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*important a/n at the end*
(picture has nothing to do with the chapter but oh my fuck Michael Gordon Clifford you are killing me)

The smell of leather was hard to miss in the sleek BMW I had the pleasure of sitting in at the moment. I was turned to face the driver's seat, in which Ashton was turned to face me.

We had been sitting in the parking lot like this for several minutes. The moment seemed too perfect to leave. Staring at each other left me content to last for a lifetime.

Ashton leaned over and pecked my lips. Then, reluctantly, he turned and positioned both hands on the steering wheel. We were finally on the road, and I couldn't help but notice Ashton's hand carelessly in my lap. I intertwined our fingers and he squeezed my hand for comfort. I avoided Twitter as per usual these days. I wasn't completely oblivious to the stares and pictures taken today, and neither was Ashton.

"We're gonna head to my place. Is that cool with you?" Ashton asked.

"Of course," I replied, without skipping a beat. I loved how Ashton would always ask to make sure I was okay.

He smiled goofily. I really enjoyed his company. It was laid back, something I didn't get to experience that often. It was so easy to be around him. I wish I realized it sooner.

We sat in silence for a while, and it lasted like that, until my phone rang. I looked at the Caller ID, and my heart did a backflip.

The all-too familiar Green Eyes came to an abrupt halt when I hesitantly clicked the answer button. Pressing the phone against my ear, I huffed out heavily to let the boy on the other line know that I was aware of his presence.

"Bella, you broke your promise." His husky tone never ceased to amaze me.

"I didn't-" I said, before continuing in a hushed tone, and I snuck a glance at Ashton. "I didn't promise anything."

He chuckled lowly, and I would be lying if I said that it didn't frighten me. "Bella, you chose him over me, you know."

"I know exactly what I did, Ha-" I stopped myself, carefully. "Haven't you got anything else to do?"

I could practically hear him smirking. "Coming, Scarlett," he taunted. "Lover boy's with you, isn't he?"

"I don't think that's any of your concern," I replied coolly. Without thinking, I hung up on him. Harry wasn't one with a controlled temper, but he knew better than to mess with me after everything that happened.

"Who was that?" Ashton's voice reflected innocence, at least when it came to this. It made me want to kiss him until my lips chapped... if that's not weird.

"Just... Allison," I lied. I hugged myself tight. I hated lying to him, but I didn't feel like telling him it was Harry.

"Is she bothering you?" It warmed up my heart that Ashton cared. He always expressed his love, even when I was oblivious to the fact that he loved me.

"No, I think I took care of it." I grabbed his hand as the building came into view. He nodded in agreement, and stepped out of the car. I was about to do the same, until Ashton's figure blocked the door from opening. He waved his hands, signaling me to be patient. He opened the door and held out his hand. I didn't know whether to jump into his arms or roll my eyes, so I just grabbed his arm and squeezed it tight.

It didn't stop there. He carried me into the lobby bridal style. My arms latched around his neck, and I threw my head back laughing. Ashton giggled as well, and walked, sometimes tripping over his own feet.

We were inside the elevator. It haunted me that just hours earlier I was here looking like a ghost to tell Ashton it's over. This time, I was laughing in his arms. Everything that happened today with Alli, Louis, Harry, and Scarlett just slipped my mind. The only thing I could think about was Ashton.

His dirty blonde hair, and had hazel eyes that turned green in the light. Harry's eyes were also green. But they were more emerald, in contrast to Ashton's olive. Harry's eyes were so bright that they could turn icy when he was angry. Ashton's had a warmth to them. I couldn't quite explain it.

The constant comparisons to Harry were unfair to Ashton, but I couldn't help but make them. They were so similar, yet so different. I didn't think that I ever truly stopped loving Harry. But Ashton sure was helping me move on.

In his flat, he led me to his room. The other boys weren't home, and as much as I loved their company, it was nice to have some privacy. It's something I can never have in a relationship outside in the world.

Speaking of which, while Ashton got drinks, I logged onto Twitter to see what was going on. My mentions had blown up in the course of just a few hours. I followed some fans that were being nice or just seemed awesome. I tried to tear my eyes away from the hateful things that were being said, but I just couldn't resist.

@bellaeives what a whore using @Harry_Styles and now @Ashton5SOS


@bellaeives I hate you how can you even show your face in public bitch. fucking slut.

I never really paid attention to the haters. I expected myself to feel hurt, but after everything that happened to me recently, the words didn't even hurt a tiny bit.

I was proud of myself for not getting too caught up in the comments. But I wasn't just going to ignore it. The mature thing to do is to defend myself without causing a fight. So that's exactly what I did.

@bellaeives: Just living life, guys. Say what you have to say, but I ain't wiping the smile off my face.

I smiled at the tweet, which got hundreds of retweets and replies in just seconds. I was too exhausted to read them, so I just threw my phone to the side.

Ashton joined minutes later. I snuggled into his chest, taking a sip of the beer he brought me. It kept me awake for a while, but not too long.

I fell into the most peaceful sleep I had in a really long time. Hopefully, it'll stay that way. Things get worse before they get better, right?

okay so this might not seem important, but I sorta really need to know what you guys think. what do you want to see happen in the story? I've got the main plot but I really want to have your input in it all:) like more ashella moments, more Harry scenes etc. basically I just need to know how much more you want to see before this ends and I start the sequel. for example, if you want Ashton and Bella together... maybe you want to end at a wedding? or Harry and Bella together... then it could end with them getting back together. not saying what happens, but I just want to know where to end this and begin the next book (which if everything goes as planned will have loads of drama)

also all the Twitter stuff in the chapter is completely made up. of your username for anything coincidently happens to be "@bellaeives" then sorry, but I made it up myself lol. I got the inspiration based off of what I feel when bae is dating someone *coughBryanacoughHolly*.


who is your least favorite character?

mine was the mom for a little bit, but then I kinda fixed her. I don't really like Alli and Louis rn either.

my favorites are Ashton, Audrey, Jordan and Max. I hated killing him off omg.



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