08; 𝙜𝙞𝙧𝙡 𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙠.

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I slowly open my eyes and groan as I realize I had slept in, Like i knew would happen. My head is throbbing from the alcohol I had consumed last night, and I feel like I could sleep for another day. However, as I shifted, I noticed the weight of Chris's arm around me, a feeling I've been growing used to, and fond of. memories from the previous night flood my mind.
I turn to my side and see Kelsey sitting on the edge of the bed, her back facing me. She's scrolling through her phone, probably catching up on missed notifications from last night. Chris is snoring softly beside me, and I can't help but smile at how peaceful he looks.
"Morning!" Kelsey says without turning back.
I clear her throat. "Hey."
"You two were so cute last night," Kelsey says, finally turning to face me.
I blush. "We were just having fun."
"Yeah, but you can't deny there's some chemistry between you two," Kelsey teases.
Stella shrugged. "Maybe. We'll see."
"Why not just make it official?" Kelsey asks.
I hesitate before answering. "I don't know. I don't want to ruin what we have." I say truthfully. Kelsey raised an eyebrow. "What do you have?"
I bite my lip. "I don't know. We're good friends, and I don't want to mess that up."
Kelsey nods. "I get it, but you should at least try. You never know what could happen."
I smile weakly. "You're right. Thanks for the advice, Kels."
Kelsey pats her knee. "Anytime, girl. So, how about you and me? How are we doing?"
I grin. "We're doing great, always have been."
Kelsey sighs. "I wish I could say the same for Matt. He's been struggling a lot lately, and it's been tough."
I instantly frown. "I'm sorry to hear that. What's going on?"
"He's been going to therapy, but he's not making much progress. In fact, he's been regressing," Kelsey explains, worry etched on her face. I put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sure he'll get through it. He's a strong guy, and he has you to support him."
Kelsey smiles weakly. "Thanks, Ella. I don't know what I'd do without you."
I hug her. "You'll never have to find out."
we continue talking about Matt's struggles, and I offer her support and encouragement. As we talk, I can't help but think about Chris and the possibility of taking our relationship to the next level. I'm not sure if i'm ready, but Kelsey has a point - I'll never know what could happen if I don't try.

Chris stretches his arms and yawns, looking at us with his sleepy eyes. "Good morning, Kels. Thanks for letting me crash here last night " he says, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.
"No problem, Chris." Kelsey says with a smile.
Chris leans over and kisses my forehead "You were amazing last night," he whispers, making me blush. "oh shut up, all we did was kiss mister" I gasp.
ugh, boys. am i right?
Kelsey clears her throat. "Alright, you two. I'm going to grab some breakfast. Do you want anything?" she asks, getting up from the bed. "I actually could go for some coffee," Chris says, getting out of bed and stretching his legs.
"I'll join you," I say, feeling my stomach grumble at the mention of food.
Kelsey nods. "Alright, actually matt wants to meet up with just me, he's been having a rough time, i'll meet up you guys later!" She leaves the room, and Chris and I get dressed then head out for breakfast.
• • •
As we walk down the hallway, Chris puts his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "So, what do you want to do today sunshine?" he asks, looking down at me with a smile.
"I don't know. Maybe we could go for a walk or something," I suggest, feeling a bit nervous about the conversation I know we need to have. Chris nods. "Sounds good to me. And, karter, there's something I wanted to talk to you about" he says, his tone serious.
I look up at him, feeling my heart race a bit. "What is it?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper. "I just wanted to say that I really enjoy spending time with you, and I think we have something special," Chris says, stopping to face me. "I know we've only been friends for a little over a month, but I can't help but feel like there's something more here."
I swallow hard, feeling a mixture of emotions - excitement, fear, and doubt. "I feel the same way, Chris. But, I'm scared of what might happen if we take that next step," I admit, looking down at my feet. Chris lifts my chin with his fingers, making me look him in the eye. "I understand that, Stellar, But I'm willing to take that risk if you are," he says, his gaze intense. I take a deep breath, feeling a sense of clarity wash over me. "Okay, Chris. Let's give it a shot," I say, a smile spreading across my face.
"but! let's take things slow" i add, still smiling. Chris grins and pulls me into a tight embrace. "you're mine now Stellar, baby."
• • •
author's note:
EEEEEEK!! shorter chapter but still so cute.  they aren't offically boyfriend and girlfriend just yetttt but they are taking the next step in their friendship/ relationship to become a couple hehe. i'm very very excited for all the cuteness to come. but with good news, comes bad news. i'm afraid i'm going to have to cause chaos sometime soon. i apologize in advance. luv u all <3

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