017; funeral

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As I stood in my room getting ready for Nick's funeral, I could feel the weight of the day hanging heavily in the air. Matt had barely spoken a word all morning, his usual cheerful demeanor replaced with a somber silence. It was like he had built a wall around himself, shutting out the rest of the world..

But even in his silence, he still spoke to me. Holding onto our connection tightly, like he was afraid he'd lose me too.

As we got our shoes on to leave for the service, the silence between us was palpable.

Once we got into the car, I reached out and placed a hand on Matt's knee, a feeble attempt to try and comfort him and put his mind somewhat at ease.

A weak smile tugged at his lips but it quickly faded as he turned his attention back to driving.

The rest of the drive to the church was filled with an eerie silence broken only by the occasional sniffle from Matt. I held onto his leg tightly trying to offer him whatever comfort I could.

After a few more minutes of driving we reach the church and see the parking lot full with cars. My heart breaks. This isn't fair.

"I love you." I whispered as we parked the car. "I love you too." He said back lowly but with a small smile, his voice hoarse and his eyes red and puffy as he took my hand and lead me to the church.

As we walked up the steps, we spotted Chris standing at the doors, head in his hands. He looked up and locked eyes with Matt and my heart clenched as Matt's grip on my hand loosened before letting go completely and running the opposite direction.

I could tell he was sobbing. I could hear him sobbing as he ran.

Chris looked at me with a pained, hopeless expression before he ran past me to follow Matt. I was immediately following closely behind.

"Matt! Stop! Please!" Chris pleaded as he ran after his brother, tears filled his eyes.

Matt fell to the floor in tears and Chris fell to his knees, grabbing Matt's shoulders to sit him up and wrap his arms around him in a tight embrace.

"We have to say goodbye, Matt. Properly. He would've wanted that" Chris sniffled, holding onto Matt.

In that moment I felt like such an outsider looking in. Surrounded by the raw emotions of loss and sadness. I wanted to reach out and comfort them both, but I knew this was a battle that only they could face together.

But I could at least do my best to understand and help.

"He's right baby. We can do this together. We got you. I've got you." I said softly, putting out my hand for him to grab. He looked up at me with sorrow behind his eyes, and nodded before taking my hand and hoisting himself up.


As we entered the church hand in hand, the atmosphere was heavy with sorrow. The pews were filled with family and friends, their faces reflecting the pain of loss. I stood by Matt and Chris' side, offering them silent support as we all paid our respects to Nick.

The ceremony was a blur of tears and heartfelt tributes, the words washing over me like a bitter sweet melody.

Nick was my best friend.
My. best. friend.

After meeting Matt, before we even started dating, I connected so well with Nick, almost instantly. I knew from the first interaction that he would be someone important in my life, someone i'd trust with anything, someone i'd be able to rely on at any time, day or night. Someone I'd have in my life forever....

Losing him felt like losing a piece of my soul. So I really can't begin to imagine the level of pain Matt and Chris felt losing their triplet brother.


After the service, we stood outside the church. The sun setting in the distance. Matt turned to me, his eyes full of gratitude but also great sadness.

"Thank you." He said as he held onto my hand tightly.

"For what?" I asked as I tilted my head slightly.

"For everything. For being you. For loving me. For being here, always." He spit fires with a smile on his face but tears in his eyes.

In that moment I knew that we would face this grief together, leaning onto each-other for support.


As we drove home, the silence between us was no longer suffocating, it was a shared silence filled with unspoken words of comfort and love.

I knew we would get through this, one step at a time and as we pulled into our driveway I whispered "I love you." Once again, because I truly will never be able to say it enough.

I love my Matty B.



GUYS OH MY GOD. I completely abandoned this story. I know this won't make up for it completely but I've been sitting on this chapter for a bit.

So here's more kelsey & matt content, sorry it had to be sad :(

feel like we needed Nick's funeral and to know that Kelsey was there for them during that time, and in fact going through the loss with them.

I hope this satisfied your craving and I promise I wont wait so long for the next chapter.

I'm glad this actually has some reads, because that means there's at least some of you genuinely enjoying this story.

love yall sm 💗


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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