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Start a piece of land: I am doing infrastructure construction in another world


set up

turn off the lights




161 Chapter 161

    [161] Aldridge, he's here [Second update]

    Listening to the other party's introduction, Xing Mingda subconsciously felt suspicious, wondering which force knew that Qingyun Town was behind him, so he came to collect news.

    After all, the fact that a group of people under him went to Qingyun Town is probably well known to the forces in Pasachus City. Want to dig some information within his internal range.

    Fortunately, whether it is the soldiers under his command or the earth survivors and refugees he took in, basically they only know about the existence of Qingyun Town, not the affairs of Qingyun Town, so he ignores it.

    Also at this moment, a soldier outside the door quickly walked in, glanced at Godwin, and then whispered something in Xing Mingda's ear.

    Xing Mingda's eyes changed in an instant, "Are you from the Renault organization???" The

    Renault organization, the largest organization of foreign survivors in Passahes City, all joined with purely western faces, and they would also join in all groups. The organizational structure is most like that of a cult.

    As a soldier, Xing Mingda hated that kind of style very much, but the other side's style is very popular with some survivors on the earth.

    The strong is king! Dominate everything!

    Let some powerful earth survivors continue to join this organization, which is also a kind of confidence of this organization.

    Xing Mingda really didn't expect the other party to be so courageous, blatantly letting people in to lie to him, thinking that the other party's status is not high and they don't know?

    Listening to Xing Mingda's questioning, Godwin paused, and then said helplessly: "I used to be a member of Renault's organization, and I was sent to Qingyun Town to do a task later. I have been successfully instigated, really!"

    " Then if you look for me like this, you won't be afraid of being known by Lei Nuo?" Xing Mingda still didn't believe it.

    If you are instigated against him, you should come to see him cautiously and beg to see him.

    "After Mr. Ji knew the characteristics of our forces, he asked me to go back and tell Lei Nuo that I had become a resident of Qingyun Town and won the victory. This time I won the mission and came back to find you, Mr. Xing. I was sneaking Go see Renault."

    Godwin explained patiently, he understood that it was normal for the other party to have such concerns.

    "When did you come to Pasachus City?" Xing Mingda raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

    "I arrived two days ago. There was a war in the territory a while ago, and I couldn't leave the territory. After the battle in the territory was over, I set off immediately, following the caravan from Qingyun Town." "Having said so much, what proof do you have

    ? "Xing Mingda said directly.

    Godwin hastily handed over a piece of paper, hey, it was full of letters, but he couldn't spell any of them, and he didn't know what the code word was.

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