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"Bella! You should totally come backstage with me," Scarlett suggested. "You guys can come too," she added, to the four boys with me.

"Um, I guess that's a good idea," Ashton said. He looked at the other boys. It seemed nobody knew how to reject the perky blonde.

"Only if you want to, Bels," Michael said, eyeing me carefully. The three boys nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, sure. What's the harm? Let's go," I said, smiling. I followed Scarlett, and her heels clicked against the floor. She ran into a figure, whom I easily recognized.

"Paul?" I looked at the familiar man with a big smile. He was still as red as ever, a trait he always had when he was around the boys.

"Hello, Bella," he said, eyeing my presence warily. "Haven't seen you all in a while."

"Of course not, silly," Scarlett interrupted. "Bella lives is Australia now."

"Right," he nodded. It was so awkward. I felt like Harry must've said something to him, but I realized Louis probably had the bigger influence.

"Bella," another voice came out from behind. It was Liam Payne himself.

"Hey Li," I said. "Thanks for the invite."

Liam just smiled knowingly, and motioned us all to follow him. On the way to the dressing room, he made conversation with Luke.

When we entered the dressing room, I would be lying if I said I wasn't feeling nostalgic. Zayn and Louis were hanging in the back, Niall still had his guitar around his neck, and Harry played with Lux. All heads turned to our direction, but unfortunately unlike old times, I was not tackled to the ground.

"Hey, it's 5sos!" Niall yelled. I knew how much he enjoyed their company. In fact, Louis and I were the ones that first showed him the YouTube videos.

"And Bella," Liam added, with a chuckle. I smiled, knowing Niall very well. Thankfully, he didn't give me a cold shoulder, and walked over to give me a hug. Of course, he hugged the rest of them as well. 

Zayn took a look at mine and Ashton's joined hands, and smiled. "It's great to see you all," was all he said. I could tell he sounded tired from the show.

Louis walked over to us, and I hoped he would greet me. He was my best friend, after all. But he just continued walking until he was out of the room.

Harry saw us as well, and he smiled. "It's great to see you all again. It's been a while."

Four months. I went from seeing them- him- everyday to barely ever. And I realized that years from now, I may never see him again. I may forget his name.

He was my first love. I looked into his piercing green eyes, and I could tell he was thinking the same. I knew his feelings had come back, he wasn't shy to tell me. But I reminded myself of Ashton, and our love.

"Same," Calum said. He was a bit bitter, but he knew the shit Harry put Ashton and I through.

"Lads, if you don't mind," Niall started. "We're spending another day in Sydney. Is it alright if... maybe... Bella stays with us? I mean, we were so close, and it's been forever."

Ashton looked at me, and I nodded. "Of course," he agreed. Based on our behavior, it was hard to believe we were the same ten people from just months ago.

Niall smiled. After another half an hour, the boys decided to leave. I kissed Ashton on the cheek. He waved, and him and the rest of the boys said their final goodbyes to their fellow music group.

It would be a hell of a night. Especially when it comes to spending a night with Harry Styles.


The dressing room was dark, with only the light from my phone illuminating it. The boys were all in their post-show shower modes, and Scarlett had gone to get some rest for a shoot tomorrow.

All of a sudden, the light flicked on. I turned around, and there was the devil himself standing in the doorway.

"I need to talk to you," Harry said. His hair was wet and his cheeks were flushed. He was wearing a white t-shirt, and it reminded me of that Taylor Swift song.

"Alright." I put my phone in my lap and gave him my undivided attention.

"Last time, in the graveyard-"

I immediately let out a sigh, one of annoyance, and Harry gave me a pointed look.

"I told you- asked you- to stay. That wasn't because I love to make your life hell, Bella," he continued.

"Harry, I-"

"Let me finish. I can't let you slip away from me again, especially with the thought that you might still have feelings for me?"

I scoffed. "Harry it's been months. I haven't had any longings to see you. I think you can scratch that off of your mind."

"Bella, you can't be serious. You're really throwing our stealthy relationship for a guy you just started falling for?" Oh, how he was wrong in so many ways.

"Harry, if anyone threw our 'stealthy' relationship down the drain, it was you."

Harry's cheek got even redder, but he did something I didn't expect him to do. He grabbed my cheeks, and with full force smashed his lips against mine.

We both fell off the chairs and onto the floor. I tried kicking but he had to strong of a grip.

And when he pulled away, I felt something familiar, something I seemed to have around him.


fucking hell harry
anyway... yeah. new chapter. yay me.
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(btw updating in honor of rowyso last night!! so many muke feels) (I stared into Luke's eyes it was incredible) 
shameless self-promo-
Instagram- hellagoodtaylor
tumblr- xsmilinglikeacheshirecatx and you can follow my 1D blog toasttothegirlalmightyx or my 5sos blog lucifer-is-a-penguin :)

thanks again!!

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