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Start a piece of land: I am doing infrastructure construction in another world


set up

turn off the lights




201 Chapter 201

    【201】This...is different from when they came!

    After a while, a group of people arrived at the production area, and at a glance, they saw the endless farmland, which opened up people's mood.

    And looking forward, there are two elephant orcs opening up wasteland there, at a very fast speed, and after a while they are a little far away, showing an unparalleled speed of opening up wasteland.

    There are shadows of orcs everywhere in Qingyun Town, but after serious thinking, they can see that they put the orcs in the most suitable position.

    Speaking of which, many nobles have farmland to grow crops on their private estates to ensure their own food supply, and they can also sell them to ordinary residents, but the price of food is controlled by the nobles to a certain extent. When there is a shortage of food, those nobles Time to make big bucks.

    Speaking of food, it is indeed the foundation of the territory.

    It's just that many territories are reluctant to use land to grow food, but they didn't expect that there are a lot of farmland in Qingyun Town, and they are concentrated in one place, so you can tell that there is a lot of output.

    "My lord, do you sell this grain in your territory?" Simpson couldn't help asking, if he sold it, his family could accept it as it was ordered. After all, the grain in Qingyun Town seems to be very cheap?

    It would cost a lot of money to sell it casually, and it was a very good product, his family could eat it.

    Gu Qing listened, and directly refused: "Not for sale! The grain in our territory is not sold to the outside world, and the exchange in the trading center is only for residents, and foreign residents are also limited. Unless there are special cases, there are no exceptions." As a Chinese, how can you

    not Know how to store food!

    Especially when the number of residents increases in the future, the daily food consumption can reach a certain level. Although she can still buy it from outside, she is more used to self-sufficiency!

    Food, how can you rely on others.

    Simpson listened with a slight pity on his face, "With the number of your current residents, the food supply is more than enough!" "

    Many things in our food factory in our territory are made from food, and there will never be too much food. For the land above, my plan is all farmland, the more the better, the development needs of the territory." Gu Qing continued, so what if there is more than enough, for a developing territory, stockpiling is fundamental.

    She still remembered the three-year period, and she felt that it would definitely not be that simple for the system to allow her to build a city within three years.

    Because it's just such a main task, if you can leave after completing it, can it also mean the ultimate test of this world.

    She is not sure about these, so naturally she can only make some preparations one after another, and at the same time try her best to advance to the city within three years.

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