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Start a piece of land: I am doing infrastructure construction in another world


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231 Chapter 231

    [231] Exploring Qingyun Town [Part 1]

    Regarding the communication between Gu Qing and Enoch, Aldrich and others who secretly followed Enoch quickly received the news.

    They paid attention to Enoch only because Ji Xiuwen kept him, but they didn't expect to have something to do with the lord of Qingyun Town later.

    "Count, I always feel that Enoch should be hiding secrets about Qingyun Town. First, the residents asked for a handshake, and then the lord of Qingyun Town met in person. I don't know what the two are talking about?" Daniel leaned on Aldrich Qi speculated beside him, with a little curiosity in his tone.

    Aldrich glanced at Daniel, and said lightly, "It doesn't seem to have much to do with us."

    Daniel choked for a moment, and said with a dry smile

    , "I'm just curious." You can cooperate with Qingyun Town, but others won’t allow it?” Aldridge sneered, “Do you want someone to inquire about the details of your transaction with Qingyun Town?” Daniel: “…” ——We’d better see it through or


    . …It was his fault that he wanted to curry favor with the heir unilaterally.

    Then he touched his nose and ended the topic tactfully.

    Seeing the atmosphere stiffen, Daniel's expression moved slightly, and he continued to speak: "By the way, Earl, this time I came to Qingyun Town, there seems to be a lot of orcs in Qingyun Town, and there are quite a few of them, including flying orcs. A few minutes before you came to Qingyun Town, a flying orc came back to report the news. The lord of Qingyun Town is really powerful, not to mention the goblins, but the orcs can subdue the orcs. Those flyers in the last auction probably used the orcs. !"

    Aldrich himself no longer paid attention to Daniel, but the topic of orcs did arouse his interest.

    He has been in Pasachus City, which is some distance away from Qingyun Town. Although he can still buy things in Qingyun Town as usual, the information lags behind a lot.

    Especially this time, he didn't know until he came that there was another race in Qingyun Town, and it was the vicious orcs.

    The change in Aldrich's expression was very inconspicuous, but Daniel still noticed the subtleties, and he already had a bottom line in his heart.

    This Earl of Aldrich is interested in orcs. It just so happens that because the two territories are relatively close, and he pays more attention to the information of Qingyun Town, he really knows a lot about orcs.

    However, rushing forward is not a good business. Daniel felt that he might be disgusted if he was too attentive, and his words had already been thrown out, just wait.

    "When did those orcs join Qingyun Town? What are they doing in Qingyun Town now?" Aldridge really asked.

    Daniel listened, smiled in his heart, and then organized his words before saying: "Not long after joining Qingyun Town, there were more than a hundred people who first came to Qingyun Town, but after they returned to their territory, they brought thousands of orcs. Then I settled down in Qingyun Town."

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