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a/n: hope u guys enjoy this story as much as i do! 👀


My name is Stella Karter Quinn. I absolutely hate my name, with a burning passion. My parents insisted that I be named after my great aunt. Which makes literally no sense to me, but I've learned to live with the fact that i have the world's most ugliest name. Most of my friends call me 'el' or 'Ella', and I somehow, convinced my dad to call me 'stel'. My mother, on the other hand, refuses to call me by anything other than the name I was given at birth. It's annoying, but i guess life could be worse.
I mean, I'm a severely depressed and bipolar 17 year old, and have 2 of the most uptight parents on planet earth. What could be worse?
        "Stella, did you hear a single word that I just said?" my Mom snaps, pulling me out of my thoughts. "if I say yes, will you stop calling me that?" I ask, raising an eyebrow in the process, earning a chuckle from my Dad. My Mom shoots him a glare, then looks back towards me as she folds her hands neatly on our dinning room table before speaking. "I'm really worried about you, Stella. You've started acting out of character again, and your father and I had a talk.. " My mom begins, glancing quickly at my dad, then back at me. "What are you trying to say?" I ask cautiously. "we're sending you back to North Wood." my Mom says slowly, carefully watching my eyes as she speaks. "You're sending me back.. To rehab?" I ask, raising my eyebrows in confusion. "yes, but only until you're better.." My dad jumps into the conversation, trying to make the best out of the situation. "okay, fine by me." I shrug my shoulders, catching them off guard. I notice the confused looks I'm receiving, and smile before explaining myself. "I mean, come on." I begin. "it's a never ending cycle." I add, shaking my head. "I'm at North Wood, at last twice every few months, it's nothing new. I have friends there, it's not a big deal." I say with a cheeky smile. "I'll start packing, and you guys can start the car" I say as I stand up, brushing myself off, before heading towards my bedroom. The truth is, I have a bag packed already, they do this so often that I can tell when it's going to happen again. I honestly don't mind being at North Wood, the staff all know me, I have a few friends that are in and out patients, just like me, so in reality, I'm fine with it.
     I enter my room quickly, grab the bag I packed just a few nights before, and raced out of the front door, to the car. "let's go!" I say, plopping into the car and slinging the seat belt over my shoulder. "I have people to see, let's go" I laugh, catching my parents off guard once again. My dad just flashes me a sympathetic smile, and begins to drive away from our house and towards North Wood.

.     .     .

After around 2 hours of driving, we finally arrive at my home away from home. North Wood Rehabilitation Center. I hurriedly  grab my bag, and hop out of the car. I am immediately greeted by my therapist Dr. Grace Connors. "Hey Dr. C!" I shout, waving and heading towards her. "well, if it isn't my favorite patient, Ella Karter." she chuckles. "I'm back for a bit, hope i haven't missed too much" I laugh, turning towards my parents, and waving goodbye before watching them drive off. "You're always welcome here, and not much is different, just a few new patients is all. Well, I hope to catch up with you later, during group session" she smiles, before heading inside. I quickly head inside after her, ready to be back in my old room. "ELLE!" I hear someone shout, I turn to see my friend Olympia, running towards me. "OLLIE!" I shout back, dropping my bag and opening my arms for a hug. "I knew you'd be back" she chucked, releasing me from her grasp. "always am" I shrug my shoulders before picking up my bag and heading towards my room with Olympia. As we're walking to my room, a boy I'd never seen before, walks past us, a blank expression on his face. "who was that?" I ask, turning my head for a moment, to get a good look at him. "Oh, him?" Olympia sighs. "That's Chris, He's new" she adds. "oh. why's he here?" I ask, as we approach my room. "well, from what I've heard, he's been through some pretty traumatic shit, Elle." Olympia says quietly, with a sympathetic look on her face as we enter the room. "Oh? Like what?" I ask curiously, setting my bag down on my bed. "okay so don't quote me on this.. but apparently, he survived a car accident that killed his brother. although you already know the insane amount of absolutely bat shit crazy theories spreading around..I've heard people say shit like he's mute & doesn't talk to anyone except his therapist" Olympia sighed as she leaned up against the doorway, watching me quickly unpack my things. "so he hasn't talked to anyone while he's been here?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows. " well, the rumor isn't exactly true elle." she sighs. "it's his brother who's mute. the whole accident really messed him up" Olympia says as she shrugs her shoulders. "Brother?" I say, confusion washes over my face as i swiftly put my things where they belong. "oh yeah, he's got another brother, Matt. I've met him once or twice in group. Well, when he shows up. He seems like a good guy, but i can tell he worries about his brother." Olympia rambles, then stops herself abruptly. "damn" I shake my head, closing up all of the now filled drawers. "well, should we go walk around and search for Emma and Kels?" Olympia asks with a energetic smile. "of course!" I laugh. Emma and Kels are part of my friend group here at North Wood, and they have no idea I've come back.
"well then, let's go" Olympia giggles as she takes my hand and practically drags me out of my room. As we're walking down the brightly-lit hallway, we're suddenly approached by a boy. "hey Ollie." the boy waves, stopping in front of us. "Hi Chris." Olympia smiles. "who's this?" Chris asks, raising an eyebrow. "this is my friend Stella." Olympia says, gesturing towards me. "Elle." I correct her. "right, sorry Elle" she says quietly. "are you new? I've never seen you around here" Chris asks. "I could ask you the same thing" I retort, but unwillingly smile directly after the words escape my mouth. Olympia wiggles her eyebrows at me, causing me to roll my eyes. "to answer your question, no she's not new, she's..here quite a lot" Olympia explains. "Oh? Really, i'm-" Chris begins to reply, but is cut off. "STELLA! Is that really you?" I hear a familiar voice shout. Within a few short moments, Emma appears beside Chris, wrapping an arm around his torso. "Emma, hey! We were just looking for you" Olympia says politely. "well, Stella. I see you've met Chris" Emma says with an obviously forced smile, ignoring Olympia'a comment. "Elle." I correct her under my breath. I don't know what's gotten into her, but i sure didn't like it. "Well, it's nice to have you back, Elle, maybe we'll catch up later. Let's go Chris" Emma let's out a fake giggle, then rolls her eyes, while grabbing Chris's arm and pulling him along with her. "Hey, stelly!" He shouts as Emma pulls him along, causing me to look back at him in surprise. stelly?. "I'll see you around? " he questions, with a smile. I looked at my feet, then back at him, before nodding my head and responding "See you around."


Author's Note;
This chapter took me all day long, and i really hope this story ends up being enjoyable. I know it seems like its moving a little fast, but i just needed to make sure most of the characters were introduced in this chapter. x

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