Liia x Sihtric

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Another long one, buckle up!


"Open the gates!"

The guards on the ramparts beckoned to the keeper of the gate, alerting those nearby someone was approaching.

A team of horses vastly approached the gate, racing across the field in a matter of seconds. The riders halted in the clearing of the fortress, hopping off of their horses.

"Lord!" The man, Scallion, halted his master from retreating.

"What?" Lord Aelfric groaned as he was not getting the peace he desired. He had hoped for a successful meeting with the Danes to get his nephew, Uhtred, back but instead he returned empty handed, and with more anger than when he had learned he was still alive.

"Now that Osbert is with the Danes, what are we to do?" Scallion asked cautiously; he knew his Lord was not as temperate as usual. "Do you wish me to go after him?"

Aelfric stopped to think. Yes, he wanted his nephew dead, but being cast to the Danes might just have been his death sentence. However, even with the possibility of death, he could very much live and come back once he has grown.

"Not yet. We shall leave him to the mercy of the Danes. With any luck he will perish; but if your assistance is needed I will summon you." Aelfric motioned for his counterpart to follow him as he made his way through the square and up to the throne room.

Scallion nodded respectfully as his Lord sat on his throne, "And what of the girl, Lord? Your brother's youngest, Liia. Should we dispose of her? Get rid of the remaining heir."

Aelfric shook his head, "I think not. She could be useful for an alliance when she is of age."

"With respect, Lord, I'm afraid that you don't have authority in who she marries."

"In the wake of Uhtred's death, I am the Lord, I am her guardian—"

"The mother is guardian unless sickness or death occurs." Scallion objected.

After a moment of silence Aelfric stood and approached him, "Then kill the mother. The girl is to be my daughter henceforth." As his man proceeded to leave him to peace, Aelfric stopped him, grabbing onto the collar of his clothes, "These words do not leave this room, nor your mouth."

"As you wish, Lord."


Many years later...

"Open the gates!"

My father's voice and thunderous shouting startled me from my bedroom. Quickly, I ran out into the ramparts, making my way over to the front of the fortress.

My blood ran cold as I saw our dwindled army being chased by an army of Scots. They were advancing quickly and I didn't know if they would even have time to open and close the gates.

"Open the gates!" Father repeated, using all of his energy to sprint through the field.

"Open the gates!" I shouted to the nearest soldier.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I saw my father reach into the clearing of the fortress. He rushed up to where I stood and I embraced him, thankful that he had made it safely. We watched in dismay as the Scots slaughtered the few soldiers who didn't make it within the gates in time. I held onto father tighter, burying my head into his chest when I saw some of the men being beheaded.

I screamed as several of the heads were thrown up onto the rampart. Then, almost as fast as they had arrived, the men retreated, leaving silence in their wake as my father, his advisor, Aidan, and I looked down at the blood bath.

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