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Excitement filled the air as Sunset Mirage gathered in their practice room. Emi had just received some exciting news from their producer.

"Guys, guess what? We have been selected to make a movie! We are going to be the stars!" Emi exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement.

"A movie? That's amazing! What's the plot going to be about?" Yui asked.

"Our producer said that it's going to be a romantic comedy set in high school. We are going to play high school students who fall in love and go through all kinds of challenges," Emi explained.

Sunset Mirage was thrilled at the idea of making a movie. They couldn't believe that they were going to be the stars of their own film.

"So, what's our next step?" Mai asked, eager to get started.

"We have to come up with some ideas for our characters and the plot. Our producer wants us to be involved in the creative process," Emi replied.

Sunset Mirage spent the next few days brainstorming ideas for their characters and the plot. They came up with all kinds of ideas, from shy bookworms to rebellious troublemakers.

Once they had finalized their characters and the plot, they began filming. It was a lot harder than they had expected. Filming required a lot of patience and hard work. They had to do multiple takes for every scene and had to work long hours.

Despite the challenges, Sunset Mirage persevered. They were determined to make the best movie they possibly could.

After several weeks of filming, the movie was finally completed. Sunset Mirage watched the finished product in awe, amazed at how far they had come. They had gone from being high school students with a dream to being the stars of their own movie.

As the credits rolled, Sunset Mirage felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. They had worked hard to make this movie, and it had paid off. They knew that they had created something that they could be proud of for years to come.

Nova Live Volume 2: Sunset MirageWhere stories live. Discover now