Ailsa x Osferth

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Ailsa x Osferth


I dodged the sword coming at me, it barreling towards me almost faster than I could think. With luck, I got out of the way in time and rolled to a few feet away. Holding onto my sword with both hands, I used it to block my opponent's attempt to hit me. Harnessing all of my strength, I pushed back against him, sending them backwards.

We stared each other down and both of us were panting from the fight. I was waiting for him to make a move first, but it seemed that he was waiting for me to make one.

Against my better judgement, I lunged first, swinging down my sword against my opponent. Unfortunately, it left me wide open and I felt the sword hit me in the chest.

Sighing in defeat, I dropped my sword, "It's not fair."

A laugh escaped my brother's lips as he sheathed his sword, "I told you not to leave yourself open." I huffed in annoyance before making my way to our small house nearby.

"I'll win one of these days." I warned playfully.

"I'd like to see you try."


After cleaning up from the fight, I joined my brother, Edwyn, and sister, Edlynne; the twins, and my mother's favorites without a doubt.

To her I was the accident child that drove my father away because I was so unloved and angry. In reality, I was only that way because I never received the treatment my siblings did. Even today, with both parents dead, I still held a grudge against them for how they treated me. Luckily, that grudge doesn't extend to my siblings.

"So, what did you make?" I asked as I sat down at our small table. The aroma coming from the iron pot was heavenly.

"Stew. I added pork from the leftover pig scraps." Edlynne sat across from me, filling her cup with water from the pitcher.

"My favorite." Edwyn added before helping himself.

"You say that about everything I make." Edlynne said through a laugh.

As we ate, Edlynne shared to us she was expecting a child with her husband. Tonight he was away, but most nights he is here with us. Edwyn seemed happy too, though expressed he was worried about childbirth, considering his wife had died from it just a few years ago.

As we finished, I turned my head towards the door when I heard a faint sound. "Do you hear that?"

I stood up and made my way over to the window, pushing back the thin curtain. The second I pulled the curtains away, the screaming intensified and I saw Danes attacking the villagers nearby. The men were being slaughtered and women tied together to a lengthy rope. Immediately I dropped to my knees and put my back to the wall.

"What is it?" Edwyn asked as he stood from his chair.

"Danes." I whispered. We all shared a panicked look and I quickly rushed to my feet, pushing Edlynne into her room. "You must hide. They're taking the women."

"Ailsa, we need to run, not hide!" Edlynne pushed back at me. "They will check every house!"

"Come on!" Edwyn stood at the door, sword in hand. As I rushed to him, I grabbed mine as well. "Edlynne, you do not know how to wield. Stay behind us. If we are attacked, you must run and save yourself. We will distract them."

"I will not leave you." She replied sadly.

"Edlynne, you must!" I was in no mood to argue. "For the sake of your child, you must run if we are stopped."

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