not enough

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Pairing: lucy bronze x keira walsh x r

Warnings: fear of coming out, miscomunication, unwanted attention, angst, fluff ending with light mentioning of smut. Mapi and alexia being very supportive, alcohol. Fear of breaking up

Words: 2 k

Not completly spell checked

'My loves?' I try to get lucy and keira's attention as they were looking at a screen.

I try hugging lucy only to get pushed away by the english woman,

Only to now notice that they were on a video- call with some interviewers,

I know they didnt want our relationship out to the public, but it still stung everytime they pushed me away in public.

I had met keira and lucy at my first barcelona camp at 22, and after a lot of flirting and trying to convince them that the age gap didnt matter, they took me in to their relationship and we became a throuple.

They had already come out before our relationship, like 6 months ago, and due to that being a big step, we had decided to wait for the right time.

I could feel narla curl up in my lap as i try to keep myself together,

'Y/n,' lucy calls out, she didnt sound mad, but it wasnt peacefull or friendly either.

'Yes,' i try not to sound nervous as the footsteps come closer, narla softly growling.

'Why did you do that? You know we arent comfterball with going public yet,' i try not to look up in those gazing eyes which were now filled with dissapointment.

'I'm sorry, i know you dont want to go public yet, but i didn know you had an interview, ' i try to defend, lucy rubs her forhead,

'We were lucky the interviewer didnt ask any difficult questions, but our teammates will,' lucy starts pacing around while keira softly squeezes my shoulder, wanting to comfort me, telling me it was going to be alright.

'We could find some excuses, im sorry for being mad at you, i shouldnt have been, ' lucy whispers before pulling me up, narla huffing offended as she had to move off my lap.

the rest off the time was spent holding each other on the couch while both keira and lucy kept whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

Me not knowing that lucy was overthinking about our relationship, about how she wanted to protect me from the hate she had seen by one off their ship edits, that she and keira where to old for me.

The next day

'Come on y/n/n, let me take you on one date, please,' i sigh frustrated as mapi asks this question for what seemed to be the hundreth time, i shake my head, somwhere feeling bad for having to reject her again, she nods, a sad smile plastered on her face.

'Am i still allowed to flirt with you, friendly then of course?' I nod, finding it funny how hard the taller woman tried.

I suddenly see mapi gulp before stepping a bit away from me, i turn around, only to see lucy already looking back at me, a weird look in her eyes.

'I will talk to you later y/n/n,' she quickly hugs me before walking over to a few other girls, including alexia who was looking at her with pitty.

'What was that?' Keira whispers in my ear, i flinch as i hadnt noticed her standing there,

'What was what?' I detected the same look in her eyes as lucy just had.

'Oh my god, you are jelouse,' i conclude, a slight blush takes over her features.

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