Eira x Finan

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Super long but so so so worth it you guys! Enjoy ♥️


I wasn't expecting my mother to wake me before
sunrise, and without warning I was yanked from my bed and tossed onto the floor.

"Get up, girl. You've got a job to do today."

I groaned in both exhaustion and confusion, "A job?"

She pulled me up off of the floor, pushing me towards where I keep my clothes, "There must have been an incident with the boat due to the storm last night; your father and brothers are busy repairing it", she sighed, "In their absence, you will feed the hogs, and the slaves."

I stopped and turned to her, "You wish for me to feed the slaves?"

"Must I repeat myself?" Her voice grew in volume and I knew it meant her patience was waning. I decided not to push it.

"No, mother." I said quietly.

She nodded and retreated for the door, "Wash up and head over. Your brothers will tell you what needs to be done."

When she was gone I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. Never had my father asked me to do this job before. He has never taken kindly to me to show me the ways of his work, and I was unaware of what I had to do.

I then decided to ready now and ask questions later.


I made my way out of the house with the small amount of breakfast I was able to eat before being rushed out by my mother.

It was a freezing morning and the sun had barely reached over the horizon as I walked over to where my brothers were hard at work. When they heard footsteps, they turned to see who it was.

"Early morning?" Lael asked sarcastically, a sardonic smile on his face.

I frowned at him, crossing my arms over my chest. Lael and Aksel shared a laugh before finally stopping their work to attend to me.

Aksel grabbed a bucket of arranged fruits and bread, tossing it to me. I barely managed to catch it and several pieces of the bread fell to the ground. Quickly, I scrambled to collect them all back into the bucket.

"Dump half into the hogs pen and half with the slaves", Aksel grimaced at what was in the bucket but laughed as he walked back over to his spot on the dock, "And watch your hands."

I groaned at the two of them before once again heading off towards the small shed a few yards away. The shed was a sight compared to the rest of the property. Much of our land was built with expensive and beautiful materials but close by sat the small wooden shack that sticks out and seemed off putting.

Before I had even made it halfway through the field, I heard my father, Sverri, shout to me. I turned just as he made it up to me.

"Eira, you feed the hogs first. Three times a day. Slaves get fed once, and do not talk to them. You understand?" He asked sternly.

"Why do the slaves only get fed once?" I replied curiously.

"Yes, Father." He says; and with that he walked off towards my brothers on the dock.

"Yes, Father." I repeated before I let out another sigh and turned back towards the shed, making sure not to drop the now heavy bucket.

I finally made it to the door but I was struggling to hold up the bucket and decided to drag it behind me. Silently, I pushed my way into the small room and came face to face with the group of emaciated men. The smell inside immediately churned my stomach but I refrained from showing emotion, turning to the pigs and dumping half of the bucket portions into the pen before looking to the slaves.

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