Freyja x Uhtred (PART 2)

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(So long but SO worth it)

A few weeks later...


"The once proud and brave, Earl Guthrum", Sigefrid shouted from his high horse to the thousands of men surrounding us, "He now calls himself a Christian!" When we all erupted in laughter, he continued, "He now calls himself King Aethelstan, but he's nothing but Alfred's hound, and he shamed us all!"

Boltan began barking next to me, causing me to laugh softly. I looked around at all the men, a part of me hoping to see a certain face in the crowd, though I knew that it was useless to believe he would be here.

"After the battle is won, you should lie with me." Boltan grabbed lightly onto my arm, pulling me close to him.

"If you are lucky." I responded playfully.

When I first left Uhtred, I was happy to finally have the freedom to go where I wished, use my mind in ways that I had not been able to in years. But now I yearn to see him. Or touch him. I could not even think of being with another man. Yet I also knew that I needed a man to survive. He will have to do.

Erik and I shared a glance as Sigefrid continued his speech, "He has shamed every warrior that has gone before us! He has shamed the gods! And the gods call upon every man gathered here today to avenge them! And avenge them we will!" He waited for the men to quiet before finishing, "By sunrise tomorrow, Lundene and all of its riches shall be yours!" Sigefrid turned to me quickly, flashing a smile. "Believe me when I tell you, the gods are with us!"

As Sigefrid repeated the mantra, the cheers and shouts became almost deafening. Being gone for so many years, it would take me some time to get used to it. But thinking on that made me feel homesick, as a part of me itched to be back behind the walls of Coccham, the small town that I had grown to despise the walls of. Now I was beginning to miss it more than ever.

No turning back now.

That night...


Erik, Sigefrid and I sat inside a church, exhausted from the day, however, Erik seemed not able to enjoy the victory, as he had begun pacing for several minutes.

"What troubles you, brother?" Sigefrid finally asked.

"Uhtred, he doubts the dead man." Erik replied, taking a few steps towards us.

Suddenly I was confused. "What dead man? What does Uhtred have to do with a dead man?"

"We sent Uhtred to see Bjorn. We hoped it would convince him to join us." Erik groaned, knowing exactly what I was going to say.

"This was not part of the plan!"

Erik sighed, rubbing at the sides of his face, "Freyja, enough. We made this plan before we had you return to us."

"Of course, he would know it is a lie!" I shouted angrily. "Why did you not confide to me in this? He will think this was my plan from the beginning!"

"Careful Sister, you sound as if you care for him still." Sigefrid said slowly before turning to Erik, "You believe he knows it to be a trick?"

"Yes. Maybe." He stared into the fire unblinking. "We should have approached him man-on-man, with honor."

"You don't know though." They shared a small laugh between them, but I was not so amused. Only an idiot would believe the rising of a dead man. Uhtred was no fool by any means.

"No." Erik sighed.

Suddenly Sigefrid groaned, grasping at his amputated arm. Erik sat beside him, helping him remove the armor he had wrapped around it. I hadn't seen his hand uncovered since I saw it when it was first removed by Uhtred himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2023 ⏰

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