Mysteries of the past!

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I dropped down. I have balanced myself over years but now. why? i can't take it. someone took them away from me for few bits of money or selfish purposes. why? why they hid it from me? and if they did then why it had to come back to me eventually?tears wanted to break through my eyes but I resisted them from falling. I needed to be strong not weak. god have brought it all back to me because their justice was yet to be done. I had to find out the truth of their death.  I need to bring those culprits to justice. I am his heir, his company, his property, even his dreams were mine now. there was a new direction in my life. I am HIS heir. I have to prove is love and faith in me. I stood up. herman sir calmed me and then continued,"they might hurt you and shanu too. I know they have not given up yet."

"they cannot even touch him." I bounced back angrily.

"calm down, I know you are a great sister. namnish binded me from telling you anything but I think you have the right to know. they were your parents."

"thank you sir. you have given me a direction today. did you suspect anyone?" I placed myself on a chair and calmly asked him, even though a fire was burning in me.

"No, I don't know who it was. but it was somebody very close to him."

what? ahh, advantage seekers! traitors! somebody close? ahhhhhh! my father invested his faith and people and in return they killed him!

I wanted to growl but I sat silently as he continued speaking.

"he called me that day. he brokedown while talking to me. he said he was betrayed. he wanted to tell me something big. but before he could have said anything I heard a gun shot. the bullet pierced through his body. your mom shouted and then there was another gun shot. it was followed by complete silent. I knew it was over. the golden heart stopped beating and my friend left me alone. i hurried to your house."

I closed my eyes, controlled my tears.

how can somebody be so cruel? why? why my parents? he was the greatest man I have heard of. he didn't deserve to end like this. and the lady by his side, she was someone who belived in God completely and her God had to do this to her.

Herman sir resumed," there was no one at your house except for some servants.  the landline rang. I hurried to pick it up. it was from the hospital. they called up to inform that Mr. and Mrs. shekhawat met an accident and are no more."

I was shocked. the tears were finally out. I can't take this anymore.  ACCIDENT? how come they said it was an accident? they were KILLED!

" I know what you feel like right now. I too was shook completely. I heard them fall. I heard them shout. I heard bullet shots. he was crying and they tell me that it was an accident!!!  I ran to the hospital. but they won't show me the body. they said it was to go under postmortem. "

after all this I knew one thing, I can't trust anyone. I can't

Herman's word stammered now but he anyways kept on speaking.

"their body was finally brought out. I checked for bullet holes. but the body was plastered.  I knew it was done to hide the bullet holes.but I was helpless. I knew there was some big name behind it. I couldn't have done anything. I was a small middle class professor. " he brokedown as those words slipped out of his mouth.

" sir, you stood by him. you were his greatest friend. I know you didn't want to give up but had to give up." I calmed his aching nerves.

"I fought for your custody. but money only triumphs. namnish won the custody. and I guess that was better for you. because I could not have given you the life he gave you. and yes he proved to be better than I thouht he was." he placed his head in his hands and said," he was the greatest man I have known and you are his heir. do not let him down."

I promised him I won't.  I could not have talked much. I was not in a condition to. my worlds were shaken. he blessed me and I left. I straightaway went to the parking lot and got into my sedan. I was about to drive away when viraj blocked my way. I honked. I was too damn angry and broken to handle this nut now. I finally rolled down the window and shouted some curses to him. he reacted as if he didn't hear anything. ahhh, he sucks at times. huh!

I got of the car and he attacked me with innumberable questions.

"where  were you all day? how can you leave without meeting me? what happened in the class? why were you late in the morning? what did the professor say? are you upset? wh.."

I shouted to cut him off

" hold on guy! how can I answer so many  questions all at once!"

"fine! just tell me are you upset with me?"

"no, I mean yes I am upset but it is fine and we will just sort that out."

"ok, so barista?"

" not now viraj, I just need some me-time right now! please let me go"

he waved his hand to direct me to go. I smmiled at him and went back to the car. he stepped back with a hung head.

viraj I know you think it is because of you. but trust me as soon as I will be fine I will be there for you. but this time it is gonna take time.

I smiled and drove off.

she lived, loved and lostWhere stories live. Discover now