[Ch. 8]

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 Listening to my boyfriend's voice ringing inside my head, I took each step carefully and made some defend moves. There were no thing like hesitating a moment to kill the monster or not. If I miss one beat, it would charge into the fortress, and we'll be dead by my 'little' mistake.

 Kronos? I asked.


Can you please bring Vikkie? You know, I'd like to fight with her instead of being alone in the left side of this fortress.

He seemed to think about that for a moment. Okay.

 A familiar golden light appeared right next to me. Yeah. HERE COMES VIKKIE!!

"Jamie?!" She asked as soon as the light went down. "What? Why am I here?"

"Uhh... we were having trouble with those bad guys over there..." I said as I pointed at the monsters. "And here I thought you would help me get rid of them as quickly as we can."

"I can, of course, but... I have this queesy feeling that the battle won't be ending like us winning over the hellhounds. I think the guys up there will fight us after we finish off the 'toys' they had summoned... Well, let's not think of that for this very moment."

 She looked at sideways, and when she found her 'prey', she jumped in, and sliced the poor guy with her sharp sword. But she was still amazing.

"You think that Percy is quite distracted, don't you?" Vikkie asked me.

"Quite a little," I replied. "I had to yell at him to get his attention back."

"Please don't say that he still hates Lord Kronos..." She said, sighing. "You know, he wasn't always like that. I mean, the Titan Lord was not always training himself when he had some spare time."


 She ducked the flying attack from the army of Cyclops. She hissed and attacked again. For few moments, she didn't have time to talk to me, but when she found out that she had killed all the monsters rushing toward us, she turned back to me.

"He always thought of a plan to tip the balance over the Olympians. He was always scribbling something about conquering and things like that."

"Typical Kronos," I muttered. "He's my boyfriend, but I still can't understand him."

"Yeah, Lord Kronos is a typical psycho-"

"SO THIS MIGHT BE THE LAST DAY OF YOUR LIFE, KRONOS!!" Some loud booming voice interrupted Vikkie from saying something more. And I instantly knew that this guy was the villain in our series of stories.

"Do you think so?" Kronos' voice rang out in the air, loud enough for everyone to hear it. There was no emotion there, but I knew that he was hardly containing his laughter. He knew that Zeus was no match to him... but he claimed that he had lost more than half of his previous power. What could he do when Zeus kills him...?

"Let's find out," Kronos shouted. "I don't care what you say... because I've got something you don't have."


"I have my girlfriend," Kronos murmured. "And she's the real reason I'm fighting for."

 I blushed at his comment. He really likes to call me his girlfriend. Yeah, not that I hate that...


 Oh, here comes the Drama Queen. But we have our mastermind here - Kronos.

"I don't die," Kronos said slowly in a low voice. "Because I've got strategy at my side."

 He then looked at the god straight in the eye. My (most awesome) boyfriend smirked before shouting.

"ATTACK, CAMPERS!" Kronos shouted, and we moved along to his calls. "LEFT! RIGHT! Yeah guys you got it! ONE MORE TIME!"

 Oh, Kronos, you're such a good friend at good times.

Issue #06. Helps From A Nice FriendWhere stories live. Discover now