Not Much

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"You're okay! You're okay, don't worry!" Dr. Singh held a pink container in front of Violet as she gagged, Maya coming back into the room with a small cup and a few napkins as she sat next to Violet, rubbing her back.

"Do you want some water?"
Violet shook her head, coughing as she vomited.
Maya put her hand on her shoulder, wiping the area around her mouth with a napkin.
"Are you sure you don't want us to get one of your friends?"

Violet leaned forward again, vomiting as she burst into tears and spoke in between coughs. "C-can you get Clarke?"

Dr. Singh nodded, looking at Maya as she stood up, leaving the glass of water on the small table near her.

"I'm sorry, I know this sucks."
"Does he, does Laurence scare you?"
"He's awful. He hit me earlier, I don't know why I passed out though."
"I think you had a panic attack darling."
"I've never had one before."
"It happens to the best of us. So, you said that he hit you? Where?"
"He slapped me when I first got here," Violet motioned towards her face."
"I'll take care of it, okay?"
Violet nodded, sitting up a little as she reached for the glass of water, her hands shaking so much that it spilled on the sheets.

"Here, let me see it."
Dr. Singh took the cup, moving the straw to face Violet as she took a few sips and pushed the cup away from her gently. "Do you want to try to eat a few crackers? Or some toast?" 
"Crackers." She spoke quietly.
"Alright, just sit tight."
She stood up, setting the cup down on the table and having Violet hold onto the container.
She walked a little ways away from Violets bed, opening a tall wooden door to a small supply room, with many filing cabinets and containers. 

She pulled one open, rummaging through a few pill containers until she found one and shook out one pill and held it in the palm of her hand.

She put one of the pills in her hand, putting the container back as she opened another drawer and took a package of crackers out.

"Alright, these should help you too."
"Try some crackers too."
Violet shook her head, "I don't like crackers."
"Just try one, they aren't too much."

She sighed, holding her hand out as Dr. Singh opened the package as she placed a few in her hand.
"Look, they're just saltines okay?" She took one from the package, eating it to show her that it was safe.
Violet nodded as she took a small bite.
"When you finish eating those we'll see if you can take a pill too okay?" She nodded, biting into the cracker as the door slammed open, hitting the wall as both her and Dr. Singh jumped.

"Dr. Singh! It's Clarke, she tried to kill herself!"
Violet started to stand up, stopping as Dr. Singh put her hand out. "No! No, no let us take care of Clarke!"
She nodded, watching as Maya carried her over to the bed across from Violet.

It took awhile for Dr. Singh and Maya to take care of Clarke.

"She'll be okay, Violet." Dr. Singh spoke quietly, explaining what had happened as she stood in front of Violets bed, her elbows resting on the end of the bed.
"She hurt herself pretty badly."
"She cut her wrists, didn't she?"
"How d-"
"I know about it. Why did she try to kill herself?"
"I-I don't know sweetie. I wish I did, but for now just get some sleep, okay?"

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