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Start a piece of land: I am doing infrastructure construction in another world


set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 91 091

    【090】 Gu Qing, a     sincere goblin clan , can clearly see the firmness on Chief Morgan's face through his face.

    Gu Qing felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

    The goblins have really grown up!

    She thought, would the goblin patriarch Morgan have said this a few months ago? No, he probably thought of running away with these goblins, far away.

    But now, they have more courage, the courage to fight against fate.

    It was unintentional to take these goblins in, but they did not expect that the accident gave them hope.

    Now, Gu Qing is really willing to help them, anyway, their goals don't conflict with hers, right?

    "Well, I got it!" Gu Qing looked at the goblin patriarch Morgan and responded lightly.

    Morgan, who heard this, felt relieved, and then said: "Then, my lord, can I go back and arrange for the new clansmen?" "

    Yes." Gu Qing responded.

    Afterwards, Morgan left, leaving only Gu Qing and Tang Ruiming.

    Only then did Gu Qing's attention fall on Tang Ruiming, "Talk while walking."

    Tang Ruiming heard this, followed Gu Qing step by step, and told her about their journey, especially about the newly joined goblin tribe.

    "The new goblin patriarch Clark is very vigilant, but he trusts the patriarch Morgan, so he is willing to go with us. We protect and take care of them along the way, and we have won the approval of most goblins, but he still treats us Be cautious, but if he finally trusts our territory, it will be good for the goblins, and it will be good for our territory."

    Most of the goblins themselves have low IQs, but they are unexpectedly united. A leader who can lead them can definitely exert a different power.

    Morgan was such a leader before, and so is Clark now.

    When there are more such leaders, it will definitely not be a one-plus-one bonus to the strength of the goblins.

    With the stable Qingyun Town as their base camp, the goblin clan will definitely gradually develop into a major force in the territory.

    Tang Ruiming had already foreseen it in his heart.

    However, Tang Ruiming didn't think there was anything bad about this emerging force in the future.

    The survivors of the earth

    came to this alien world, and their days were already quite miserable, but this goblin, as an aborigine, was even more miserable than them.

    If they themselves have the ability to change, how can they hinder it.

    Thinking of this, Tang Ruiming took a long breath.

    After so long, there are only a few thousand people in the territory, and there are only a few thousand survivors on Earth.

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