012; 𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙜𝙤.

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*day after last chapter*
I had been looking forward to dinner with Chris and Stella, even if they were just last minute plans, I really was excited for a double date. but when I received a text from Matt, everything changed.

Matty🐝💕: I love you.

I knew that I had to go and check on him.
"sorry guys" I say, slipping my
phone back into my pocket, "Matt wants to meet up with just me instead, he's said he's been having an off day " I lie. I didn't want to worry them especially if I was just being paranoid. "it's okay, we'll see you both later!" ella smiled as I quickly made my way back to the Chris and Matt's room, where i'm hoping Matt is.
As I walked down the hallway, my heart was pounding in my chest. I hoped with all my might that my Matty was okay. When I reached the door to their room, I paused for a moment to catch my breath, then pushed it open and stepped inside.
The room was strangely quiet, and I felt a sense of unease wash over me. "Matt?" I called out nervously. When I received no response, I called out again, louder this time. "MATT!"
I made my way towards the bathroom, my heart racing. I pushed the door open and found Matt on the floor, unconscious and covered in pools of his own blood.
I couldn't believe what I was seeing, my breath caught in my throat.
"No," I whispered, tears brimming in the corners of my eyes. "Matt, oh god, please no." I screamed. a deafening sound that echoed through the room. Almost immediately, staff came rushing in, and I found myself surrounded by a blur of people. But my focus was on Matt, and Matt alone. "please don't leave me." I manage to choke out just above a whisper. I could see his chest rising and falling slowly, and knew that he was still breathing. My heart ached for him, and I felt tears streaming down my face. I was crouched over Matt, sobbing uncontrollably, and I knew that I had to try and stay strong for both of us, but this was all too much for me to handle.
As time passed and more people arrived in the room, my thoughts were consumed by Matt. I prayed that he would be okay, and knew that I would do everything in my power to make sure he recovered. Despite the chaos that surrounded me, I stayed by Matt's side, holding his hand and waiting for any sign that he would wake up.
and then he did.
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My heart drops as I hear Kelsey's words over the phone. "Matt what??" I exclaim in shock. Chris, who is sitting next to me, looks over at me with wide eyes, sensing that something is wrong. I look at him, my frown deepening as I try to figure out how to break the news to him. I know it won't be easy, especially given what had happened with Nick.
"Matt attempted suicide," I say, my voice soft and gentle. I watch as Chris's eyes fall, and he seems to space out for a moment. I squeeze his hands tightly, trying to bring him back to reality. "Of course, we'll be right there," I say into the phone, before hanging up and turning my full attention back to Chris.
"Baby, we have to go," I say, gently pulling him up from the chair. Chris snaps out of his daze, and we both make our way quickly to the infirmary.
As we enter the room, I can see the devastation etched on Chris's face. I reach for his hand, interlocking our fingers, and bringing our hands up to my lips, kissing the top of his hand softly. I can see the tears in his eyes, and it breaks my heart to see him this way.
I squeeze Chris's hand tightly, trying to convey a sense of comfort and strength. As we walk towards Kelsey and Matt, I pray that Matt will pull through, that he will be okay. I know that we all need each other more than ever in the days and weeks to come..
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Author's Note;
This one's super short, and super sad. i'm so sorry. that's all i have to say for myself. — oh and I know a lot is happening right now, but just bare with me! i swear it'll all piece together.

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