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I was not hurt! afterall viraj had no idea about the nasties of my heart. he obviously didn't know that I, his bestfriend, the annoying little fellow was much in love wih him, the alien. yeah he was an alien. dropping at my house at 2 through pipes, hogging in street food wearing hoddies so that no one can spot him, wearing spongebob squarepants shorts and roam around the mall... ahh do all these things sound humanly. ofcourse not! atleast not to me! I can speak about viraj endlessly but not now. now was not the time. it didnt feel right.I sure am upset.

I laid back in my cozy bed and snuggled in the blanket. I went to my dreamland almost instantly. I cant resist the perfectness of that place.

But people hates the love I have for my bed. there was yet another intruder. abhi shook me badly as he stood beside my bed. I gave him a deadly stare and hid myself under my blanket. He sinked in the chair nearby. well, what's up? why is everbody doing strange things tonight? ahhh abhi, he cant give up irritating me that easily. he wouldn't have ever given up on snatching me away from my sweetheart bed even if death approached. no, I am not exaggerating! then why was he so low this time. I sneaked out of my blanket, he was plain as a sheet. he didn't hold any expression. no sadness, anger, happiness. he was just numb. I mentally told myself, "this is gonna be long night"

I sat back and poked him. he gave a lil fake smile (I AM HIS BESTFRIEND. SO I KNOW THAT.) but I knew I can put a real one on his face. I poked him again.

I announced loudly, "SPILL!"

He smirked at me and said, " I miss you."

I really didn't get what he meant. he miss me??? I am sitting right next to him, mad as always. Then what did he mean? Why he was he so upset? What did I do? Did I hurt him? Have I changed? I cant see my bestfriend like this. It can be anyone but not abhedya.

he continued," preyal you have so many friends now. back then it used to be just me and you. infact for me still you are my world."

"ab.." I tried to say something. but I was cut by him.

"look preyal do not get me wrong. your friends are lovely people for sure. and I am not here to make you feel guilty or anything. its just that you are my bestfriend. I need to confide in you. and you have to listen. you have to understand, like you always do."

"Abhi I am always there for you baby. you are my first bestfriend. many people came in my left and eventually left. but you were not ready to leave my side. whatever it was. you refused to leave me alone even when I tried to kick you out. you stayed, you stayed for me. you are the reason I am standing strong today. mom dad... all that , I wouldn't have came over it if you were not there. I will always be your stupid silly bestfriend. so spill now before I kick you hard."

" I am happy you have not forgotten me."

" I will slap you abhi. what made you think I have forgotten you? ahh, how can you think such nonsense stuff? ahh how can I ever forget YOU? you blood sucking vampire!!"

"ahh don't kill me!" he smirked and continued, "for the first time ever you stole your eyes away from me. I couldn't absorb it. I can not live with it over my chest. why would you try to escape my stare? why would you try to steal yourself away? I couldn't reason it. I couldn't."

"you know I love you, right?" I said

" yes" he smiled and this time it was a real big smile.

"I love you too bestfriend" he announced aloud.

we were mad. normal people don't shake people out of sleep to tell them they miss them. but bestfriends do. and yes I loved abhi but not the way viraj assumed it.

I stood up and pulled him into a hug. I smirked and him and them slapped him and said, "stupid!". he whined at me and threw me on the bed. yes he literally threw me and then tickled me. I mean man seriously. we were worse then 5 year olds. he was mad but so was I! after this he finally allowed me to sleep it a little.

*next morning*

sleep clenched me. I yawned. why the lectures had to be this boring. I dont know when suddenly I fell asleep.

A chalk hit on my forhead and I the hulk woman rose from my place and shouted, " how dare.." I was about to spill a number of curses but then I realized it was the professor and I was caught sleeping. the words went down my throat and I gulped them in and finally came up with, "sorry sir".

he shot back saying, "ahh! sorry? why miss shekhawat? actually we are sorry that we disturbed your million dollar sleep. but madam sleeping on a bench doesn't suit you. I will personally request the administration to get you a spring mattresses."

dhvani and rehan giggled under the table. I was planning the professor's murder in my mind and dhvani gave the background music. horrid gun shots! I controlled my laughter and apologised. he asked me to sit down and continued teaching. ahh he made me a good laughing stock.

finally the lecture was over but the professor asked me to stay. ahh I didn't want any punishments.

"sir I am seriously sorr.." he cut me halfway through and said, " preyal, I knew your father well.we were quite good friends"

"wait, wait! you knew my father well???"

" yes preyal, we shared a equation that was more than just proffesional. he shared many things with me. his last days were hard. he got extortion calls. they threatened him for his life. they had issues with him building this college."

what? extortion calls? college trusty? what is all this? this college was built by my dad. why on this earth I am not aware of all this. I quite literally own this place. makes sense. namnish uncle still funds the college. but why? why now?

professor herman continued,"but your father was unmoved. he still funded this college. this college was his dream. he wanted genius minds to be educated here so that they can make it big like him. you have his sparks. you have him in you. you are like a daughter to me. please don't spoil yourself. "

I almost choked, ready to cry, something I haven't done in years. my world were about to shatter. why was I kept in dark glasses? why?

I finally gave in to speak, "sir, I know I have to carry the buisness forward once I leave this place. I know it finally needs its real owner. but for now just answer me honestly one thing, were they murdered?"

" preyal, I am sorry child." he paused, looking down he said, "yes it was a murder."

I dropped down. I have balanced myself over years but now. why? i can't take it. someone took them away from me for few bits of money or selfish purposes. why? why they hid it from me? and if they did then why it had to come back to me eventually?

she lived, loved and lostWhere stories live. Discover now