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"I am not going back without you. I can't ever hate my preyal."

My tears that were till now epitome of anger now had love falling with them. the eyes that seeked peace were now satisfied. but something stopped me, that something that happened on that day. With every drop i was losing my breath, i wanted to hug him tight and fall in love with him once again but i could not stop him; stop him to suffer again; stop him to love a villain like me. i stole my eyes from him for from the very first time we met he knew how to read my mind through my eyes. the heart that was covered with layers of hatred and envy started melting down once again. his one sight still did wonders.

“preyal let those memories go.” he said hesitantly. “they are just the black past. you have a future waiting for you, shanu is waiting for you……..i am waiting for you.”

i moved away as he stepped towards me. he looked down and continued “it has been 5 years. please come back. we all need you.”

i didn’t have anything to say. i feared the way people will look at me when i go back. i feared what might have happened after i left. i feared if everyone will ever be able to love me the way they did. i was a coward back then and I still am a coward.

i went down the lane of memories. a glass that was  covered with dust all over. my uncontrollable tears wiped it slowly and the book of my past unfolded in my mind. suddenly i felt a smile on my face. the smile that i used to wear those good old days. the smile the popular preyal always had. the smile dhvani’s gossips gave me. the smile that belonged to me……


she lived, loved and lostWhere stories live. Discover now