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Start a piece of land: I am doing infrastructure construction in another world


set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 311 311

    At this time, Gu Qing glanced in the direction of King Augustine with a premonition, and happened to see his thoughtful expression.

    After a pause in my heart, this His Majesty the king must have some small calculations in his heart again, right? It is very likely that they want to do something when Qingyun City attacks the goblin kingdom?

    The more she thinks about it, the more Gu Qing thinks it is possible. In her opinion, if Guodu didn't take part in the attack of the beastman kingdom, she would have looked at Guodu several times.

    At this time, King Augustine also noticed Gu Qing looking at him, paused, restrained the emotions on his face, and nodded slightly to Gu Qing.

    King sees king.

    Seeing the "communication" between Gu Qing and King Augustine, the eyes of some surrounding nobles unconsciously flickered.

    Many of them are waiting and watching!

    Waiting to see who is chosen between the two.

    Of course, in the bottom of their hearts, they prefer Gu Qingsheng, because in this way their interests can be maximized.

    Whoever wins and loses depends on the day.

    An invisible battle kicked off at the banquet.

    Of course, on the surface everyone is still kind.

    Even, King Augustine took the initiative to come before Gu Qing.

    "Will Marquis Gu Qing want to go back to Qingyun City after the banquet?" King Augustine asked proactively. He really didn't expect that even if Gu Qing was not in Qingyun City, Qingyun City would be able to make such a big move.

    Logically speaking, as the lord of Qingyun City, Gu Qing should go back!

    "Maybe we will stay in the capital for a while, the restructuring of the Colosseum is not over yet! At least we will not go back until it is completed." Gu Qing replied.

    King Augustine was surprised when he heard this, "Aren't you worried that Qingyun City will attack the Goblin Kingdom?" "

    There is nothing to worry about." Gu Qing said to himself.

    Seeing Gu Qing's full confidence, King Augustine said with a smile, "I'm afraid that accidents will happen accidentally." "It's okay to

    have accidents. In the face of absolute strength, all plots are false." Gu Qing said directly , staring straight at King Augustine.

    If it was just a guess just now, she is sure now.

    Listening to Gu Qing's words, King Augustine's expression froze for a moment. He could clearly feel the hint in Gu Qing's words, and also felt that he was being seen through.

    She was obviously just a young woman, but she gave him such a sense of threat.

    "Then just wait for the good news from Qingyun City." Finally, King Augustine said inexplicably.

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