07; 𝙠𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙗𝙖𝙗𝙮

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I slowly open my eyes, feeling the warmth of Chris's body against mine. I smile to myself as I realize how comfortable I am with him. I could really get used to this. I glance around the room, noticing that Matt and Kelsey are nowhere to be found in the bed. When Suddenly, Kelsey emerges from the bathroom with a toothbrush in her mouth, announcing that we have solo therapy today.
"Good morning, sleepy heads," she says with a grin before racing back into the bathroom.
I try to break free from Chris's sleepy grip around me, but he just holds me tighter and groans, "I don't want to get up." My heart flutters at his words. "I know, but we all have to," I reply with a chuckle. Chris finally gives in, and we start to get dressed for the day. I opt for a casual but cute outfit, consisting of high-waisted jeans and a flowy band t-shirt. We all make our way to Dr. Connors's office since we all have her as our assigned therapist at North Wood. We sometimes have been scheduling our solo therapy sessions back to back, but honestly, we prefer it this way. It feels less lonely. We sit outside of Dr. Connors's office in chairs that line the wall, waiting for our turn. Matt is called in first, leaving Chris, Kelsey, and I alone. We sit in silence for a bit until Kelsey breaks the ice. "What are your plans for the rest of the day?" she asks. Chris and I both shrug, not having any plans. "Well, why don't we have an impromptu movie and game night tonight?" Kelsey suggests with a grin. Chris and I both agree, and Kelsey even insinuates finding a way to get some alcohol. It's always more fun that way. As we wait for our therapy sessions, we start to plan our evening. I can't wait to spend more time with Chris and my friends. In the middle of our planning, Matt emerges from Dr. Connors office, gaining all of our eyes. He looks at us in confusion and furrows his eyebrows. "Movie night baby!" Kelsey exclaims.
• • •

