Freyja x Uhtred (PART 1)

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This one ends on a cliffhanger of sorts, so be prepared 🤔 Anyways, enjoy another long one! ♥️


I listened to the men's raucous cheering as I finished readying my horse for travel. They were thirsty for battle, it was clear.

As the men continued, I sat down on a small stump next to my horse and began a final check through my bag to make sure I had everything. When I glanced up, I saw my brother, Sigefrid, making his way over.

Unfortunately, someone ran into him as he closed in, and when I realized it was a priest I sighed. There was no doubt in my mind Sigefrid would beat this man to death before we left. He would not allow anything to tarnish his mood, and maybe some blood spill would keep his spirits up.

"Forgive me, Lord", the priest apologized quickly, but Sigefrid grabbed him by the face roughly, "Please, Lord." He begged. "May the gods protect you on your quest."

That must have angered Sigefrid because he pulled the man closer in an act of intimidation. "What do you know about my gods?" He asked angrily.

"Nothing, Lord. I meant no insult." The priest replied quietly.

I turned as I heard footsteps and saw my other brother, Erik, heading over to me. When he reached me I pointed over to Sigefrid and the priest. He and I shared a smirk before he patted my back and headed over to stop them.

"Sigefrid, leave him, he's just a priest." Erik said calmly. Always the voice of reason that one. "Come on brother", he grabbed Sigefrid's shoulder, "We have Scots to kill."

Erik pulled Sigefrid away before walking back over to his horse to ready. I watched as Sigefrid stared the priest down before suddenly head butting him. A laugh escaped my lips and I quickly tried to hide it, but when he saw me failing to hide my smirk he winked at me.

"Erik." A voice said. I turned to see my brothers' second in command, Haesten. The man made my skin crawl.

Erik lead him a few feet away to give him a quick pep talk. "The city we leave in your hands, it is ours, it must remain ours."

"I will ensure it." Haesten replies respectfully.

Erik stopped him as he tried to walk free, "You have enough men. Keep them sober, and do not kill for the fun of it."

Where's the fun in that?

"No, Lord." Haesten said. "You do me a great honor, Lord."


"Though I wish I was going with you." Haesten added.

Erik and Haesten said their farewells and Erik headed a few horses ahead of me to talk to the scouts we'd be sending ahead. I stood up and began strapping my bag to the saddle when I noticed Haesten walking over.

"You should remain here with me, Freyja." He said smugly. "Alba is not a place for a lady." I turned to him, leaving one of my hands on the saddle and shot him a look that only seemed to amuse him more. "We can keep warm in my chambers, rather than you shivering in a tent with your skinny bastard."

I let out a laugh, "I'd rather freeze."

He blocked me as I tried to walk past him, "Do not be foolish, you could very well die beyond these walls." I watched him cautiously as he took steps towards me. "Stay here, where I can watch over you."

Before I could respond I heard a voice from behind me.

"Haesten." The voice said deeply. I turned to see my man, Eske. "Do not force me to make a show of you." He warned, leaning down to get into his face. "I would enjoy wetting my sword before we even depart." Haesten shot me glare before walking off.

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