
6.5K 11 13


Slightly fluff or angst:

1'i've never stopped thinking about you,'

2 'they warned me about you, i should have listened,'

3 'im done waiting,'

4 'can i convince you to stay?'

5 'what happened back there, i know you arent telling the truth,'

6 'please tell me a part of it was real, a part of it was loving me back,'

7 i tried it, but no one could have saved you, and the worst part is i saw it coming and kept loving you,'

8 'can you stay? I dont want to be alone tonight,'

9 'you know its oke to cry,'

10 you need to leave, right now

11 'you lied to me!'

12 'you need to wake up, because i cant do this without you,'

13'you werent suposed to hear that,'

14 'you dont need to protect me,'

15 'you walked away, not me..'

16 'you're not alone


17 'i dont know your name, but if you tell me, i know what to scream,'

18 'come one, take off your damm shirt,'

19 'bend over,'

20 'at the end of the night, you wont be able to feel your legs,'

Drunk/ stupid:

21 'are you jelouse,'

22 'you are sleeping on the couch tonight,'

23 'drink this and dont argue with me,'

24 'you're voice sounds like stones scraping onto each other,'

25 'go. Take. A bloody. Shower. Now,'

26 ,'i didnt fall for you, you fucking tackled me and got send off,'

27 'i ussually dont break anything when i do it,'

28 'no way, i wasnt that drunk,'

29 i know that look, what do you want?'

30 you did what?'

31 'you'll be the death of me,'

32 you really think this is a smart idea?' ' . Nope,'
'good, i'd be concerned if you did,'

33 'i feel like you are far too happy right now,'

34'in my defence, i was left unsupervised,'

35 Please be quiet, i cant eve hear myself losing the will to live,'

36'its best not to mention what happened the last time,''

One of then being sick:
37 ' do you even realise how pale you are?'

38 'no, you're not fine, you need help,'

39 ' i havent slept in days,'

40 'when is the last time you ate?'

41 'i need to clean you up first,'

42 'i cant stand seeing you in so much pain,'

43 ' stop making me laugh, my stomach hurts,'

44 ' you're so cute when you are sick and needy,'

45 'im going to fix you up alright,'

46 'i know it hurts,'

47 'no, its not cold, give me the blankets,'

48 'your stitch ripped,'

49 i feel so cold,'

50 'go to sleep, you'll feel better in the morning,'

51 'i'm so in love with you,'

52,  'dance with me,'

53 'isnt this amazing?'

54'i wish we could stay like this forever

55 'will you marry me?'

56 'i'm pregnant,'

57 'i need a hug,'

58 'you are special to me,'

59 'do you trust me?'

60 'can i kiss you right know?'

61 'You're cute when you're angry,'

62 'i have liked you for a while now,'

63 'lets have a baby,'

64 we'd make such a cute couple,'

65 'i want to take care of you,'

66 'can we cuddle?'

67 'its lonley here without you,'

68 'i cant stand the thought of loosing you,'

69 'is that my shirt?'

70 'how did we get here?'

71 i love you too much to leave you like this,'

72 'nothing is going to happen with me taking care of you, alright?'

73 you made this, for me?'

74 'i dont want to forget this moment,'

75 'please promise you wont do that again'

76'excuse me, but who ever stood you up is a jerk,''

77'you're safe now, i've got you,'

78'i'll always choose you


Enemies to lovers
Friends to lovers
Strangers to friends to lovers
Soulmate au

note: i wont make any of the players the bad guys,i will make other characters for that 

request anything you like, but please bare with me, as my first language isnt english

the players i have the best motivation to write for:

L.B (lucy bronze)

K.W (keira walsh)

L.W (leah willliamson)

J.N (jordan nobbs)

V.M (vivianne miedema)

B.M (beth mead)

I. E (ingrid engen)

M.L (mapi leon)

(basicly the netherland, spain and england team, not everyone tho)

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