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Start a piece of land: I am doing infrastructure construction in another world


set up

turn off the lights




291 Chapter 291

    At this time, Gu Qing has been brought to a manor.

    At the grand gate, two rows of servants and the butler are already waiting.

    When they saw Gu Qing and the others, they bowed quickly one by one.

    "These are the servants who take care of the manor, and this manor is your gift." Crony, as the eldest prince of the royal family, looked at Gu Qing's lingering eyes, and immediately introduced it wittily.

    The moment he was called, he already knew the mission his father had entrusted to him.

    For Marquis Gu Qing, if he can marry her, then the future throne can be said to be secure.

    Under such circumstances, who can not be excited.

    So after Prince Crony spoke, the other princes looked at him with jealousy.

    As the eldest son of His Majesty the King and the first in line of succession, and his mother is also the legitimate queen, Crony has always been a high-profile prince.

    Not surprisingly, he is basically a certain future king.

    If he really married Gu Qing, the marquis, then there would be no surprises at all.

    Clooney ignored the jealousy of his brothers and continued to be courteous to Gu Qing.

    "Do you need me to accompany you on a stroll around the manor? There is also an underground wine cellar in front, which contains a lot of fine wine." "

    No need, thank you, I just want to take a good rest without being disturbed. "Gu Qing said politely, but the content already issued an order to evict customers.

    Croni's face froze slightly, obviously he didn't expect Gu Qing to show no face at all.

    In front of women, he has never dropped the chain! In the end, it didn't work in front of Gu Qing.

    Has he lost his charm?

    Gu Qing naturally saw Crony's stiff expression, but just pretended that he couldn't see it.

    Seeing this, Zhou Tingran at the side said to Gu Qing with great interest: "My lord, go and rest first! I'll check the situation of the manor for you." After finishing speaking, he looked

    at Crony, "His Highness Crony , do you want to go together?"

    Crony glanced at Zhou Tingran, his target was Gu Qing, what's the point of visiting the manor with Zhou Tingran.

    He knew that if he persisted, he might annoy Gu Qing, so after thinking about it, he wisely offered to leave.

    "Since Lord Marquis wants to rest, we won't bother you."

    The other princes represented: "..."

    They didn't have a chance to say a word during the whole process!

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