03; 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚, 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚.

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"So ember... what was all of that about yesterday?" I ask, as she's sat on her bed that's opposite to mine. Ember, Kelsey, Olympia and I share a room whenever any of us are here at the same time, the staff are pretty lenient with us since we're all here so often.
she sighs. "i couldn't even tell you ella." she says as she unties her shoes. we had just finished our mandatory physical activity for the day and I knew i wanted to talk to ember once we got back to the room.
"you acted like a bitch." I say, honestly.
she frowns, i know she knows that she was acting strange. "I'm sorry." She says as she takes off her shoes and places them under her bed. "it's whatever, just don't be a dickhead again" i laugh. i figure we can put it behind us, we've been friends for so long that her lashing out for a moment isn't going to destroy us. 
"are you guys friends again yet or??" I hear Olympia's voice loud and clear as she enters the room with kelsey following closely behind her. "shut up." i say & i can't help but laugh. "kelsey! i missed you!" i exclaimed running over to her and giving her a tight hug. "i've missed you too" she smiles. "so sis, you gonna tell ella about your boyfriend?" Ember teases. oh yeah, ember and kelsey are sisters. i gasp. "a boyfriend?! tell me everything!!" i scream with excitement. "okay okay!" kelsey laughs. "his names matt. he's chris' brother, i don't know if you've met him yet" she explains. "yeah! i actually have, just today." i say. chris is someone i can see myself becoming close friends with. if he doesn't turn out to be a dick, that is.
"matt better treat you right." i say.
"he does! he really does." kelsey says as she sits on the edge of embers bed.
"now emma, tell me about chris." i say. "what do you mean?" she asks. "earlier he slipped up and almost called you his girlfriend! what was that? are you two a thing?" i tease, causing her to blush out of embarrassment. "no? maybe? i don't know." she says with a panicked tone. "i don't know what we are." she sighs. "well, do you like him?" i ask. "yes" she replies simply. "do you want to be with him?"
i ask. "yes" she replies quickly.
"then be with him." i state. "what do you mean?" she asks, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. "take control!" i exclaim. "tell him what you want, it's what you deserve." i add. she smiles and wraps me up in a tight hug. "thank you."
• • •

"good morning sunshine."
my eyes shoot open when i hear a familiar voice. "oh good, you're awake!" Chris?
"what the fuck are you doing here?" i ask, confused how he even ended up in here. "matt wanted me to come with him to get kelsey for breakfast, and i figured i could come to get ember too." he states. "oh, i guess that makes sense." I shrug my shoulders. "yeah it would make more sense if you knew the guy, trust me." he forces a laugh. "i guess so, yeah." i agree. "okay chris, let's go!" kelsey says as she exits the bathroom. "matt's waiting in the car, let's go!" she adds. "welp, gotta go." chris chuckles. "you can meet us there ella!" ember says as she forces on her left shoe. "yeah! i'll see you guys in a bit! sorry that i overslept" i laugh as i scratch the back of my neck. I can't believe i forgot to set the alarm. but to be fair, these plans were texted to me while i was half asleep at 3am.
"i'll see you later." chris says before following kelsey and emma out the door.
• • •
"does everyone usually stare.." i whisper to ember. we're all sat down with our food, in the cafeteria, and i couldn't help but notice the looks chris and matt get. "yeah. usually." she says with a frown. It didn't seem to bother Matt or Chris though. I can't tell if it really doesn't bother them, or if they're just really good at acting like it doesn't. "ignore them." Chris says abruptly from beside me. "what?" i say, a confused expression on my face. "ignore them, we do." he shrugs his shoulders. "oh. yeah. right. okay." i spit out awkwardly. I look over at matt, who's resting his head on kelsey, and realizing he really hasn't said a single word. "so he really is mute?" i ask as i gently nudge chris. "basically. he only talks to kelsey as far as i know." he sighs. "wait ? not you?" i ask. "not me." he says as he looks down. "oh." i frown. I look over at matt to see him giggling and whispering with kelsey, causing me to smile. they look so happy. "i wonder what they're talking about." i whisper to chris and gesture towards them. he smiles too. it seems we have something in common. we both love seeing the people we love, happy.
• • •
author's note;
bonding moment?
shorter chapter, but i needed a filler i'm so sorry xx

𝘾𝙃𝙊𝙊𝙎𝙀  ➵ 𝕔𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕡𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕠𝕝𝕠 𝕒𝕦Where stories live. Discover now