[Ch. 1]

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"So... this is my room?" I asked as Kronos opened the door for me. He smiled softly.

"Yes," he murmured. "The center of the fortress on the highest floor."

"And yours would be...?"

"Right next to yours, Jamie," he said, touching my hand.

 I looked back at the cool room I've got.

"You've known what's my favorite color?" I asked curiously.

"Jamie, keep remembering that I'm not a mortal," he growled out, but it was soft near my ear.

"Oh... so you looked into my mind?" I asked as his glowing gold eyes studied me.

 He smirked at last. "What do you think?"

"Awesome. Terrific. Perfect. All of those things above." I murmured, gazing into his cold, golden eyes. They blinked gratefully.

"Want to come into mine?" He asked.

 I nodded, and he led me to his own room by snapping his fingers. It was a complete darkness, since Kronos didn't turn on the light. I was standing awkwardly near the door until Kronos' arm coiled around my waist. I yelped a little bit. But when I saw his malicious gleam in his eyes and the way his lips twitched, I sighed softly.

 Golden eyes locked with my eyes. Then he said, "I really love you."

"Why not?" I asked. "You say that every time you meet me."

"Because I really do," he said.

 We stood like that for minutes, without talking a bit. At last, he rolled his eyes and turned on the light. It took some seconds to adjust in the light, but when it was all done, I could just see that Kronos was towering over me. With a triumphant grin in his face.

 He then threw himself on his black bed, and because I wanted to do something, I threw myself over him. He chuckled, and ruffled my hair.

"Kronos..." I murmured, feeling comfortable in his arms.

"Hmm?" He asked.

"I don't want to let go of you... ever," I said, leaning on him even after he made me stand.

"But... we have a war in front of us," he muttered. "We can't just..."

"I know," I murmured, gazing into those piercing but concerned golden eyes. "It's okay."

"Jamie, I know it's not a time to talk about things that would come, like years later, but when this war ends, I promise that I would let you do whatever you want."

"Promise?" I asked.

"It's a promise, between you and me," he reassured.

 As he walked toward the door, signaling at me to follow him, I did, and we both knew that harder tasks lied upon us. This was only the start.

Issue #06. Helps From A Nice FriendWhere stories live. Discover now