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Start a piece of land: I am doing infrastructure construction in another world


set up

turn off the lights




Chapter 331 331

    Looking at the unfamiliar surroundings, Patriarch Stephen couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, because everything was beyond their imagination.

    They knew that there were tall buildings in Qingyun City, but they didn't know that the buildings were so high that they seemed to grow to the sky.

    Is it really possible to live in such a high place?

    In addition, there is also their surrounding environment, which is very clean and bright. The road is a clean stone road, and there are bright street lights and neat trees on the side of the road.

    Everything is so beautiful.

    In such an environment, I always feel as if I am a little out of place.

    Patriarch Stephen is like this, and the other goblins are even more like this. Looking at the surrounding environment, their eyes seem to be a little bit hard to see.

    Patriarch Stephen looked directly at Adley and coughed lightly.

    Adeli understood instantly, and hurriedly said to Chief Stephen and the others: "This is the office center of our goblin clan. It is located in several goblin communities. For the convenience of our goblin clan, all the goblins work in it. We Wait here, someone will come over soon, it should be busy today."

    While Adley was talking, a goblin did rush over, "Sorry, I just left for something , I was supposed to stay here."

    "It's all right, thank you." Adley said hastily.

    "Which tribe are you from?" the goblin asked, taking out a notebook to register.

    At this time, Adley did not make the decision, but directly handed over the home game to his father, chief Steve Steve.

    He knew very well that his task was to quickly integrate his father into Qingyun City, and letting his father take the lead was the fastest way.

    Aware of Adeli's intentions, Chief Stephen did not refuse, and took the initiative to say: "Corunna Shuimiao Tribe."

    "Are you the patriarch? Name?"


    "Are you migrating the whole tribe or a small number of you?"

    "Is there any difference between the two?"

    "If the whole tribe is migrating, you will be concentrated and settled in the same building in a community here. If there are a large number of people, it is the two adjacent buildings. As for the small number of relocations, we will only settle you in the empty houses of other tribes." It is also written in the work records, and some tribes are likely to send the old goblins to act as pioneers.

    This is not just met.

    This goblin felt that it was better to choose the whole tribe to migrate, because no goblin could escape Qingyun City's True Fragrance Law, not a single one.

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