013; 𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙚 & 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙡

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I remember the first day I met Ollie.
We were both seven years old and staying at the North Wood Rehabilitation Center in the kids' wing. I was there because I had been in a terrible car accident with my adoptive parents, and they thought sending me here would help me get over my fear of cars, among quite a few other things..and Olympia was there because she had been severely burned in a house fire, that unfortunately killed her mom. Needless to say we both had some trauma to overcome at such young ages.

At first, we didn't talk much.
We were both shy and unsure of ourselves, but we were drawn to each other nonetheless. We spent most of our days in the playroom, playing board games and coloring pictures. We would also go to the therapy sessions together, where we would work on our physical and emotional healing.

One day, we were sitting in the playroom, and I noticed Olympia had been picking at a scab on her arm. I knew that behavior all too well. I had been doing the same thing to my own scars on my legs. I mustered up the courage to ask her about it, and she opened up to me. She told me about the pain she felt from her burns, and how sometimes the only way she could deal with it was by hurting herself.

I was shocked, but also relieved. I had been feeling so alone with my own struggles, but knowing that someone else understood what I was going through made me feel less alone. We talked for hours about our experiences and our pain. It was like we were two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together.

As we talked, we started to realize that maybe it wasn't just coincidence that we had met. Maybe it was fate. We had both been through such traumatic experiences, and here we were, brought together in this place of healing. It felt like a sign that we were meant to be friends.

From that day on, we were inseparable. We would do everything together, from playing games to going to our therapy sessions. We even started to help each other through our struggles with self-harm. Whenever one of us felt the urge to hurt ourselves, the other would be there to offer comfort and support.

I'll never forget the day we were both released from the rehabilitation center for the first time. Little did we know... we'd be back quite a few times. We hugged each other tightly and promised to keep in touch. And we did.

Over the years, we stayed close, calling each other on the phone and writing letters. We even managed to visit each other a few times. Not counting the times we've both been back to North Wood since.

Looking back now, I know that meeting Olympia was one of the best things that ever happened to me. She taught me that even in the darkest of times, there is hope. And that sometimes, the people we need the most come into our lives when we least expect it.
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Hiii!! I know it's been a few weeks, and i just wanted to say thank you to the few people reading this story !! it means a lot that there's even one of you enjoying it!!

I know this is a short but sweet chapter, but i figured we needed a little light hearted filler in the midst of the craziness.

there's so so much more to come.
please don't be a silent reader and let me know if you're enjoying reading or if there's anything i can do better!!

love, kenz xx

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