He knows me

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I reached the terrace and angrily threw a pot on the floor. Abhi rushed to me and huged me. He stopped me as I madly stamped my feet and pushed him away. He kept holding me with all the strength ans asked me to calm down. I gave it up to him. He made me sit down on the swing. He sat down beside me and then keot my head in his lap. He slowly massaged my head and tried to pass some calmness into me. He asked nothing, he said nothing. He simply kept on gently pushing my anger points, I slowly lost my anger and then myself. I slept their like that. Since forever abhi knew what I needed when and once again he showed me that nobody can keep me better than him.


The next morning I woke up in my bed. Their was a chocolate kept on my side table with a note,

"I am sorry I had to leave the house without meeting you and so to make up here is you favorite chocolate. Eat it like a pig like you always do."

I smiled at the last line. Abhi never let me eat chocolates outside because he thinks I am worse than pigs while eating them. While viraj loves to spoil me and gets me one each day. Viraj, my mood quickly turned off as his name clicked in. I stood up from my bed and walked towards the washroom. On the gate was another note,

"ahhan, the pig is gonna wash today. Thank god the house would be less stinky."

I laughed at it but made a mental note to beat him for it afterwards. I took of the note and went inside the shower. I took out the elastic from my hair and shook my head to let them free. The water was icy cold. I mostly preferred warm showers but today it was different. I felt really light as the water ran down my spine. I let myself free and tears slowly moved out of my eyes. I stayed numb and allowed myself to feel the water. After a long shower I came out of the bath really fresh. I was over last night's weird happenings (well almost!)

I walked into my wardrobe and looked at the huge collections I had. I was literally a princess. I smirked and pride glared on my face. My wardrobe was something anyone would envy. My eyes fell on another note. It was stuck on the mirror. I quickly took it off. It read,

"I don't how good I am at setting combos but still you have to wear what I have kept here. I have wasted my whole morning doing this, so don't you dare change even a single bit of it."

Awwww, abhi was so cute. I looked at the dress he choose for me. It was a really smart blue and white. He chose my white stripped bellies and blue studs to complete my look. Well he was good at it but still I am not going to praise him for his hard work. I was constantly smiling as I slipped into the dress. I was wondering if abhi have left more notes for me. I applied my lip balm and a little kohl. I was walked out, back to my room. I sat down on my bed thinking what I should do next. I still had time for college. I was sitting when a servant entered with breakfast. I literally slurpped on seeing monster sandwiches. I was about to break on the food when my eyes fell on another note. I smiled as I read,

"I have told you so many times don't slurp but then you can't resist my food or me ;) . Have the breakfast and then go downstairs. The driver would take you to your destination for the day."

God so much of pampering. I ate the whole sandwich. I literally wanted to kiss abhi's hands. He was such an amazing cook. But what was the next destination? What have abhi planned for the day? And yes about my college? I was confused and then I searched for my phone to call abhi. I was reminded what I did with my phone last night. I sighed! Not left with any option, I walked downstairs. I saw aunty was busy giving the servants instructions to pack that this and that. Who was going and where? I felt like bashing my head on the wall as I realised that abhi would leave tomorrow for pune. My mood swinged to the bad mood again. He would leave, leave me alone again! I felt fragile but I did what abhi had asked me to do. I placed myself in the car's back seat and waited to reach my 'destination' peacefully. I didn't relate to the roads, I have never been here before. I looked down and played with my nails. I could have ever had enough of abhi, never! Even the thought of parting myself from him gave me so much pain. It felt like tiny pin was piercing through my heart again and again.


The driver informed me that we have reached our destination. I looked out, I was suprised, we were on a river bank. The driver opened the door. I hesitantly stepped outside. I looked around and I saw abhi's car. I walked towards it but abhi was not there in the car. The driver drove off as I was checking onto abhi. I got scared. Although I was sure abhi was somewhere around here but I haven't seen him yet, how can I be sure? I looked here and there in panic. I shouted, "abhi" while running here and there. I came back and stood near the car considering it the safest place than. I was scared when a mask man came in front of me and I shouted at the pitch of my voice, "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa". The man fell down and immediately took off his mask. Abhi it was. He looked even more scared than I was.

I ran behind him to beat him for scaring me like this but than unable to catch him I sat down and started crying. A really cocerned abhi hugged me and said, "I am sorry. I won't ever do this again.you know I can't see you crying."

I wrapped my arms around him sobbing. He rubbed circles on my back in order to calm me.

"I said I won't do this again. Stop crying."

I sat back and wiped my tears. Abhi got up to get me water from the car. I drank the water and than said,

"You are leaving tomorrow." I was visibly upset.

He smiled and said,"I have to. You know I wouldn't if it was not necessary."

"Am I not necessary?" I looked down. I know I shouldn't do this. It was already very tough on him but then I needed him. Abhedya wrapped his arm around my shoulders and said, "well you do, that is why I have to go."

I was confused, I looked at him in surprise.

He smiled and said, "I have to become a man you would be more proud of than your wardrobe."

We both faintly smiled. I kept my head on his chest and said,"I would miss you."

"I would miss you too.", the moment was inperfectly perfect. We were together, we were smiling, but the next day we would be far and than we would have to wait for months to hug each other.

"Preyal!", abhi broke the silence with a rather heavy voice. I sat up straight and looked into his eyes as he continued, "promise me, you won't be as impatient, as fragile as you were last night." , care reflected in his eyes. He was teary. I think he was scared that what would happen to me when I leave. We had similar fears. I looked down. Abhi lifted my chin up and said, "preyal life goes on just like this river. It keeps on flowing disregard of the stones that block its path. Some pebbles, some soil roll along with it but eventually everything finds out its own shore. But this doesn't affect the river preyal. It don't stop, it don't leave its dream to meet the ocean. Promise me, you would be his river, you won't stop, you won't break. You would stay strong!"

I knew he was right but I had nothing to say, I just found the right spot on his shoulder to rest my head and then in a very pale voice I said,"I promise!"


All those who wants to killme, raise your hands.

Lol, Sorry for the long wait. Even I hate when I am unable to update in time. But so much work and the poor tiny me! Really sorry people.


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