Bodyguard of Lies (Part Three)

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"It'd sure be nice to have some sign that we're not just marching to our death."

"We're not." Jaha spoke.

"Hey! Tell me if you know this one!"

"Not again, please." Murphy groaned.
Violet sighed to herself, tired of the terrible jokes.
"A Grounder and a Reaper walk into a bar. Bartender looks at the grounder, he says; 'we dont serve your kind around here.' The reaper gets up and leaves." He chuckled, "You get it? Reapers eat Grounders!"

"I will take Jaha's staff and beat you to death with it." Murphy grumbled.

"John." Jaha raised his voice just enough to get John's attention.

"Or this one! An Arker, a Grounder, and a Mountain Man walk into a bar. Arker says, 'I'll take some moonshine.' Grounder says, 'I'll take some too.'
The Mountain Man, he says-!"

He stopped talking, as something knocked every single one of them off their feet, tossing Violet nearly ten feet from where they were as her ears rang violently. She groaned, sitting up carefully as she watched one of the girls they were traveling with cry out, backing away from something as the same explosion that tossed Violet, happened again, killing the girl instantly as Violet covered her ears.

"NOBODY MOVE!" Jaha yelled, "We're in the middle of a minefield."

"V-Violet!" Murphy called out, turning his head till he saw her, "D-Don't move! Stay there!"

Violet nodded, tears starting to cloud her vision as she looked at her hands and arms and saw how disheveled she was. She had blood covering her that wasn't hers, and if it was, she couldn't tell where she was hurt.
She wiped the blood off of her face with her hands, watching as the group kept as still as possible in the sand field. "Anybody else need a sign?" Murphy groaned.

They sat in their positions for hours, as a dust storm blew over them and covered them head to toe, all taking cover in their clothes, covering their faces as much as possible.

"It's clearing."

Violet looked up, pulling her shirt off her face and watching carefully as the others stood up with the most painful slowness she had seen. "There, we have the sunlight. And no footprints! The sand, it blows." Murphy groaned.

"Do you see that?" Jaha asked, looking out towards horizon, above a sand ridge was a glistening, colorful borealis- reflecting off of something.

"Emori was telling the truth." Murphy mumbled.

"We are so close. You want a sign? There it is! We must push through." Jaha spoke, attempting to enlighten them.

"Yeah, what about the mines?"

"We were meant to be here, John. These mines are just another test of our faith."

"Yeah, well, I was always crap at tests.. so, please, after you chancellor."

"If I were in school, I'd for sure fail any reading test." Violet thought.

Violet stood shakily, waiting for instructions as her head pounded, and her chest burned from the hot air.

Jaha pushed his staff around the sand, clearing himself a mine free path as Murphy and the others, Violet included, took slow ample steps behind each other, following Murphy and Jaha.

"That's four mines down, Jaha. Infinity to go."
"We will make it, John."
"I can't do this anymore!" Richards complained.
"Calm down, Richards."

"Who do you think it is anyway? They must have power." Murphy spoke, trying to distract himself and the others from the current situation. "A shower would be nice right about now. Wash off the rest of Harris."
"Sienna, said it's a place where everyone is welcome."

"I can't take this anymore, it's right there!" Richards snapped as he took off, running through the sand.
"Richards, stop!" Murphy yelled after him, freezing in his spot. "Richards, don't!" Jaha yelled, chasing after him as he tackled him down, both of them landing hardly a foot away from an exposed mine.

They began following the path Richards took, avoiding the mine, and then following Jaha as he used his staff to expose any other mines in the area.
Violets head was throbbing, and she so desperately wanted to turn back and go home.

"We can do this." Jaha whispered, coming across a half buried sign post from centuries ago, reading "WARNING! MINES!"

"Another test passed. We made it. Come on!"

Murphy grabbed Violets hand, pulling her along with him and the others up a steep sandy hill, all of them panting as they got to the top.

Violet smiled, expecting a large city only to find a barren area of old metal scraps and remote nothingness.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" Murphy yelled.

Violets smile quickly faded as she suddenly became aware of how tired she was and how increasing ill she was. "No, no. This can't be." Jaha spoke, walking towards the metal scraps.

"This is a joke." Murphy grumbled, inspecting metal, turning out to be solar panels.
"It doesn't make any sense. The rest of the world is broken, but these panels are intact."

"John!" Jaha raised his voice as Murphy picked up a rock, tossing it at a panel and cracking the glass.

Violet screamed, ducking down as a drone of some sort launched off the panel, buzzing ferociously and inspecting her face before flying off.

"What the hell is that?"
"A drone! Don't lose sight of it, follow it!"

The group ran after the drone following it until it hit a body of water.

It led them straight to a small boat, equipped with oars. "Where is it going?" Murphy exhaled.

"I don't know, but we're gonna follow it in this!" Jaha climbed into the boat, waiting for the others.

"Tell me, what level is too much for you? I'm just curious." Murphy sighed in exasperation.

"We need a boat and a boat appears. This is our destiny. The City of Light is out there and we are going to find it! Now get in the boat!"

"You heard the man," Murphy put his hands under Violets shoulders, lifting her into the boat as the others followed, and Murphy pushed it off the sand bar before climbing in, "let's do this."

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