Chapter 68

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Clara decided to spend the day at the dorms rather than go back to her parents house. She wasn't quite ready to take a taxi by herself and by the time Taehyung had finally gotten up there wasn't enough time for him to accompany her home.

Taehyung really wasn't sure how to feel about the whole thing. If Clara was afraid to use the car service to even go home without him it meant she still had a ways to go in her recovery. It was to be expected, but he had felt so heartened from her progress in other areas he realized he had started to become overconfident that she was ready to get back to normal life. Clearly she wasn't. He wasn't sure if she was worried that people would look at her strangely, or if she was worried she might have another accident and be left alone again. Under any circumstances, time, and possibly encouraging her to return to spend more time with her therapist would hopefully solve the situation.

Taehyung picked Clara up earlier than he normally would because he planned to have dinner together with her parents that night. He still hadn't figured out how to better protect Clara while keeping their relationship a secret. He knew the two of them had to discuss it, but he really wanted her parents gentle steer and loving advice. His parents had unhelpfully reminded him that Clara should just get over it because she knew who she was marrying. And also of course used the opportunity to point out again how none of this would have happened if she was Korean and had a family here. Taehyung just rolled his eyes. The most difficult part of solving things with his parents was that they often then believed they had all of their best interests in mind. And while he couldn't deny that what they were saying was based on some truth, it just wasn't relevant or helpful for the situation. He hoped by now they would have begun to embrace Clara more considering she was carrying their grandchildren, but it was clear they still had a ways to go.

When they got back to Clara's parent's Seoul apartment both parents immediately descended on her, fawning over her new hairstyle and asking how her night out was. "It was good," Clara smiled and then began to giggle, "Namjoon and I even danced together. I was nervous at first but he reminded me he is a terrible dancer so if we had any issue everyone would think it was him. But we did ok together, so it must be that I am a good enough dancer to help him out."

Everyone laughed at Clara's joke and then her mother quickly sent the couple to wash up and then come to the table since dinner was waiting for them.

They had begun eating when Taehyung raised the topic that continued to concern him. "Clara, Mr. and Mrs. Kim, I think we all agree that what happened to Clara wasn't very good. But it became a much bigger problem because of our efforts to keep our relationship and Clara's identity private. I think we underestimated how vulnerable that made Clara. We need to reconsider our approach at this point, even if that means I need to break my contract with Big Hit".

"No!" Clara shouted. Then with a blush she started again. "I'm sorry for shouting, but no, I don't want you to break your contract. That would make both of us disappointed, so I definitely don't want to choose that option. Ever."

Taehyung grabbed her hand to comfort you. "Ok, I won't mention it again. But let's think about what we do need to change. I think the risk of this happening again is stressing both of us out."

Mr. Kim broke in at this point. "A lot of things are changing quickly right now, so for now I recommend that you mostly focus on what is going to happen until the babies arrive. I think you are going to need to figure out a totally separate plan for after they arrive. We know Taehyung-ah has a month and half on his Asia tour that is coming up quickly even before the babies are born. And then he won't have much time afterward before he has to leave for his longer tour. So you've got a lot of things to figure out, but let's just start with right now."

"Maybe it would help if you both shared the issues that are the most concerning about the current situation so we can try to focus on those first."

As usual, Taehyung offered to go first knowing Clara would appreciate the extra time to think. "Well, I can't have another situation where Clara is hurt and can't get a hold of any of us. We were lucky that she wasn't seriously injured this time, but what if something worse happened? I don't think I could live with myself. But I also don't want Clara to just be trapped at home forever. She deserves to have a life of her own. I know how much she sacrifices for me and I want to do everything in my power to help her have as much freedom and autonomy as she wants without worrying."

"I think that makes sense." Mr. Kim now shifted the conversation to Clara. "And what is important to you dear?"

"Well, um, everything feels a little complicated right now, but there are some things I know I do want. Like I want to make sure Taehyung is with me when the babies are born. Right now he doesn't even go to doctor's appointments in an effort to help protect our secret. But I think I'm going to need him by my side. And the boys will too. There are some areas where I think we need to be a bit more open to the risks because the sacrifices we're making for our privacy feel like they are hurting us more than helping."

"Oh my love, I didn't know you felt that way. I'm so sorry but I promise we're going to figure it out together. " Taehyung grasped her hand tighter, wanting to assure her that he was never going to let her go.

"Well it seems like you both want the same thing, so at least that part is easy," Mr. Kim assured them. "Taehyung, it seems like there are two different concerns you are trying to manage. The first is protecting your own privacy. I know you want your fans to continue to think you are single because it is better for BTS and your career. In good news I don't think Clara has any opposition to that, is that right Clara?" Clara nodded to confirm her agreement.

"Then Taehyung-ah, I think you should talk to the company and start to put together a plan on how you will respond if news gets out that you have a girlfriend, or a wife, or children. I think if you both know there is a plan it will be easier to understand the risks. Does that make sense?" Taehyung and Clara both nodded.

"The second issue is specifically protecting Clara and the children. The company also might be very helpful at this Taehyung-ah. You should also talk to the company about what they can do to help ensure their identity won't be made public, and find out how they can help you if her identity is released. Again, at least if you know what the options are you can make better decisions."

"Thank you Mr. Kim, I'll start that conversation tomorrow. I think you are right, I've been so concerned about Clara's identity becoming known that I haven't considered enough what other options we might have."

Then Taehyung turned to Clara, "I'm sorry if I haven't worked hard enough at this. I've taken advantage of the fact that you don't seem to mind staying home as an excuse to not put together a better plan. Please forgive me. I know you really have been more understanding than I could ever hope, and you deserve the same too."

"Ok" Clara whispered back, afraid she might get a bit teary from how much Taehyung cared for and took care of her.

"Why don't we clean up and you kids can go and spend some time together? Taehyung-ah we know you only have another month until you have to leave on the Asia part of the tour. One other piece of advice Taehyung-ah, I'd start to get a really firm handle on your schedule on tour so you can get back to Clara whenever possible, even if it's only for 24 hours. It won't be possible for Clara to come to you by then, so the responsibility for being together will have to fall to you."

"I understand, I'll figure something out. Thank you for your advice and for dinner. I always appreciate your guidance and I also appreciate how well you care for Clara when I'm not available. I hope you don't mind if she spends some extra time here while I'm traveling. It might make everyone less anxious if she's with you instead of at our apartment alone."

"Yes of course, we have some time to figure that out but Clara is always welcome with us, aren't you my dear?" Mr. Kim lightly put an arm around Clara to give her a gentle hug.

"Now off you go, enjoy the rest of your evening together." With a smile Taehyung followed Mr. Kim's instructions, grabbing Clara's hand and pulling her down the hall toward her bedroom where they could spend the rest of the evening snuggled up together watching Korean dramas, and hoping that they would have much less drama in their own lives going forward.

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