patted at the space beside me.

She happily went in and closed the door, putting her bag down and settling beside me.

"So," I paused, looking straight to those once full of life eyes of hers. "where are you going?"

She hugged me with the bear between us and snuggled in it.

"Do you know that you're my currently last breath?"

"Don't answer my question with another question." I slightly hit her arm and hugged her with the toy between us. She giggled and opened her eyes.

"And I don't want to fully lost you too..." she smiled, though not restrained like the others, there's sadness in those smile that I failed to erase.

"I thought I told you that you could tell me everything... Even Francis and that writer friend of yours offered." When I saw her eyes enlarge as big as our diner plates, I let out a chuckle and ruffled her long black hair.

"How did you know that?!" She exclaimed quietly.

"I'm in the party, idiot. Did you really think that I would agree in a party that came out of the blue?!" I smirked down at her and saw her pout and puff her cheeks.

"Then how? You don't know any of them there, right? Then how come you came back earlier?!" She hissed.

"Well, I'm just the one who design the publishing company they're working at. And I just didn't stayed there longer, unlike the popular one here."

"Then that means you've heard me sing in front of everybody...?!" I just chuckled at her antics, hoping that things just stayed this way.

"Good performance though..." I said and hugged her tightly. She just settled there and hugged me back later on.

There's a comfortable silence between us that I hope would not end. I opened my eyes and looked at her enormous white wings. I've been seeng things since I was a kid. Especially wings. I've never really understood what they are for and why others can't see it. Then when I saw Francis's parent's fully grown ones, then the day after that, died, it sacred me as hell, specially when I saw dad's before he left. I warned him and told him to be careful, but that didn't helped. After some attempts to change what lays ahead, I just gave up and started cherishing everything I could.

I can't see mine. Even if I look at the mirror even though they usually reflect with the person they are attached to.

I then saw Margaret's wings. It's growing faster than it should be. I don't want to loose her, so back then, even if Francis would think of me as bat shit insane, I told him about everything. Though I don't know if he believed me or not, well he's still here with me, doing ridiculous things and whatnots.

When we have lost dad, and received a call about Margaret and her friend's accident, I was so worried... With those almost fully grown wings before she left... I can't help but think anything that's possibly happened.

When I saw her sleeping on the hospital. I was surprised to see a ripped bleeding wing with a small new one sprouting.

As years pass by, it is slowly growing into another fully grown one as the other half. Then we have come to this.

"I need to leave..." she broke the silence and hugged me tighter before sitting up.

"I don't want you to..." I replied and hold her hand.

"I need to. I don't want to be left with none... I don't want to see you change." She looks so desperate and the despair in her eyes were to heavy.

"I don't want you to leave, but I won't stop you... I don't want to break you more than you're already are..." I saw a glint of happiness in her eyes, as she smiled thankfully at me. "Just... Promise me that no matter what happened, when you've reach the end, show your self to me.." I begged as I squeeze her hand hard. She stood up and tucked me in with her toy.

"Sure... See you, Thristan." she left me with a kiss on my forehead, and I brought her hand near my lips and kiss her knuckles.

"Yeah... Good night, Margaret." I let her hand go, and when I heard the door lock, a tear slipped from my eyes, and there, I drifted off back to where we're watching the sky together with everyone.

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