Kelsey gets up from the floor, a little unsteady on her feet, and stumbles over to Chris and Matt's dresser. She rummages around for a moment before pulling out a bottle of vodka from a hidden spot. Chris and Matt look at each other in shock and then laugh, not knowing when she even put the bottle there. "You're a sneaky one," Chris laughs, taking the bottle from her and examining it. "How about a game of truth or dare?" Kelsey suggests with a grin. Stella, Chris, and Matt nod in agreement. "I'm down, but how about if you don't do the dare or tell the truth, you take a shot?" Chris smirks. Matt shrugs, knowing he can't play anyway, since he doesn't talk, but he's always down for some shots.
• • •
I can feel the alcohol coursing through my veins as we continue to play truth or dare. It's been an hour since we started and things are starting to get wild. Kelsey, who's already made out with Matt, is downing yet another shot. It's all so exhilarating and fun. But then Kelsey takes things up a notch by daring me to make out with Chris. My heart starts pounding in my chest as I lock eyes with him. He looks fuzzy and hazy from all the alcohol, but still incredibly handsome.
"Fuck, did I say that out loud?" I say, feeling embarrassed by the sudden confession. Chris laughs and replies, "Yes, you did." But then he adds, "No, you didn't.. but I wanted you to think you did. Now I'm wondering what you said," teasing me playfully.
Before I know it, Kelsey is urging us to kiss and Chris is leaning in. We're lost in the moment, and the world around us fades away. The kiss lasts much longer than it probably seemed. We only stop when Matt coughs, interrupting the moment. We continue to drink, laugh, and play games, forgetting all about the fact that we're in rehab. It feels like we're just normal young adults having fun, letting our guard down and enjoying each other's company.
As the effects of the alcohol start to kick in, we all decide to call it a night. Chris and I make our way back to My shared room with my friends. I didn't even care if they were there, all i cared about in this inebriated state, was Chris. Hand in hand, giggling and stumbling along the way, Once we're in the room, Chris turns to me and says, "I had a lot of fun tonight. Thank you for being here with me." His words make my heart swell with happiness, even if he is drunk beyond comprehension.  I pull him into a hug, savoring the moment of closeness between us. "I had fun too. And thank you for being here with me," I reply, feeling grateful for the connection we share.
"do you want to come inside?" I ask after a moment of silence. Chris gives me a big toothy green and a nod. I open the door to the room, still not caring who's there or not, as
I take Chris's hand and lead him towards my bed, stumbling slightly as we make our way through the room. we're both drunk, so our movements are unsteady and clumsy, but it didn't seem to matter to either of us. As we reach the bed, we collapse onto it with a loud thud, causing one of the other girls in the room to shush them.
Despite the reprimand, neither of us care. We're lost in our own world, laughing and joking with each other like we're the only people in the room. Chris's head falls back onto the pillow, his eyes closed, a content smile on his face.
I can't help but stare at him for a moment, my heart beating faster in my chest. In the dim light of the room, I take in every detail of his face, from the slight scruff on his chin to the way his hair fell across his forehead. I feel a warmth spreading through my body that I couldn't ignore. As I look at him, I realize how much I have come to care for him. He's more than just a friend or a fellow patient in rehab. He's someone I've grown close to, someone I've shared intimate moments with. And now, as I look at him, I realize, how much I want to be with him. But the moment is fleeting. As the laughter dies down and the room grows quiet, I know that I can't act on my feelings. or could i? No. Not now, not here.. I sigh softly, letting my hand brush against Chris's, before turning away and closing my eyes, trying to push my thoughts and feelings aside.
• • •
For a while, i thought Chris was sound asleep next to me, until- "ooh! ooh!"
Chris shoots up from his spot in bed next to me. "i wrote you a poem stelly!"Chris drunkenly exclaims, with zero disregard for anyone who might be sleeping in the room other than them. "Oh did you now?" I raise a brow, also still not caring about waking anyone up. i guess that's what alcohol does to you. "yUp" Chris Hiccups. "wrote it just now, in my head" he adds, "let's hear it baby." i say, without even thinking, clearly not sober yet, the alcohol still lingering on my breath. "Stelly, oh Stelly, my heart skips a beat" Chris begins and I giggle. "Whenever we're together, my world feels complete." he smiles a proud smile. "Your smile is like sunshine, your laughter like song" - "why thank you" i say, my hand on my heart. - he leans forward and presses a drunken kiss to my forehead "you interrupted your poem." he says. "i'm sorry, continue" I smile. "Stelly oh Stelly, you light up my world, you make my heart sing, I hope that you know, you mean everything!" He shouts then bursts into laughter. I can't help but laugh along. "Well, Christopher, that was beautiful"
"thank you, thank you." he nods his head in replacement of a bow. "now, where's my poem?" he raises a brow. "oh now i have to come up with something on the spot because of your drunk ass?" - he nods - "of course i do" i sigh but through a smile of course. i love him. so much.
wait what?! did i just- nah that's just the alcohol talking.
"i can't promise it'll rhyme or anything though." i add, looking down to see chris laying flat on his stomach, arms supporting his head, his eyes focused on me, and a giant goofy smile plastered on his face. "go on then stellar" he urges. I roll my eyes playfully and do my best to rack my brain for reasons I love this man.
"You make me feel whole...you make me complete" I manage, the liquid courage helping me out a ton. "With you by my side, I can conquer anything..you are the missing piece that I needed to meet..My love for you will never fade or die. You are my forever, my soulmate," i smile as chris sits up and wipes away a tear i didn't even notice begin to fall. "until the end of time." i finish as he looks me in the eyes, grabs my face gently, and pulls me in for a kiss.
wow. how drunk are we.
"it didn't rhyme, stelly." Chris groans as he plops back down on the bed.
"oh boo hoo christopher." I roll my eyes playfully and lay down next to him. I check the clock next to the bed, and it reads 3:45am.
"well, looks like we're sleeping in today." I chuckle to myself.
"hey karter baby." Chris says through a yawn and half opened eyes.
my heart flutters at his choice of words.
But the alcohol in me pushes me to have a bit more confidence than normal. "what's up, handsome?" I ask, fully amused by drunk Chris.
"is it bad that I want you around, like all of the time." he asks. "like alllll of the time karter. ALL the time." he whines.
there he goes with karter again. ugh. there go the butterflies again.
"Christopher Owen Sturniolo, is it bad that i want to kiss you all over that handsome face?"

Author's note;
okayyy so do we ship them or do we ship them??? i'm absolutely obsessed. :,) sorry if it's a little cheesy, what can i say, i'm a cheeseball.

𝘾𝙃𝙊𝙊𝙎𝙀  ➵ 𝕔𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕡𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕠𝕝𝕠 𝕒𝕦Where stories live. Discover now